Partners wanted for Fandom rps!

Sep 04, 2017 03:15

Hello everyone! Estrella here.
Right now I’m searching for some new roleplay partners. Long term or short, looking for both.

Info about me: Partners must be 18+, no exceptions. While I don’t always include smut in my roleplays, and I don’t mind fading to black, I just prefer to write with people who are legal age. I'm in my mid tweties and have been writing for 12+ years. I tend to write in paragraph form. Introducing characters or locations are always longer posts, though as I grow more comfortable posts might be a little shorter, all depends on the scene. I am not picky about length. I try to match my partner’s length. So long as there’s something to work with, I’m happy.  I write in third person, past tense. I rp in Email only.

Smut is fine with me, though I don’t require it by any means.

Limits: In the roleplay itself, no limits for me. I go by what the other person is comfortable, and each of my characters would have their own ‘limits’ depending on their personality and how they are written. Please let me know what your limits are, and if there are any kinks you, or your character, has.

Most experience with m/f, though willing to m// or f//
Can do single characters, also willing to double, or use one/two mains and multiple side characters.

I like to do ooc chatter in one email, roleplay in a different one. That way the roleplay doesn’t get lost under the chatter.  I enjoy faceclaims, and if I find a picture or song that fits a situation I’m happy to share it, but if I don’t find one that fits what I want, I’m not worried about it. I’m pretty easy going that way.

Alright, so with all that over with, here’s what I’m looking for. Fandoms - AU, though we can stick fairly close to canon if you want. I just like AU because it gives a bit more leeway in the writing.
Original ideas - always good in my opinion.

Fandoms I am interested in at the moment:

***Final Fantasy: 10, 10-2, 12 and 15, willing to do rp based on any. Have ideas for 10 and 15. 15 is the one I want most. xD
***Persona 5 - can also include earlier persona, though I’ve only played #5.
*Pokemon - Mystery Dungeon, Coliseum, and any of the other games. Have not watched anime past first season, and picked up a few here and there.
**Assassins Creed - have played all of them.
**Tortall - I’d like to do an AU of any of Tamora Pierce’s books that are set in Tortall, or come up with an entirely new story set in that world.

*Cross-overs.    These are always welcome.

Original:  I am open to doing something original as well. Not looking for anything particular at the moment, but if you want to shoot me an idea feel free to. I might not want to do the one you propose, but I’m willing to hear ideas.

Things I like or enjoy doing/seeing in originals:  Fantasy, adventure, mystery, romance, wartime stuff, kidnappings, crime, detectives, demons, angels, vampires, pirates, mercenaries, dragons, werewolves, elves, thieves, assassins, royalty, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I do not like zombies. Just nope. Almost anything else I'll give it a shot.

Alright, so on to my ideas now that all the details are out of the way. My biggest craving is Final Fantasy 15, but I’m open to doing others too.

***Final Fantasy 15: I have a couple ideas for this one, and am more then willing to hear more. I am really craving an rp in this setting.

Ardyn and Ignis are two of my favorite characters, so I’d fully enjoy writing as them. Though I’d really be willing to write as anyone in the game. Even adding oc’s.
I am perfectly fine with doing canon, or doing an au…. Or doing an au based loosely on canon. My idea(s) would be the last of those three.

On to the idea…

In this version, King Regis and the Emperor were in peace talks when assassins hit (From a cult of Ifrit), trying to take out both rulers. King Regis is now in a deep sleep (almost like an Odin’s sleep), while the Emperor is injured but able to rule. Since Regis is currently passed out, the Emperor claims control and takes over, saying peace talks will resume when Regis wakes, but till then he will rule to ensure the country remains ‘protected.’ Some of the Kingsglaive remain to protect the sleeping Regis, while others go to try and find the assassins, and figure out who did this.

Meanwhile what Noctis and crew is up to remains the same, only he learns his father is in a deep sleep, not dead. The Emperor declares that the prince, and the Oracle were killed in the assassination attempt on the king. He excuses that by saying if the assassins think they are dead, they will be safer.

^^ that would be the base for the rp. We could just play that out, or do an even further twist. One that would start when Noctis gets Ramuh. As Noctis and group is leaving that cave they are met by Pryna. Pryna transports them far back in time, taking them back to the time when Ardyn was still king. They would somehow run into Ardyn and Ardyn’s shield (Gilgamesh, aka the Blademaster), and end up traveling with the two. They would get to see everything that happened the first time the Starscourge struck the world.
Just like Umbra is able to transport them back in time to tend things, and back to the present, Pryna would work the same way… only she would be taking them all the way back to Ardyn’s time, while Umbra only works within their own time.

