{collab} - [Code Geass]: "Learning Curve" (shameless Suzu/Lulu porn that NOW HAS A TITLE)

Aug 27, 2007 22:55

The result of a collab between hopechan and I that somehow spawned in the comment threads of her other hawt porn fic that you should all go read. (That's right, even if you don't like het porn, you should READ IT ANYWAY.) :P Anyway, my overall opinion is that this is actually pretty hot, but that my contributions were useless and drunk and full of fail. ( Read more... )

collab with hope!, smut, fanfic, code geass, suzu/lulu is hawt

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equivalent_t September 3 2007, 08:09:10 UTC
Oh my god.

I think this is seriously the best smutfic I'd ever read, I mean, I usually don't even read smutfics. They're boring, even the 'good' ones. But you really wrote it so much right I can't imagine why anyone would not read it after the first two paragraphs for serious. The chess. The calculus. The banter. Lelouch's trainwreck train of thoughts. Wow.

Also, on Suzaku's ICness : This sounds like a badfic response, but honestly and I mean this as a 100% compliment, I don't think anybody cares. WHY SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT GETTING CANCER WHEN IT'S SO GOOOOOOOOD.


kill_me_faster September 3 2007, 16:18:53 UTC
Hee, thanks. ^___^ I've always tried to make my smut interesting by throwing in things like dialogue and stream-of-consciousness. Because, uh, yeah, porn is boring. >__>

Also, re: your last statement - I lol'd. XD I wish I had that "It's cancer" manga scan from Lolicon Half-Year now...

♥ I love you.


equivalent_t September 4 2007, 18:27:52 UTC
"It's cancer" manga? Heh, I only speak truth.

Thank you for rolling out such a nice fic. I'd forgotten that pr0n is supposed to be fun. ♥


kill_me_faster September 4 2007, 23:04:30 UTC
It's actually not a manga ABOUT cancer, but instead about a guy who goes around raeping lolis because he HAS cancer. The story itself is actually terrible and it's the most offensive thing on the planet short of babyfuck, but the entire thing opens up with this panel of a doctor with this poker face on and he's just like, "...It's cancer". For some reason, I found it hilarious.

Porn IS fun! I'd kind of forgotten that, too. All my other fandoms were like blah blah blah waaaaangsty!sex, so it was fun to have Hope beat me into doing something lighter. Ahhh, all credit must go to her~~~


equivalent_t September 5 2007, 01:56:45 UTC
Uh, okay. That's sort of disturbing. Reminds me of that actual case where a guy with AIDS raped either several people or his mother just because he could. And the Japanese like this sort of wacko thing, gee, don't they?

DON'T I KNOW. And when it's not wangsty it's dark and distuuuuuuuurbing (or supposedly!) or True Love Consummation! and it's like gods why am I reading this again. And I think we---general we---put too much attention on explaining how the other party is desirable or risque. Which is sort of silly. If we don't find the involved parties sexy, why then re we reading the fic?

Far be it from me to analyze pr0n, though. I don't read them that much anyway.


kill_me_faster September 5 2007, 02:06:37 UTC
Actually, I read somewhere that the Japanese don't actually LIKE that kind of stuff, and rather look upon it with disgust, but instead that they differ from America in the sense that it's not openly ILLEGAL like it is here. So I heard. Not like I'd know. I don't think there's a single Japanese person on my friends list, hahaha. *FAIL ( ... )


equivalent_t September 5 2007, 02:16:37 UTC
Well, I don't think the mentally healthy Japanese do. *laugh* But there is so much weird porn on the shelves and people shoving porn pamphlets to you on the streets (to clarify, I was walking along Book Town with my 60-year-old mother) that it's hard to believe there's not a more substantial market for it there than elsewhere. XD

IC porn are often wangsty or all powerplay-centric which is um maybe not that IC but it usually counts. I prefer this kind, actually. Or just go cute and cuddly so I don't have to spend much brainspace visualing what's going on due to Heavy Prose.

.........the problem, it seems, is that Fandom in general reads too many harlequins. I also get turned off, just in case it's not already obvious.


runesque September 4 2007, 14:59:32 UTC
I'm a fic stalker so I saw your comment XD. Can't believe you just read a BL CG (okay I'll say it - Suzalulu) NC-17 fic and liked it. "Oh my god" is a lot of compliment coming from you. And when you actually dismiss canon and IC-ness...why am I reviewing your comment?


equivalent_t September 4 2007, 18:24:26 UTC
Why are you asking me? XD

Also, haha, if you could read what I was reading/actively searching for in the past few days, you might understand my state of mind. And it just sort of hits that emotionally frantic spot not many English fics manage to hit, you know? Not my pairing, but hot is hot, sexy is sexy, and IC can jump off a building for all I care.

Re 'Oh my God' : I'm simply very impressed. And damn, it feels nice to be very impressed and giggling like a 16 year old again when fic was fun instead of, I don't know, intellectually appealing? I missed that. So want to hug the author for that. *heart*


kill_me_faster September 4 2007, 23:08:06 UTC
And it just sort of hits that emotionally frantic spot not many English fics manage to hit, you know?

This comment intrigues me and I wish I could read foreign languages so I could see how foreign fanfic differs from English fanfic. D:

And by that I mean, uh, SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING. O.o


equivalent_t September 5 2007, 01:51:35 UTC
Japanese pr0n ranges all the way from being seriously hilarious to being quite awesome. Please note that they're mostly of the semi-noncon or True Noncon variety, though, or the uke person is so hilariously OOC he might as well put up a "Do Me" sign. But for some reason I don't think you mind.

The distinctive feature of Japanese pr0n is the sounds. Very noisy. In speech brackets. Seldom refers to the penis directly, it doesn't work when it does because the language is hilarious like that. And the way Japanese is structure it's more convenient to....how do I put this?....go into 'what they're thinking/feeling' more than 'what they're doing' while still doing both? Unless you're doing actual hentai, in which case, it's often 'what they're doing' because J!Fanboys are weird.

...I can't believe I just wrote that. And also, what's interruption, comment thread threesomes are very fine. :D


kill_me_faster September 5 2007, 01:59:59 UTC
I guess it's probably offensive to those who write them, but...

...that was hilarious. *laugh*


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