little things that overwhelm me

Mar 25, 2015 12:25

It's been really nice here for the past couple weeks--sunny, clear, and often in the 60s and even 70s! Today though, it's gray and rainy/snowy. It's funny how unused to it I am, considering this was a typical day between November and March back East. It doesn't really make me want to go for a run on my day off, but I do plan to make myself exercise, at least. I really need to get back into that habit, whether it's running-centric or something else. I'll regret it if the wedding rolls around and I get tired after dancing to three songs because I'm out of shape! Haha.

Later this afternoon I have my barn shift at the horse rescue. It's too bad it's not nicer weather for it, but it will be nice to go back--it's been several weeks! I volunteered there every afternoon through the summer and early fall, but my job has kind of thrown a wrench into it. I planned to keep going there on the Wednesdays I have off, but there's only a few of those between now and the wedding! Anyway, I'm sure it's going to be a little strange because horses have come and gone since I was last there, and I've stepped down from shift leader (since I'm never there anymore). That part I don't mind, actually--I like to be a "follower," for the most part. I like to be competent enough to get stuff done on my own, but not in charge of making decisions or directing other people. So it should be nice to go back to my shift but just there to help, not to lead.

After that I have a quick turnaround with just enough time to shower and eat, and then I have to head down to Boulder for a Piano Technicians Guild meeting. It seems weird to be involved with it since I'm barely doing any piano work lately, but I accepted an officer role last year and President of the chapter has had trouble drumming up enthusiasm, so I would feel bad to back out now. I actually just got "promoted" to VP (from Secretary) after the former VP stepped down. I'm still Secretary in function, but the VP has to be a Registered Piano Technician (which I am), so I'm filling that slot, for now anyway. So tonight the President can't be at the meeting and has asked me to be "in charge" for the night, basically just to introduce the speaker, who's one of our members that everyone already knows. I'm not psyched about it but, oh well, I guess. I'll live. :p

I just found out my upcoming work schedule has changed, so I get tomorrow off (which is nice), but then I work 5 days in a row... more than 4 days a row can be a bit rough (depending on how hectic things are), since they are already long days. And I'm a little bummed that I have to work the whole weekend as I was looking forward to a Saturday off with Jesse--we were going to try to work on our invitations. :-/ So I guess we'll do what we can in the evenings and try to get some of the bigger/more time consuming stuff done Easter weekend. There's lots of details to figure out, but the thing that worries me most is finding music for the ceremony. We'd really like live music for that (and it almost seems silly not to, given my musical background), but I'm nervous about hiring someone we've never heard/seen perform and the couple people I've thought of aren't available. On top of that I don't know what music we want for the ceremony--except I know I don't want the "Here Comes the Bride" thing or "Pachelbel's Canon" that so many people use--so I don't even know where to start as far as looking for musicians that play a certain style/repertoire!

Hmmmm, life feels challenging today. Lots of little things, I guess. Yesterday I went through my whole workday feeling half-asleep, like I never quite woke up and coffee didn't release the fog. Today isn't foggy but I feel kinda tense and worried about stuff. I'll have to try to make the most of my day off tomorrow; maybe I'll try to add something fun and relaxing to my to-do list. I read once that one thing that can be harmful to your self-esteem/self-worth is wording everything you need/want to do in terms of "should," and I know I do that all the time (and then feel guilty or stressed when I don't do stuff I "should" have). In fact even right now I'm struggling to not write "I should use the word 'should' less often!" Hahahaha... oy. Okay so, I WANT to get going because IT WOULD MAKE ME FEEL ACCOMPLISHED to clean the kitchen and get some exercise. How's that?!
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