Tried twice, still boring

Apr 05, 2015 12:58

Hmmm so I just sat here for a little bit describing how my stuff last week went okay (even though there seemed like a lot of it) and how I have a lot of stuff coming up this week. And then I bored myself to death so I deleted it all and started over. Ha!

This weekend we got all our printing done for our invitations--envelopes, RSVP envelopes, labels for the inner envelopes. We had planned to write the inner envelopes by hand because we thought that would be more personal (and I guess you're "supposed" to hand-address everything for the invitations, not that we ever considered doing it ALL by hand or paying for someone to do that). But, ultimately, neither of us can do calligraphy well enough for it to not take forever and still look like a high school craft project, so we gave up and printed labels instead. So once the stamps I ordered arrive, we'll have everything we need to put them together and send them out! That'll be a relief; the invitations and all the details that go along with them have been a bit of a pain in the ass. Hahaha. :)

Today I did all my bill-paying for the month, have a load of laundry going, and am now debating finishing/submitting my taxes with Turbo Tax. I already filled everything out and it's ready to go; it's just kind of sad 'cause I have to use the "Home and Business" version (I need to do a Schedule C for my piano tuning stuff) so I don't get to file for free. But I should probably just do it 'cause I'm not sure I see myself tackling the forms on my own in the next 10 days. OK, decision made.

Man, I'm so boring today. Even on the second try!
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