Title: The way things are Pairing: YabuHika, InooBu, HikaNoo Genre: Romance Summary: In the eyes of three young men, the world is filled with confusion of love. Well its basically a screwed up love triangle.
Owh well, I'm definitely YabuHika bias (and kept thinking Inoo as the 3rd party here)... but, if being threesome makes them happy, well... I've to accept it I guess! :D
"Plus i heard three people are more fun!~ " "..........." "............" "Well its true."
^ OMG! This part just make me LOLed! Wonder who said that??? Though my mind kept telling it's Hikaru! xD
I love the way you described their feelings and relationship starting from Jr days to now.. ^^ coz it just sound so REAL!! Like, maybe it really does happen between them! :O Which half of me hope is true, and half of me it's not~
XD ikr? yabuhika was most definitely one of my OTPs but then i grew to love inoo later on, which is probably why he seems like a 3rd wheel XD
~yea when i was writing it i defiantly had hikaru in mind XD
~if this really happened..... oh-ho-ho-ho
I've seen him that day. He sat at the corner edge of the conference room. He caught my interest. Hikaru Yaotome <, This rlly happened! i read it somewhere but i forgot where cuz it was a lonnnggg time ago!
Yeah, the half of me that hope it really happened is the YabuHika part. The other half of me that hope it didn't happen is the YabuNoo/HikaNoo part~ *getshot* That's why I somehow hoped ur fic came reality! xD
Oh my my myyyyy~~~ It did happened?! 8D That makes the YabuHika part of me really happy~ ^^♥ Hmm.. the only fact I could remember was when in a mag, Yabu said he first met Inoo when they were in a lift together..
"Plus i heard three people are more fun!~ "
"Well its true."
^ OMG! This part just make me LOLed! Wonder who said that??? Though my mind kept telling it's Hikaru! xD
I love the way you described their feelings and relationship starting from Jr days to now.. ^^ coz it just sound so REAL!! Like, maybe it really does happen between them! :O Which half of me hope is true, and half of me it's not~
Love the fic! <3
~yea when i was writing it i defiantly had hikaru in mind XD
~if this really happened..... oh-ho-ho-ho
I've seen him that day. He sat at the corner edge of the conference room. He caught my interest. Hikaru Yaotome <, This rlly happened! i read it somewhere but i forgot where cuz it was a lonnnggg time ago!
thanks for reading and commenting!
Oh my my myyyyy~~~ It did happened?! 8D That makes the YabuHika part of me really happy~ ^^♥ Hmm.. the only fact I could remember was when in a mag, Yabu said he first met Inoo when they were in a lift together..
something had to happen e w e or thats what i like to think
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