I'm it.

Apr 07, 2006 22:13

So since I've been tagged I suppose I'm obligated...too
You've been tagged....rules are, once you've been tagged you have to write 6 "weird/things/habits" about yourself. In the end you need to choose people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment on their comment box that says, "you've been tagged" and tell them to read your blog.

1. When I was little, I was terrified of tornados (...does?). Hey Elise, at least the mountains around here could have possibly, at one point been, volcanoes, yeah, they completely prevent any sort of large scary circular wind storm, except for the random dust devils that are oh so mean to my contacts...the devils.
2. The very moment I moved out of my parent's house was the moment I became a neat freak...I think its some kind of subtle attack against thier tyrranical cleaning regime.
3. I can make all sorts of shapes with my tongue...and tie cherry stems into knots with it. :)
4. October 29th is a very important day for my family. It's my parents anniversary, my birthday and my cousin Emily's (aka my soulmate's) bday as well.
5. I still believe that instrumentalists resemble their instruments (physically and in demeanor), and dog ownerd resemble their dogs. I can pick a tombonist out of a crowd, i swear it.
6. I own and have seen (several times!)every episode of Sex and the City ever created. I could watch a whole season right now and not be bored with it....I'm a loser apparently.

hehe I'm not going to subject you all in blogland to reposting this, just enjoy the fact that I'm back! :)
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