Feb 18, 2015 22:05
I don't really know what to do with this.
So junior year of college I had a boyfriend. We were pretty intense for several months, I even spent the summer in his neck of the woods, but my senior year he did not return and the relationship sorta died naturally (mostly due to his avoidy nature). He was actually kind of an immature asshat at the end, but a lot of that has to do with being 19. I did not really take it well, but I was 20, so I give myself a lot of slack for just being super YOUNG. We were both stupidly young. And neither one of us were really in love, we just wanted to be.
Keep in mind my junior year of college? Was the *very* early 90's. So we're talking over two decades ago.
Today? I get a facebook message from him. All "I'm pretty sure I'm the last person you ever want to hear from but I found this picture and scanned it and here!"
I'm like, wha? Man, you are in your forties, and you think I hold a grudge about a relationship that ended over two decades ago? I sort of look on the relationship as a milestone (intense, sexual, romantic). But I am not hung up on the guy. I've had relationships since. Not quite as intense, but the first adult relationship is always a little ... special, isn't it?
I admit I have wondered how he was occassionally. Not really enough to find out or look him up (total lie - I looked him up on fb a few years ago but decided not to go any further because I felt slightly stalkerish about it after I found out he lived in Chicago - he always wanted to live in Chicago).
I haven't written back. I'm still all, wow, weird. Hello person I haven't even conversed with in twenty-some years! Hope you are doing well!
Super weird.
real life,
stranger than fiction,