Sep 01, 2005 11:27
YOU'VE BEEN INVITED: It's my official Pity Party, so if you don't want to hear it, stop reading NOW.
School starts in a shockingly miniscule number of days. There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to begin. How 'bout AP projects? I'm curious to see if I actually get those done with, because as of now I have mondo work and non-mondo time (if you just proceeded to question why I would be writing this now, and not working on said projects YOU NEED TO GO AWAY). Since focus is pretty much out of the question right now, I'm left with a fairly messy situation. Plus, I'm assigned to babysitting all week, which means even more of my time is eaten up, and I have to be fairly tolerant despite the fact that I want to scream at basically everyone. Oh yeah, and I probably won't be getting paid. Joy. And then there's the issue of German, which I'm really excited about taking, but which leaves me with the aforementioned miniscule amount of days to learn ALL of German I. In addition to all of these lovely situations, I can't seem to escape COLLEGE TALK. My question is, who the heck set the bar so high so that the rest of us could smash our craniums on it? And yes, I did just say cranium. Plus, I totally sucked at cc yesterday. Grrr... On top of this all, I'm sick, so I'm kranky and my coping skills are dialed down to about nil. Lovely stuff.