Quick! Someone lend me a pair of hand-cuffs!

Sep 10, 2007 22:05

And a ball and chains.  Guess who dropped by today. Yep, my muse. I've been merrily typing away for hours. My Giles/Ethan fic is making progress. It's also getting longer than anticipated, but hey, I won't complain.
Now I have to make sure that the old girl doesn't bugger off again. After all, she's quite unreliable. I'd like to chain her up, because tomorrow I'm working and I have a PTA meeting, so no time to write...
Chapter 3 is currently with jmchau, who kindly agreed to act as my beta. *beams*, chapter 4 is also finished, chapter 5 I'm working on. *oozes happiness*

Other good stuff: Over the past few days I've watched the entire Matt Damon Bourne-Trilogy. Really enjoyed the whole lot. Better than Bond.

A good friend ordered me a DVD from Australia: Judas Kiss with Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson. I've seen it before but in a lousy German dubbed version, now I own the English version. Whoohoo. I love having obscure DVDs that none of my friends have. :-)
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