For once

Mar 08, 2015 08:27

I'd like a story where the hero's journey doesn't begin with the horrible early death of their parents.  I'd like a hero with a support system that isn't whittled away to leave them standing alone in the face of terrible odds.  Maybe the support system doesn't always agree or like the choices the hero makes, but supports their right to actually have choices.  I'd like a hero who is filled in so they can make good, informed choices about the actions they will take.

I'd like a hero who had the strength to see the possible outcome of destiny/adventure/adversity and still chooses to be a hero.

I'd like a hero whose mentor doesn't get fridged.  Can we have the mentor live, please?

"Alone in the world" is not my jam every day. Sure, I love a good angst-fest of people hauling themselves up by their bootstraps and continuing on when most would have said "fuck this shit" and moved to the coast.  But every hero's journey lately begins with the death of their parents (if they ever had them to begin with) and ends with the hero standing alone, and the "happily ever after" is more reclaiming and rebuilding and more work than possible to contemplate, not roses and sunshine and love.

Maybe I just need to read a good romance and put the adventure/magic/dystopian future books down for a while.


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