New Job New Place

Dec 28, 2010 18:57

So six months till i get married. So much to do so little time...not to mention i just got a new job in the begining of November so i havent even done three months we have to move at the end of the month (feb) we are looking at a place tomorrow for 1100 and we looked at a place last week for 1250 which is only ten dollars more then here but its way bigger and three bedrooms and a garage...i like it but there was just that gut instinct that said no dont take it...we are broke again...spent to much on christmas not to mention that we were behind on all of our bills so i think i finally got them all down to zero...or at least close enough that i can pay everything a regular rate every month...we are renting again cause it just seems smarter until everything is back to normal...that and jason is getting raises left right and centre so that makes more money for us :D we will do it make it through we always do...i think the cramped space is making things worse for us too cause we have no room for friends over or anything like that. so we cant wait to move so that we have more room...and Alyshia will finally have her own room woot woot...more later...
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