I do have the storyline for Ardyn fleshed out a bit more. If you're interested in seeing the details, look here.

***Final Fantasy 15 / Persona 5 crossover:***

The Final Fantasy portion would follow the ‘base’ of what I have above (or something similar depending on what we decide.)  The Persona 5 part would occur in the Lestallium, the Persona 5 world is in Lestallium, and the area stretching north of that, but it would have a social structure similar to in the Persona 5 game.

In this AU, the metaverse and the real realm have already ‘crossed over’ to some extent, as daemons are shadows that were powerful enough to cross over on their own. By defeating shadows in the metaverse, it reduces the amount of daemons in the ‘real world.’

Akechi would find redemption in this version, or could, depending on how it plays out. He is a wild card, like Akira. Though if Akira and the others are able to free Akechi before it’s too late is up to be seen. (Very possible that Akechi has a sibling who is doing the killings willingly, while Akechi is actually being manipulated by ‘Igor’ or even his father, though that depends on how the story goes and what the person playing him decides.)

For the most part these two would be going on at the same time, but separate. We could focus on one and switch back and forth between the two, or we could do both at the same time. One on the top part of the email the other on the bottom. At some point they would encounter Ardyn, and there would be a way to tie the two together. Perhaps Ardyn’s full ‘redemption’ is impossible without his palace being explored and treasure taken. They may even learn about his palace right after they finish the first one, but find it impossible to go past the first floor at first, so they have to focus on other things while they work at becoming stronger, trying to unlock more of his palace.

Also thinking that eventually (not at first) they discover they are able to call on their persona in the real world, for protection.

Of course any ideas or suggestions on the above is welcome.

Persona 5:  I would have a ton of fun doing this one. I’d like to do a redemption for Akechi. As I mentioned add a second dark mask- his brother or half-brother. Or even a half-sister. Have the black mask represent a shadow, instead of a persona.

Final Fantasy 10:  In the game, Tidus is the son of the person that became Sin. Well, I have an idea for an OC, to take Tidus place.  Sorta.  Back when Yunalesca obtained the 'Final Summoning' that was not, in fact, the true final summoning. She was supposed to activate a lift in Zanarkand that would take her to the final temple, that floated high above Mr. Gagazet. There, she would wake the final summon - the man named Yevon. Yu Yevon's (being inside Sin) brother. By calling on all the summons she had obtained so far she would give the final summon wings - Valefor, strength - Ifrit, Sword (or spear) - Ixion, and ultimate attack - Bahamut. Other summons would add other things as well. However, she chose to not do that, instead creating her own Final Summoning and challenging Sin without the true Final Summon. Thus creating the cycle of death. Yevon slumbers on though, still waiting for the day he would be summoned for a battle against his brother, to save the people from Sin's destruction.

- We could start by playing part of that storyline out, or we can just jump to where Yevon (or whatever name he goes by, when he's not the summon) is woken from his state as a fayth by Auron. Shortly after he is woken, Sin attacks- in this case, Jecht could still be the oc's father, or we could have it that he was a guardian of the OC, when the oc first did the journey to gain strength and become the final fayth.

After that, general follow the storyline, though the OC would have a connection with the summons.

Assassins Creed: My idea here is a combination of the present day, and trips into the animus. In the present day there are two people, a man and a woman, that are being sent into the animas to search for artifacts, live through memories, and so on. In the real world, one is an assassin the other a templar. In the animus, the family lines jump between the two some, sometimes the two working together, sometimes the two fighting each other. The chain of memories they are following clashes repeatedly. Going as far back as the Crusades, to as recent as the World Wars.  The two don't realize they are meeting another person inside the animus, at least not at first, but they slowly start to form a connection until things just click and they realize the other person is another person inside the animus memories. So, what happens? Does the assassin convince the Templar to join the Assassins, or does the Templar convince the Assassin to betray the Assassins? Do they go their separate ways, or do they fight? Only time will tell.

Also open to doing canon/oc for any of the current Assassin creed games. I have an oc I’d love to use - Horatio Hastings. An ex-templar that was top of the order in an area, until he ordered some artifacts to be sealed off so they wouldn’t be used. His second in command turned on him, wanting to use the artifacts, as did the other Templars. Horatio managed to escape, though was wounded. Now healed, he is currently working solo against the people he once worked beside.   He could be used in any of the games, or in an entirely new setting.

So those are my current ideas. If any of the fandoms catch your interest, or if you have a different idea all together, feel free to let me know.

Anyhow, if you’re interested in any of the ideas or fandoms above, or have an idea of your own, shoot me an email at

f//, tortall, m//, assassin's creed, pokemon, #5, m/f, final fantasy, final fantasy 15, persona 5, ff15

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