Chocolate Box 2020

Jan 05, 2020 18:36

Dear Chocolatier,

I hope you're going to have fun this exchange! I've tried to give several different prompts for each fandom plus assembled some art references, but I've also listed my general likes and smut likes at the end if you find those more inspiring. I love ship-based exchanges since the main appeal of fanfic for me is usually getting to see my faves interact, so that's really all it takes to make me happy!

Beneath the cut my requests for His Dark Materials (TV), Honoré de Balzac - La Comédie Humaine, Les Misérables RPF, Les Misérables (TV 2018) and Crossover Fandoms.

His Dark Materials (TV)

This was the obsession of the year that I didn't expect in any way. But then Hot Lord Boreal appeared on the screen the first time and I haven't stopped checking the tag on AO3 for him since.

What I love about Boreal (apart from the general Hotness) is the way he seems to want power more than anything else, the gorgeous suits, the Tesla, the way both he and his snake never give anything away, I love that he pushes people against a wall when he's angry and does Sexy Menacing, that in a world where touching another's daemon is the greatest taboo he will just crush a daemon with his hand as if that's nothing, I love that one of the things he does in our world is eating our junkfood, and how he seems to have build a complete secret second life in our world.

What I love about Thomas is that he's really really smart and seems to be genuinely useful to Boreal in a way that makes Boreal value him as a person - his skills make him in a way into our world's equivalent of a reader of an alethiometer, but there are worlds between how Boreal treats Fra Pavel and how he treats Thomas.

I love Thomas' reactions to the snake, the way he's simultaneously scared and wide-eyed excitement when she comes out to hiss at him. I'm intrigued by the way he doesn't even know the snake's gender when Boreal has told him that he's from a different world and trusts him enough to let him live even though he's aware that Thomas is in a position to find out where he crosses. Boreal tries to keep him at a distance - but he's at the same time much closer and more intimate with him than with anyone else we see on screen. Given Boreal's scary inquisitorial persona in his own world, he's coming across as almost indulgent with Thomas when Thomas quizzes him about what he's been up to! And I adore Thomas' reaction when Boreal praises him - there's definitely space for praise kink there.

Art prompts: any sort of suit porn involving Boreal's various hot outfits, Thomas interacting with the snake or getting to touch her for the first time, characters looking disheveled/rumpled/half undressed or wounded, mornings in bed, Boreal taking Thomas out to a fancy dinner, Tesla blowjobs/sex. I'm happy with any level of explicitness or kink or would also be happy to receive illustrations of my fic.

Art references: Hot Boreal and his outfits


- Anything that shows them working together on one of Boreal's various plots
- What if Boreal has the knife and they end up cutting a window into a fandom trope!world - e.g. omegaverse, coffeeshop AU world, BDSM world, porn movie world and so on?
- Tesla sex
- How did Boreal and Thomas first meet?
- What if Thomas ends up in Boreal's world? (Does Boreal have to keep him safe from the Magisterium?)
- I'm usually not much into Outsider POV but I'd love to see their relationship as seen by the snake!
- Anything that fixes the unfortunate Stair Incident! :(
- Boreal making Thomas dress up
- I'd also love to see a situation where Thomas is in danger and Boreal, who always thought of him as expendable, suddenly realizes he has Feelings (and maybe rescues him even though that puts him/his plans in danger?)
- Something that makes use of the lake, because if that's how Thomas looks at Boreal when he's wearing a suit, I'd love to see his reaction to Boreal all naked and wet!
- Spanking (Thomas deserves it for stumbling over cats!)

I'm open to both consensual and dubcon sex if you want to write porn; for noncon I'd prefer villains made them do it or sex pollen scenarios.

Boreal's daemon/Thomas:

Thomas is so fascinated by the snake and yet she never even speaks. I'd love to see their relationship explored more (and would be more than happy with Boreal/Thomas/snake too). Maybe Thomas has to work together with the snake for one of Boreal's plans? Or she decides that since Thomas has no daemon, it's only fair that she gets in on it too? Maybe she thinks that Boreal is neglecting his Sexy Menacing of Thomas and decides to make up for that herself - or maybe she's a little flattered by how much Thomas seems to be into her?


Mainly I just want to see Thomas getting tentacled. Boreal can come and play too! He could always come and save Thomas from a tentacle monster for tentacling plus h/c, or maybe he just wants to watch? Or maybe Boreal has a tentacle dick? Perhaps Thomas tries to follow Boreal through the window but accidentally ends up in a world with tentacle monsters (or maybe it's tentacle slime that gives you the ability to see Dust, like the sap does in the mulefa world, and so Boreal uses Thomas to harvest tentacle slime)? Maybe the specters in Cittàgazze are in fact tentacle monsters? Honestly, I'm happy with any tentacly fic or art here, go wild with the tentacles or the world-building if you want!

