Of Money, Taxes, and Doujinshis

Mar 22, 2008 02:24

Fuck, I was supposed to be working on those doujins for the hitman_reborn comm like LAST friday but I was being lazy and when I was up for it, I got an attack of the tension headaches again.

;_; Will I ever be healthy again? (Yeah, I suffered a REALLLLLLY bad case of tension headaches in January that I was bed-ridden for a week.) Dammit another trip to the doctor I go.

But in (moar) Reborn news,


I MUST GET. I was composing a list of Reborn anthologies I'm planning to get as a motivation to find a fucking job (why? Oh why, the US has to be in a recession? Motherfucking dammit!) on Asahiya's Japanese website when I came across this. I was getting it SOLELY for the beautiful Peko cover. I was hoping it would be a D18 anthology and it was pretty confirmed it was when I got last month's Comic Box Junior (which is an awesome anthology magazine, especially Reborn is getting the spotlight lately and there I got Megane Drug's Over the Rainbow. It also has a HUEG reference book for doujin circles for upcoming events) and I went completely batshit. I'm hoping against ALL hope that Asahiya would come though for me with this and this, fuck the D.Gray-man doujin anthology with Kanda/Allen on the cover (and by Meiji Chimera, my favorite KanAre doujinka at that), fuck the new 5927 I want, fuck, fuck, fuck.

... Okay, I still want those anthologies too, but not as bad. Lawd, not as bad. And sorry for sounding insane. I haven't buy books at the rate I used to. I'm an extreme bookworm and having no means to spend money on books is really driving me on the wall. And the fact I brought a 1827, 5927 and KokuyoTsuna doujins in the past week opened a Pandora's Box that I can't close. D: I driven up my credit card bills to $250 bucks and I can't tell my mother about it. $200 alone was on trips with friends and buying Metrocards (which is stupidly expensive now, fucking MTA taking away the buy 5 rides get 1 free deal).

Well, I have my back-up savings that I will use on my credit card bill but I feel uneasy to use those savings on these books. My late great grandmother, who was a sweetheart and I loved her very much, saved money for it since I was born so I treasure it and only use it in situations that I really need it. Plus it's kind awkward to use the money your great-grandma saved on comics about teenage boys and one young man cavorting around with each other. Nope, can't do it no matter how much I want it.

So, I will tackle one my greatest fears this week in the name of Reporn, I will....


Now, now, I know. you're saying, you're afraid of taxes? Yes, I am. Terribly so. I get anxious enough I'll be near anxiety attack mode. Yeah, I know, I'm a coward, dammit. My IRL friends laughed at me when I told them that when we were sharing our fears about entering the "real world" back in my college days. I actually have three years worth of back taxes. Oops.

But the prospect of getting some money back due to that I was in Continuing Education until late 2006 (I had no money to go back after that, I did save up for it before I got fired from my job and I had to use the money....) and was paying for student loans was more tempting than my silly little fear.

I find this incredibly sad. The prospect of getting Reporn anthologies  >>>> My irrational fear of taxes.

My priorities are fucked up.

With the refund, I'm getting that and some decent Nikes (I used to get Air Jordans but now they're like $150 a pair and fucking ugly now, no.), my current Nikes are falling apart at the seams. Stupid black mesh. And the rest of the money is going to my savings.

Now, I have to find an accountant. I actually have a friend who is an accountant but I don't like mixing money and friends together much, so I'll go to my mother's accountant and see from there. Bah, worry about that tomorrow.

Later. I got to put out the trash at 3 AM in the morning in the middle of New York City. D:

LOL, I kid, I live in a safe part of the city.

doujin scanlation info, hitman reborn, life issues

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