I think I should put a little more feeling in this update, since the last one was left with plenty of blank space for the mind. It's kind of funny how I've been spending my life. I'm usually sleeping during the day & awake at night. I have certain aspects that occur daily & basically nothing else happens. I eat, sleep, watch TV/movies, play Halo 2 with my many friends I've met on there, and I usually chat on ratemybody.com....
Sounds like some kind of lazy ass life with nothing to do, right? What you all don't understand is that is my taste & what I like to do. So next time you tell me I need to get a life...picture me saying "Go Fuck Yourself" to you. I am sure that I can guarantee you that I have never discouraged you about what you do.
I didn't want to take up too much space.
I could definately anticipate this being one of those updates that is so long, you lose interest in reading automatically. And if you are that person & got this far then go ahead & pat yourself on the back. :) OK, anyways. There's this really fuckin awesome chick that I talk to off ratemybody. She's great to talk to & well I'd be lying if I didn't say that she is SMOKIN HOTT. I'll provide you with one picture, but that's it.
Next thing....OK. If you play Halo 2 on XBOX Live, my gamertag is Holmes69. Feel free to add me to your list if you want. My stats are just now averaged at 11 for each category, but I haven't played that much yet. There's several people that I constantly play with. I usually play with my level 21 friend or some regulars. The two I have teamed with the most is breakingchris & OPS SEVN. They both kickass & we just click as a team. We're still searching for a really good 4th man to work with regularly. You can catch me on allll night long til about 6am. If you want my complete stats or my friends just message me or sumthin (directed to a certain crowd that never replies, they just read my journal).
Well, I may try to actually go out somewhere sometime. I have had some requests by people actually caring about seeing me. Weird, eh? Not sure why anyone would want to hang-out with me. But, I guess I shouldn't take this opportunity for granted. I'll try to get on ICQ sometime for those of you that wanna talk on there. OK! Be happy everyone! I updated! lol Much love~!