DNW: issuefic, genderswap, unrequested identity headcanons, unrequested setting change AUs, soulmate AU, kidfic

Honoré de Balzac - La Comédie Humaine

Corentin/Commander Hulot

After finding out that 'the old soldier' Hulot is not actually in his seventies but in his thirties during Chouans, I ended up unironically shipping Corentin/Hulot. Chouans is possibly my favourite Balzac book, too, so if you ship it too, I'd love absolutely any- and everything about these two set during or after the Chouans events.

I love what we see of their canon interaction, the tension between them, the class differences, political differences, the ~ten year age difference, the way Hulot seems to be the only character Balzac has ever genuinely liked (or at least wrote as likable) and the way he so clearly dislikes Corentin and yet somehow fails to make me as a reader understand just why he is so terrible (apart from police spies = bad).

I love how much Hulot loves his men, and how physical he is - he is constantly clutching their arms! I love that to go undercover, he actually shaves off his dashing, heroic moustache - and that Corentin smirks at him for it. Even though I don't believe that Montauran deserves any of the respect Hulot showed him, I also love that Hulot threatened Corentin over him (and would definitely love to see him "sheathe his sword in his stomach" in any way you'd like to explore, whether via a duel or porn).

If you want to set fic post-Chouans, I'm really intrigued by all we learn about their later lives in Cousin Bette and The Lesser Bourgeouisie (Cousin Bette is my least favourite Balzac novel ever because everyone is just so unbearably horrible in it - except for Marshal Hulot!) and I'd be delighted to see what would happen if they interacted in those years - Commander Hulot now Marshal Hulot, Corentin now the famous secret police mastermind. I'm sure there could be lots of Balzacian machinations that would force them together (and maybe force them to work together). Maybe Corentin could even make sure that Hulot's brother doesn't ruin everything.

(Or maybe Hulot and Corentin have been a thing ever since Chouans and Corentin takes it on himself to spare Marshal Hulot by dealing with his awful younger brother in whatever way you want?)

I love Chouans era Corentin's Incroyables fashion and the outrage it produces in Hulot and his men, and anything at all dealing with that would be fun! Give me all the clothing or uniform porn if that's something you're into! Maybe Hulot's half-brigade plays tricks on their little muscadin spy (by hiding his clothes?) or maybe they adopt him as the company's unofficial mascot and dress him up in a little uniform? Maybe he's playing la drogue with Hulot or his men? Merle would totally pinch his nipple instead of his nose with that wooden peg. :D Maybe Gérard or Merle or both decide that if this spy is going to stick around with them, they had better teach him how to duel with a saber?

In general the Chouans setting could lead to so many fun things: Chouans sex pollen? Getting trapped together inside a cave? Maybe they have to go undercover as Chouans together? Or perhaps a Chouan weregoat bites Hulot and turns him? I also really really love h/c situations where one of them gets kidnapped/wounded/poisoned and the other has to rescue him and begrudgingly care for him/suck the poison from the wound etc.

I also really love Une Ténébreuse Affaire, if you'd rather play with that setting for Corentin/Peyrade, or would love to read fic about them working together during Splendeurs & Miseres times! Maybe when Peyrade first gets himself hired, Fouché dumps young Corentin on him as a present (which he is perhaps even expected to make use of if he doesn't want to annoy his new superiors)? Maybe Peyrade and Corentin are undercover as a couple somewhere? Or maybe one of the Gondreville characters kidnap or hurt one of them, or it's a straight up villains made them do it scenario - Michu, the Simeuse twins, Laurence all have reasons enough to want revenge. And then of course there's always Vautrin, who would surely love to pay them back for interfering with his Lucien plans.

I'd also love an AU where "citizen of hell" Corentin is an actual demon. Or I'd be up for seasonal fic with lots of snow (always a good excuse to huddle for warmth or share a bed!).

And I'm always into power dynamics, so if you want to write fic where Hulot deals with his annoying spy by spanking him, or the military situation means that Hulot has more power over Corentin than he does in canon, I'm also here for that!

