...But especially for that of
maelicia, I bring you a Carnot macro. Enjoy:
I don't know why it's so small. Hm. Hopefully it's still legible...?
Also, admire my new layout--and my new icon--for they are shiny.
ALSO, don't you hate it when you're minding your own business reading a biography of Robespierre and one of your friends comes up to you and starts talking about how interesting the subject of said biography is considering what a clinically insane, bloodthirsty dictator he was? Because this happened to me for the nth time yesterday, and everytime it happens I just want to say:
"Look, I have neither the time nor the energy to go into professor mode and give a lecture that you have neither the time nor the inclination to listen to explaining the entire history and historiography of the Revolution in order to give you enough background to allow you to understand why everything you just said is ignorant, reactionary, and just plain untrue. Moreover, you would probably attack me for attempting it the moment I open my mouth. So. Is this a subject you're genuinely interested in or were you just trying to be polite? Because if you're open-minded enough to really want to understand why I hold the opinions I do, I can recommend some books for you to read. Failing that, take this pamphlet [I still need to make some kind of handy pamphlet along the lines of "Robespierre and the French Revolution for Dummies"]. If you don't feel like reading it, that's fine, but kindly do not try to tell *me* what you learned in AP European History/The Scarlet Pimpernel/Simon Schama about Robespierre. I don't have the time."
Of course, what I really said was more like, "I don't believe that, but let's not argue. Have you done the Latin homework yet?"