Jan 27, 2004 11:11
Why is it that my period only seems to come when I'm wearing white underware!? This really sucks! And the shitty part is that I can't even guess when it's going to come anymore. My birth control has everything screwed up! Everything just comes and goes as it pleases! I miss how it used to be.. 5 days flat and over with hardly any cramps. :(
*Anyway* Enough with my little rant. Things around here are okay I suppose. Eric and I are having some more problems but I don't really know where to begin with that. All I can say is hopefully things will be alright. Skyler's great! She spits now though. lol. It's kind of funny. You'll be feeding her baby food and when she starts to get full she'll start spitting it back at you.
There wasn't school today or yesterday because of the snow but that's okay because seeing how my school is too easy for me I'll be able to catch up in no time. I mean come on, all the work that everyone did in one marking period I finished in a day and a half. Then again it could be because no one there actually pays attention enough to do their work. Who knows. Well I have to go for now but I'll probably write more later on. My mom's just bugging me really bad right now to do some kind of something.