It's freezing

Mar 22, 2006 02:54

Note: I wrote this post Tuesday afternoon around 3pm and forgot to post it.

Man, I love that one Alkaline Trio song, "Take My Underwear."

Corey asked me to think of some of my favorite LSR strips for the anthology. She's going to redraw a handful of them. Without seeing the archives (and I know I've forgotten a lot), my top five are, in no particular order, "Mucking mobofs," "Cocoon, actually," "GOOD DAY, MAIL ORDER," "And eat dirt!" and "Mini-marshamllows."
I can't wait until the book is done and I can go through all the webcomics and zine comics at my leisure.

A few days ago at work, I had to call the Northgate store to get a CD transfered. I talked to Justin, and at the end of the call he said, "Hey, did you write that review of te new Rocky Votolato in the newsletter?" I said yes, and he told me he thought it was awesome, and that if he hadn't already bought it, he would have bought it because of my article.
I don't think anyone knows how much that kind of response to one of my articles means to me. People tell me sometimes that my articles are good, or that I write well, but it's rare that I hear from someone who's familiar with what I've reviewed and says, "Hey, I agree." It's nice to know that your depiction of the album was acurate, in addition to sounding appealing to someone not familiar with it. What he said was the best of both worlds: knowing the piece, he liked it, and thought that it would convince him to buy it even if he hadn't heard it.
It made me grin all day.

writing, corey, silver platters, work, lsr, rocky votolato

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