May 10, 2006 17:15
if the world has taught me anyhitng it's this:what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. no matter how bad it hurts. i love him i love him more than life it's self. and i'm willing to let him go if it's what he really wants. but i don't want him to leave in any way shape or form. but some how i find comfort in the fact that what we've been through will never be taken from us. no matter where we're at in the future we'll always have that moment. when i look into his eyes and know if only for a second it was heart will go with him where ever he goes he knows that. i will always be with him. i just need to know that this is what he wants. because more than anything i want him to be happy. i love him with all my soul. anyhting i have i give it to him. it's all yours. i ahve a supris efor him on our anniversary it's stupid but it's my suprise so i hope he likes it! i love nathan
love always,