Snowflake Challenge - Day Two

Jan 02, 2012 21:10

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

I'm going to lead out with a WIP by blind_author called The Republic of Heaven, which is a reworking of the Sherlock Holmes canon (specifically the BBC Sherlock update) by fusing it with the universe of the His Dark Materials trilogy. It's wonderful and detailed and plotty and epic and there's clearly been so much thought put into making a story with a comprehensive backstory and universe that just fits (to the extent that a small part of me was watching a Scandal in Belgravia last night, and was wondering where Amarisa and Raniel were). Updates to this story make me such a happy camper, you don't even know.

So a few years back, assorted people (
omphale and
zeenell, with enabling dvd providing courtesy of
lamentables) got me onto The Middleman (I later went on to pay them back by writing crossover snippets and imagining vast tracts more of crossover and whimsy. One day I might even write some of it down properly). THIS is the picspam they used to start off the whole process.

As the more astute of you may have noticed, I appear to have been sliding gently sideways into bandom over the past few months, wearing an expression that switches equally between utter bemusement and ridiculous grinning glee. Quite apart from the water-wearing-down aspect of large tracts of my flist/circle (*mwah* heart you guys), I have this huge soft spot (nee kink) for a well written AU or fusion story. And it turns out that bandom has a metric shit tonne of those. The one that started it for me was A World So Small by wordslinging, which is MCR and contains my twin kryptonites of failmonsters in love and a period setting.

Then, of course, once I'd sufficiently wrestled with myself (the changing point was when I actually started, 1) deliciousing stuff, 2) with actual tags beyond "toread" and "totag"), it was inevitable that I would dig around in
eledhwenlin's fic, and therefore her In Simulatione Veritas has the dubious honour of being the reason I now know who's in Panic! at the Disco, and that they are now quite darn relevant to my interests.

Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!

\o/, fic, fandom:multi, yay, meme, omg, fannish

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