crazy busy

Oct 26, 2007 19:21

This coming week is going to be amazing, but also ridiculously busy even for me.
Tomorrow, I have rugby in the morning (remember, 11:30 home game). I will be very very upset if it is canceled, I'm just pretending that's not an option. (If it is canceled, we probably won't have time to re-schedule, in which case we have to forfeit and go to EPRU championships in the second place slot.
Immediately after rugby, I'll take the train out to Norristown for Brandywine LARP. As always, playing Galatea makes me happy. Then, after LARP I'll come back to Bryn Mawr, change costumes, and head to Halloween parties, maybe accompanied by Nancy. I plan on making an appearance at at least three parties. Double Star party first, because people there are awesome. Then Radnor, because I like booze. Then Rhoads. I'm not sure why I'm going to Rhaods, I haven't been since frosh year and I don't have particularly fond memories, but I feel like I should give it a chance. I can always retreat up to my tower if it sucks.
Sunday is our first session of Caer Bryn LARP. I'm very excited. It is going to be awesome. Please come! I know there's gamers who read this who haven't said they're coming yet. It's not to late to join! Noon till six in SGA house.
Sunday night is Lantern Night (which I don't have tickets for), and then Step Sing, which I am super excited about. (Especially if I manage to get my hands on something to quench my thirst before then...Yes, i know I'm not a senior yet, but there's no rule saying you have to be sitting on the steps to drink. I'm starting early.)
I would be looking forward to everything a lot more if I didn't have quite as much homework as I do. Notice that nowhere in my weekend schedule is there time for studying for a physics exam or writing a sociology midterm. Somehow I've got to get all of that done tonight, monday night after table top, and tuesday night after rehearsal. (the physics exam is due monday morning, and the soc midterm is due wednesday afternoon)

Now lets see if i can get my mind of rugby and werewolves long enough to get some physics done...
ooh- rugby and werewolves together... that sounds fun... on a complete side note, I was re-reading the Fianna tribebook earlier, and there was a section on Irish folk dancing, and how Garou have a version of it that they dance at moots and is almost scary because they do it in different forms and really violently and stuff. The book describes it as being only superficially like the human dances, because the Garou version is so violent and charged. (This is part of what inspired me to make Eddy how she is) But now I'm imagining a Garou only version of Rugby, that is similarly more violent and intense then the human version. Rugby in Crinos. That would be so awesome! Now I'm so tempted to create the perfect rugby team of garou characters, just for fun. Wait...bad Leah...must do physics...

rugby, bmc traditions, academics, roleplaying

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