So, citizens, what am I to do next year? I mean, I'm definitely studying in France, the question is where and how. So I've set up a poll. The first two options are ones my French professor recommended to me. Studying in Paris via
CUPA would probably be the easiest option. It would allow me to take classes at several branches of the université de Paris (including Paris-X Nanterre, where Marc Bélissa teaches, and EHESS, where there are also several historians I like) and would facilitate the whole process due to various agreements the program has with the French government and university system and so on. The only downside is that I wouldn't be able to take classes at Paris-I or VII, where most of the historians working in Paris that I admire are. On the other hand, I honestly don't know how much that even matters at the licence level. And then there's the issue of all the bureaucratic red tape I would need to navigate if I were to attempt to enroll in a French university as an individual international student outside a program. So. Any opinions, thoughts, advice, insights, or information you might have regarding my dilemma or the French university system would be greatly appreciated. :D
Poll Study Abroad PollIn other news, I'm undertaking an annotated translation of Quatre-Vingt-Treize this semester. It should be epic. ^__^