Another list of disparate things

Nov 03, 2009 20:18

Firstly, some naughty, naughty person has upgraded my DW account to paid status for the next year. Whoever you are, I love you deeply, but you are also naughty. That said, if you felt like dropping an anonymousy comment somewhere, I would be more than happy to have at some kind of ficlet for you.

Secondly, and much more faily-flaily, I have JUST CONNECTED in my head that THIS Saturday is both sign-ups for
bitchinparty AND the day that I'm going to be prancing around Brummieland until god-only-knows when, wearing not very much at ALL for purposes of Rocky Horror. And I'd REALLY, REALLY LIKE to go to bitchinparty again. REALLY. So, y'know, would anyone be willing to take pity on me (and my utter, utter inability to use a calendar) and sign me up? I would be incredibly grateful and promise to squish you inordinately next time we meet (unless you don't go in for that kind of thing, in which case I'll just worship from afar).

Thirdly, dude. Boss totally took us to see the building site today and there are WALLS and FLOORS and ELECTRICS and it actually looks like a semi-functional building, and the bits of it that are going to be my house KICK ASS, even though they're still at the bare-boards-and-plaster stage.

Fourthly, on the down side, we went up to the building site in Boss's new Audi and I totally got stuck getting out the back seat (stupid long car with only three stupid doors and only enough stupid leg space for a stupid ant to get leverage in) and have managed to rather spectacularly wrech my shoulder. Which, you know, made the dog wrestling I had to do later on that evening all the more fun, and now pretty much my whole right side is tingly in the not-so-good way. I'm going to sleep on it and if it still hurts tomorrow, I'll make a GP appointment so that they can laugh at me and my endless cavalcade of stupid work-related injuries.

Fifthly, November 15th should be marked as the day of the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars. Insert EEEEEEEEEEEE! here

Sixthly and finally, Novembers the 12th and 13th are when i'm going to be seeing Muse at the O2. Reaaaaally insert EEEEEEEEEEEE! here.

\o/, dorkiness ensues, fandom:doctorwho, yay, omg, fannish

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