Jun 23, 2008 22:07
It is bliss to sleep in a bed where the springs in the mattress don't poke your ribs and bones. I woke up today in the morning and it was pouring; I loved the sound of rain all around. Then I slept some more, but got up a while after 8. I had a peach and a tiny "wedding pies" for breakfast, yum.
I went rollerblading in the morning. The rollerblades are huge, because they are, actually, my brother's (though he never uses them). They felt very clumsy and loose on my feet, esp. since I'm so used to how snug and tight my skates are. I got used to it after a while, though. It was fun, though the road along the river is too narrow for any interesting moves. I somehow started to do slaloms at some point... when I realized what I was doing, I was like oh my god, wtf am I doing?! these have -wheels-, which means no -edges-! But, somehow, even wheels have edges. Because, as I discovered, you can do one-foot slaloms on rollerblades without killing yourself.
You can never pick up speed as easily and smoothly as on the ice, though, and I miss that.
I got home, took a quick shower, and went to the hairdresser to get my hair cut. I'd decided on my last night in Moscow that I want to get it cut like Tanith Belbin. Yesterday I started telling to my mom that I need a haircut. Before I even mentioned what haircut I want, she suggested that I get the "longer in the front, shorter in the back" style, which is exactly what Tanith has. Mom had seen it on two colleagues of hers and liked it. So I instructed the hairdresser today to cut it that way. It looks nothing like Tanith's hair, of course, but it looks good. (I think that if I straightened my hair, it might look more like what Ms Belbin has, but I don't have a hair iron and would be too lazy to do it, anyway.) It looks a bit playful and it's fun.
I took pictures, but you can't really see the haircut in any of them, sigh. Well, except for one, but I'm not quite fully clothed in that one and I'm not sharing it. :P
Then I went walk around the town with my mom a bit, and then to the post office to pick up the package Cel sent me - she sent me cookies!!! And they're very yummy, yes they are.
I worked out in the evening and it felt good. Then I had baguette with cheese and grapes and some with Nutella or jam... and it was great. I love being at home.
Also, we have an apartment in Lille, so that's one less thing to worry about. The landlady should be sending over the necessary documents soon.
I am trying to catch up on downloading stuff now. Right now, I'm downloading Weir's FS from Worlds. Yes, that's how behind I am. I need the practice videos from Skokie, the hi-res videos from Korea, I forgot what else. Was there anything else?
johnny weir,