Apr 28, 2003 16:12
I will commence where all good things start to fall part. The beginning.
In the beginning was the word, & the word was birthday.
I here by publicly state, I’m sorry for any & every mistake & foible. I apologise for the acts of inebriated stupidity, madness, decadence & base debauched lunacy that took place on the weekend of the 19. I had a brilliant time. Thank you all who made it a truly wonderful birthday.
A VERY special thank you to Paul & Sarah, I give you both The Bloor Award™, for outstanding achievement in the face of a depraved Geoff, for your efforts in raising the bar, being there when I hit bottom & loving me enough to give me sparkles on my birthday.
To Taryn & Hamish (I can never begin to say how much I love & how thankful I am to you both), Debs (Diolch Yn Fawr ac dacw dim gallu Cymru ond Ysmygu. I don’t think it’s right but it took me ages to translate & your present is being put to VERY good use*), Dave (Thank you for helping me get more squiffy than ever before. As always it was a pleasure & a privilege. Oh & Yoghurt the new food of the gods), Alex (For being there, supplying more beer than imaginable & for being you), Faye & Dion (What can I say but “Ya get me tho” & thank you both).
To Phill, Targ, Emma, Matt & all you other wonderful people who took the time on my birthday to come & see, talk & put up with me. Thank you so much.
If I haven’t mention you then I am so sorry**
It begins with a quiet?!?! Friday, a stressful Saturday daytime. Then on to Deb’s & the start of the celebrations, where much beer was drunk, much was smoked & people descended to catch me before I got too out of it.
We exodus to ‘Fear & Loathing In Slimelight’. Enough said.
… Sparkles! …
Then onto Sarah’s where ‘Fear & Loathing in Finsbury Park’ took place.
… More sparkles! …
Lophophora Williamsii, Mother Nature knew she was doing…
This week & weekend were all about recovery & Natbombat’s Birthday. Hope it when brilliantly at slimes for you. I slept & shorted my head out.
But unfortunately this tale draws to a close with an unhappy ending, well for me anyway.
To S & B I hope the future holds all that you want it be.
Ta Tar for now. I'm going to hide in a hole until the world goes away.
* He says trying to focus on the screen, oh yes I forgot to put on my glasses ;O)
** But if you know me then you’ll understand when I say that I didn’t even know who I was.