(and over the latest insecurities)
Over 30km into my rowing trip to Kinsale, on the motorway to Turku. Last night I had a really good session of 9km, last week I think I was still a bit sick as doing even 2km seemed difficult at times.
I picture the scenery in my head as I pass it, the motorway is empty of cars and I am facing backwards. Facing backwards going down hills, even in my mind, is pretty nervewracking. Sometimes I picture crowds lining the road, cheering me on.
Mainly, I watch Battlestar Galactica Season 2 on the computer, because the motorway to Turku is not very interesting and I am going so slowly that I need something else to keep me rowing, instead of doing something else.
I decided to publish the
spreadsheet tracking my journey. In the unlikely event that anyone wants to follow that closely. Or indeed, wants to see how much I obsessively fiddle with spreadsheets.