A Snowy Romance

Mar 25, 2014 18:52

Author: etherealpenguin
'verse: The Hub
Title: A Snowy Romance
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None Applicable
Word Count: 335
Summary: Interesting books are just about the only thing Ali likes about being trapped on land.

A/N: I really like Ali. I'm not sure how much or how often I'll get to write about her, but she was a blast to explore.

Alison Brodouex flounced into the living room area of the bed and breakfast, a book in hand. She propped her legs up on the couch, despite having her shoes on still. She was trapped there for awhile, by her parents, who had some political maneuvering to do, so she might as well try to get as comfortable as she can.

After all, she can only spend so long in the bathtub before things just start to get depressing.

Her book was one that she grabbed off of the shelf of the B&B, nothing like the sorts of stories they have in the lakes, but interesting all of the same. Snow, being trapped together, secret spies: it sounded like a romance novel that's so different from Ali's life of arranged marriages and political intrigue that she couldn't help but be seduced by it.

And comfort and seduction was totally what Ali needed just then.


Blinking heavily, she realizes that she'd read though half of the book without a thought to lunch, or the fact that she was still on land and missed her fins something terrible. Of course, once Alex had touched her arm and reminded her that lunch would be ready soon, it all came back. Sighing, she folded the top of the page she was on in half, tucked the book under her arm, and headed after Alex to the dining room, Alison's bodyguard trailing a few feet behind her, as decorum dictated.

Maybe after lunch she'd be able to read some more. And who knows? Maybe she'll find something else interesting to read. There was a whole wall of books for people to share and grab, and Ali definitely needed the distraction.

As long as her parents were out making economic and trade agreements with the other mermaid clans, she was going to be stuck on land - “its just safer, the bodyguards at home agree” - so she might as well allow herself to enjoy the books about the very things that make the land so dangerous - and somehow all the more intriguing.

the hub, ali brodouex

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