White House Insists Kerry Apologize this is comming from a group of people who lied to/mislead our President intentionally/or even for that matter may have actually made a mistake, they have admitted the mistake portion of this. Documentation of the events leading up to the war in Iraq point to the fact that they KNEW ahead of time that this info re WMD was incorrect, yet they chose to press forward under that pretext anyway.
Not one of them has appologized to anyone, let alone the American people or Our soldiers who honestly thought they were protecting the US against unimaginable threats against our homeland and their families when they signed up for military service.
Kerry also pointed out a well known fact about the American War Machine, which is defanitely true of at least the 2nd half of the Viet Nam War and may have been true prior to that:
Give away all of your unskilled labor jobs to foriegn entities, push poor kids through school, whether they have passed the requirements for graduation or not, cut back funding for schools including 2ndary education and grants, do what ever you can to disrupt the economy so that kids who did well in High School or were motivated to enter trade school,but didn't have the money, or perhaps lacked mentoring to help them find grants and scholarships for college, cut sex education, cut funding to health clinics and aid to dependant children and families, and legislate against effective birth control and while your at it make it okay for pharmacists to practice medicine and make the decision whether a person needs their perscribed birthcontrol so that young (i.e. fighting age) people have children they can't support cause there's no jobs and entice people with bonus sign on pay who are agressive and have marketing degrees and call them "recruiters", and (voila!) you have a never ending supply of enlisted men.
Oh and while your at it, pay them crap so they can never get out of whatever hole your policies caused them to dig for themselves and have no option other than military service to feed themselves and take care of their families. I almost forgot, cut the amount of "free college tuition" you'll pay, so they can't get a living wage job because your policies have made these jobs almost obsolete.
As for the supposed insult to military people, re "getting stuck in Iraq" if you can't "navigate your way through the education system", see the above. It's not an insult to intellegence at all. Some people don't test well, some people learn better hands-on (they're usually the skilled tradesmen), some people actually like hard physical labor, some people do really well at school, but are too shy to ask for help (because they've been indoctrinated into thinking that needing help is tantamount to a sin) in finding/applying for scholarships and don't do well in the real world (raises hand). If you ask me this is an insult not speciffically from Kerry, but from the Have Mores
who are running this country and have been cultivating their war machine for generations!
We need something new, because if you ask me the Democrats are part of the "good cop, bad cop" routine, but until we get the writ of habius corpus back and free unadulterated elections back, and freedom of speech (not free speech zones *rolls eyes*), voting out the republican theocracy and voting in democrats is our best option until we can build something new, or at least bring back the old system as it was intended and w/out this infernal party affiliation system which our forefathers
warned against! Until we can get the puppet and his puppateers out of office, we can cut the strings by removing the republican majority in the house and the senate.
Vote the fuckers out!
Then Impeach Bush!