I'm in a hotel room in St. Petersburg (other side of FL, on the gulf coast) with my parents (gag). And can you believe it, there is CIVILIZATION here? A real city with a real downtown and things to do! Wow!
We are here because my dad was keynote speaker at a conference in this (dinkiest ever) hotel and he said we could come. This was supposed to be the nicest of hotels but alas it is not. The room SMELLS. Other than that it isn't too bad. They are feeding us and we got free drinks. There was karaoke (humiliation style) in the hotel bar so we watched taht last night. Today we went to the beach (hotel is right on the beach) and then to the Salvador Dali museum downtown. Great stuff, great time. It is the largest collection of his work in the world and I was impressed. We decided that he had to have been on LSD for some of these ideas to come to him...for instance there is one painting of a skull sodomizing a grand piano (that is the title of the painting....so if you can picture that...well you probably can't if you're normal and not on hallucinogens...), and then some of the paintings are so detailed, so perfectly executed, so layered with meaning (which, not being an art history student, I had to have explained to me by the guide) - they are pure genius. I only wish I could be that good of an artist. *dies inside a little, yet is inspired to try* And I was surprised to find that only a small fraction of the work there (and overall it seems) is the surrealist stuff that everyone has seen. Anyway, very cool and highly recommended if you find yourself in St. Pete (as the Floridians call it)
Well then we went to the hotel pool (nothing special except it wasn't freezing cold so that was pleasant), I spent most of the afternoon following around
this bird that apparently lives outside the hotel in the pool area. At one point it DRANK FROM THE POOL (oh noes???) which was questionable due to chlorine content alone...but there were also children in the pool. I fear for the bird's health. I also watched it walk around, stalk, and catch bugs in the grass.
Oh, and I chased seagulls on the beach in the morning, speaking of birds. The beach here is very wide but covered with lots of sharp little shell bits that the Atlantic side doesn't have. I mean we have shell bits but they don't stab your feet, they are worn down better than that.
Dinner was at some shitty oyster bar that I gagged just from looking at. I had hush puppies and got the F%$& out of there. I wasn't hungry anyway; I'd filled up on virgin pina coladas at the bar. I was so cold during the 3rd one I was shivering so hard I almost dropped my cup. People probably thought something was wrong with me...
So I guess right now Steve is at a
b'girl party spending the night...sketch-ay. I'm trying really really hard not to be jealous. Seriously, could you guys do *anything* shadier? The boy doesn't need any more encouragement to look down Mag's shirt. Which had BETTER not be going on at this very moment.
Posting this entry was a bitch cuz the hotel's internet kept going out while I was doing the entry. Quality.
Also, my dad snores. I keep saying I am never going to do this again and it seems to keep happening.