On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....

Dec 20, 2008 16:11

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I should stop dilly-dallying and write those prompts for the Hetalia Kink Meme before midnight when I have to work on my entry for the KHR Christmas thing.

I'm still hoping that I can eke out another couple scanlations before Christmas (actually three more, since I want to do something for the Hetalia fandom)... which you won't see much of me until like DAYS later. LOL.

Ugh, I still have to go to the bank, go to the Hallmark store to buy Christmas cards since I can't afford to make them this year, buy my friends gifts. D: Like the only person on my list (which is like 7 people) I already have gifts for. But fucccccccck me if I'm doing that Christmas Eve shit again.

But I'll eke out like an hour on Christmas for everyone after I take a nap after when my little sister wakes me up in the ungodly hour of 6AM although we're like 20 and 25 and still doing that shit. It's cute though. LOL. Well, I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of Christmas this year since this is quite possibly be the last Christmas we'll be doing it like this. ;_; The pains of adulthood....

life events, doujin discussion

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