It's About Damn Time, Right?!

Mar 06, 2008 19:37

After lurking the comms around here for like 4 months now, I decided that I have to use this Live Journal for something... which I don't know what. LMAO. But it's definitely for stuff I can't talk about on my DeviantArt account (which I will tell you in a friend-locked entry sometime soon!) since that a lot of my RL friends and family kinda know about. I decided to use that journal for art-related talk and this one will be pretty much my fangirling journal. I might do some doujinshi, manga and anime reviews, which I originally intended to do.

But anyway, I'm etherealtsuki, hailing from New York City, born, raised and most likely die there. I love my city too much to really live somewhere else, although I bitch about the humid and unbearable humid summer days or the utterly biting cold winter days. LMAO, the pains of living in a temperate climate.

I've been an anime/manga fan for 12 years now, which is literally half of my life now ಥ_ಥ.... LMAO. Right now, I'm heavily into Katekyo Hitman Reborn fandom, which is seriously the most fun fandom I've been in since my early days being an anime fan. Ugh, I'm blowing my money on doujins, which is a serious addiction, seriously. Sometimes, I'm kinda happy that I'm unemployed at the moment.

But I know whenever that temp job come though, I would hit Asahiya faster than a fist of god. I already checked their Japan database for some doujin anthologies I want~! I'm definately getting this, this and this. I'm still looking around for a 5927 and D18  anthology. But egads, all of them are Tsuna-uke doujin anthologies... well except for the 692718 (and they have a brillant mode too that came out recently! Oh GOD.)

.... Did I mention I'm a big yaoi fan?

LMAO. Don't worry, I love yuri and het too. But I would be lying if I say didn't have a preference for man-on-man romance.

And speaking of romances, White Day is approaching and I was planning of doing some scanlations. I did a 8018 one for the Reborn comm. This time, I planned kinda big. I'm planning to scanlate:

3 5927 doujins (I couldn't choose because two were super cute and one... ahem... was really, really hot.),
2 6927 doujins (Sorry, I had to do one of my OTP!)
1 8059 doujin (although I REALLY don't like this couple, the chemistry seems wrong to me but NALIS does some good shit that someone who doesn't like the pairing can appreciate)
1 Ryo18 doujin (which the one I chose is seriously easy as pie since the Japanese in is pretty easy, but I have to find the scanner of the work. I REALLY want to scanlate it though. I hope the person can forgive me....)
1 8027 (mostly I started to REALLY like this pairing a lot recently)
1 8018 (FUCK YEAH!)

I'm still on the wall on the D18 (can't find the right doujin yet...) and 1859 (which is a total guilty pleasure of mine, oh god the Nurse!Gokudera and Doctor!Hibari doujin... oh god.). I'm should go one 6918 too.

Egad, that's 13! But most of them are short and sweet and I learn my lesson not to translate every SFX. I'm going to start tonight on the easy ones and work my way up. I might as work on the NSFW ones first since I can't read them on Sunday (a religious thing I do, like a mini-Lent of sorts).

Ugh, I hope I can finish all of this before next Friday. But some of them I have to scan from the anthology magazine I have. I'm toooooo lazy to fight another epic battle with my 683379759 year old scanner.

Plus I'm thinking of drawing a 6927 fanart on top of it. ;_; I'm totally way over my head.....


doujin scanlation info, hitman reborn

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