Snowflake Challenge - Day One

Jan 02, 2012 20:31

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Drop a link to your post in the comments.

First up, and a bit of a cheat because it's a link to a series of things rather than a thing in the singular, are the Grass is Greener stories. At their most basic (the first chapter of the parent story is the second ever thing I put out there for the world to see), they show how my writing has changed over the past nine years. Yeah. Teva and company are nine this year. And I'm still writing about them--there's a new story in the works, and I have ideas for another one simmering in the background.

Clearly, given that I'm still writing her, I have a tremendous fondness for Teva (for those not in the know: the fandom is Valdemar, and there is a well-established tradition for OCs, to the point that fic involving the rules of the canon but not necessarily the characters is by far and away the majority of the fandom's output in terms of total number of things archived), but she is also pretty much what you'd get if you stuffed me in horse costume and bleached me white, so the Grass stories are also pretty darn revealing about how I think and how I'd most likely react in any given situation.

(although, things being as they are, the chances of me actually encountering slapstick pirates are minimal)

Secondly, Learn to Speak Canine in Seven Easy Steps, while having its problems, is still a story that I'm tremendously fond of. It was the story that proved to me that maybe I wasn't as monofannish in terms of output as I'd always thought, and also the story that proved to me that while I could actually write possibly-deep things, what I had the most fun actually writing was ridiculous (possibly even rambunctious) romps, and getting comments to the effect that I'd made people laugh. Pretty much all of my Due South output was in a similar vein (shenanigans! Whimsy! Watch out for that low-flying wordplay!), with a few notable exceptions, including--

An Ocean of Sky, which I wrote for nos4a2no9, and is whimsical (RayK has freaking wings), but the wistful kind. Also, this story shows off the fact that when I put my mind to it, I have a certain facility with the written word.

I also feel the need to remind the world that during the 2008 DS Match, in addition to my assigned story ( My Life as a Dog), I also produced Four Whimsy!Bombs and typed my fingers off as the mysterious ficlateer. Yes, I was somewhat potty.

Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!

\o/, fic, yay, meme, omg, fannish

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