Art prompts: any sort of clothing porn involving Hulot's uniform/Corentin's terrible Incroyable fashion, half-undressed/disheveled/messed up characters, wounded characters, duelling, waking up in bed the morning after, Hulot (once he's made Marshal of France) having to pose for a portrait like this (and probably hating every moment), anything involving horses. And if you want to draw something porny, I'm fine with any level of explicitness and kink and love BDSM and D/s (e.g. if you've always wanted to draw 19th century French literature fisting porn, I promise I'm the person to gift it to :D)

Art references: Hulot's uniform/sabers/pistols in 1799, Corentin's Incroyable fashion, period underwear

DNW: modern AU, issuefic, genderswap, unrequested identity headcanons, unrequested setting change AUs, soulmate AU, kidfic

Les Misérables RPF

David Oyelowo/Dominic West
David Oyelowo/Dominic West/Enzo Cilenti

OMG this pairing hit me like a ton of bricks. I blame it all on the fact that David talks a lot about how he's a method actor and was apparently spending the 6 months of shooting in character as Javert. He's been saying stuff like "the nature of the relationship we play out is so acrimonious that I had to time the moments when I could be around him," talking about how much fun it was to "make Dominic West's life living hell" and apparently told Dominic that he was "crass" for suggesting that Javert pursues Valjean because he fancies him, which is indeed how Javert would react to the suggestion lol.

I'm just endlessly intrigued and amused by what we hear about them on set:

Why does Javert hate him so much? "I always like to trace motivations to sex,” West says. “I said to David, 'Javert obviously fancies him!’ But he thought that was crass.”

Did the rivalry extend off-set? “You’re never quite sure where the character ends and the actor starts,” he laughs.

Meanwhile Dominic is such a complete unfiltered weirdo I don't even know where to start. Just - watch this vid where he gives us a tour of his wife's castle and marvel at the way he is always on and at 1000% pure unfiltered energy trying his hardest to be incredibly charming and lovable and entertaining. Also relevant for the completely unfiltered shit he says: this interview that probably needs a scat warning and THIS interview where he openly admits that he doesn't give a rat's arse about his job (and probably his poor PR people). For pretty much an all-encompassing archive of all their pictures, interviews, promo appearances etc, check my tags: Dominic West and David Oyelowo.

If you're one of the two people even contemplating this pairing you've probably already had to suffer through all my headcanons, but - I am so so SO fascinated by David saying he had to time when he could be around Dominic. Was he so in character that if David surprised him at the wrong time in his trailer, he found himself shoved against a wall? Over a desk? Not that that would get David hard because he is ABSOLUTELY NOT attracted in any way to him and anyway, it's all just the adrenaline, completely unconnected to how physically splendid Dominic is.

It just really really sounds like they had some sort of weird BDSM thing going on - they just called it method acting. Which leaves so many openings for fic. Apparently Dominic was doing boxing to get in shape for the show (and his butt scene), sooo... is he being his emotionally needy self and surprising David in his trailer, grinning and pulling up his shirt to show off how ripped he got, daring David to punch him so that they'll have real 'method acting' bruises to work with? Do they secretly sneak onto the prison hulk set at midnight to work on the chained-Valjean lecture scene in a 'method acting' way? Are those bruises and welts maybe no makeup? <.<

And then we also got flirty charming DRUNK Dominic at David's New Year's party KISSING him (well, his cheek, but still <3). And making false promises about his MAYORAL ASS! (Maybe Dominic forgot that all the scenes showing his mayoral ass in Montreuil were not actually filmed but only happened in his secret 'method acting' sessions with David...? Or what about exploring the aftermath of that party? Was Dominic drunk enough that David offered him to spend the night? Did a drunk, clingy Dominic ask David to get back into character for the night for old time's sake? Did needy Dominic just really really want reassurance that it was Javert who hated him and that David really loves him?)

Dominic clearly LOVES hearing David talk about his buns of steel, so anything you want to do with this hilarious interview about his ass--perhaps it's a praise kink thing? Or perhaps he'd simply do anything at all to hear David talk about his amazing ass!

Also apparently Dominic did lots of yoga to get into shape, so you want him to show off how bendy he is for David, I'm here for that, too...

And then we got this interview a few days ago that proves that any headcanon about Dominic's clingy neediness is actually canon, ahaha:

“Andrew Scott is in everything. He has forgotten me already. I was his husband in Pride.
“He never mentions me, he never writes, or never calls. I mean… good for him. I hope he does well.”

Just how many needy texts exactly has Dominic been sending David? :D (After all, here we have Dominic West sulking that he didn't get to kiss any male winners at an event because obviously everyone needs to love him and want to kiss him! Or maybe he indulges his needs by secretly writing fic where obviously everyone loves him?)

Or what if David came to visit to see Dominic act at Castle Glin and there were shenanigans involving ghosts? Or perhaps just sexy shenanigans? Horse rides in the Irish countryside? <3

Meanwhile I also absolutely adore the way David is just constantly like "Oh, of course Dominic would think these two want to fuck, I mean have you looked at me?" That confidence is probably the only way you can deal with having someone around who's as needy and in constant need of attention as Dominic.

I just really really ship these two and ANY sort of on-set shenanigans with them would be absolutely awesome! Or, you know... any exploration of unnegotiated BDSM power play 'method acting.' :D

And of course the toilet selfie posts which really seem to demand fic/art!

Art prompts: Characters disheveled or in states of partial undress. Characters bathing/washing each other. Characters in costume but not actually 'in character' - I love those pictures where we see them in costume while getting coffee together etc. Kissing is great! Group selfies, whether in toilets or not. :D Any illustration of one of my fic is of course also always welcome! I'm also fine with any level of explicitness or kink.

Art references: my RPF tag for their social media shenanigans, David Oyelowo, Dominic West, Enzo Cilenti

DNW: issuefic, genderswap, unrequested identity headcanons, unrequested setting change AUs, soulmate AU, kidfic, wife-bashing in any form. RPF is mostly just fun fantasy for me, so you could either not mention them at all or handwave them being happy with everything. Also please no rape or non-con - I'd be of course fine with dub-con given the nature of the fraught unnegotiated power play prompts.

Les Misérables (TV 2018)


Something I really like about BBC Javert is just how obsessed and mean and generally fanficcy he is. Also I'm still not over his scandalous outfit in the prison hulks with his shirt open all the way down to his waistcoat. Surely he has to be the hottest (and most fashionable) Javert we ever got.

What I love about the BBC's Westjean is that he's crushed by his guilt even more than most Valjeans - Petit Gervais and the forty sous coin truly haunt him until the end of his life, and I'm still not over the fact that we got literal canon self-harming with the hot coin of shame.

If you're up to exploring their Montreuil dynamics more, I'd be really interested in what happened during all those months that passed between Javert first arriving, and finally the Arras reveal. Just what did Javert do, and how did he try to unmask Valjean? Did he try to seduce him in the hope to get a good look at his scarred back? Did all those long rides lead to unexpected forest meetings? I'd also really love to see a Post-Arras Javert react to/deal with Valjean's self-inflicted coin wound. Or maybe he takes inspiration from it later to brand his willing sub/unwilling captive?

For Paris era, I aways wonder what would have happened if Javert had simply followed Valjean across the wall of the convent/found some illegal way to sneak inside. Or maybe fashion-conscious Javert surprises them on one of Cosette's shopping trips? And Javert is just a hand's breadth away from Valjean after the Gorbeau house incident - what if Javert had actually looked out of that window and found his hiding place?

And then, of course, there's the fact that this adaptation gave us Valjean literally shouting for Javert in the streets, which surely deserves a fix-it! I'm definitely interested in any Post-Seine scenario here that saves Javert, but I'm also interested in scenarios that explore Valjean's constant need to surrender himself to Javert, and anything that could possibly entail, whether happy or fraught and kinky or possibly sad/unhappy.

I'm always intrigued by power dynamics, and if that's something you'd like to write, I prefer Valjean as the submissive partner. Likewise, if you want to write noncon, dubcon, angsty h/c scenarios etc, I prefer Valjean to be the one who suffers.

For more specific tropes or scenario and also general likes, feel free to use my Hurt/Comfort Exchange, Smut Swap or Nonconathon letters where I've also asked for this ship.

I'd love to see these three try to work out a happy (or not so happy) relationship. I'm really fascinated by the different dynamics of Javert/Rivette and Javert/Valjean and how these work in proximity, and what sort of Rivette/Valjean dynamic might develop. Is there jealousy? Valjean and Javert's lives have revolved around each other for so long that it must seem impossible to Rivette to ever be on an equal footing. At the same time, Valjean has only ever known Javert as his merciless pursuer - is he shocked/jealous to find that there is someone who cares about Javert, and whom Javert obviously respects in a way that he never respected Valjean?

Or maybe it's a Post-Seine situation where Javert's superior finds out about Javert's relationships with a former convict and his subordinate and career-focused Javert has to deal with the fallout? Or it's a complicated Post-Seine scenario where no one can ever admit to any feelings and there is a lot of pining, and then villains make them do it (Tentacles make them do it?) and it's all very difficult and fraught for everyone because of all those unspoken, difficult feelings and insecurities and jealousies?

Or perhaps a Pre-Seine scenario where Javert is actually successful in capturing Valjean (and perhaps already in a relationship with Rivette, whether that's a mutually satisfying arrangement or just Javert using Rivette as a substitute for the man he really wants), which then leads to Javert trying to divert any tension/jealousy, or assert his authority, or maybe just living his best life by an OT3 arrangement, whether Rivette and/or Valjean like it or not.

If it's a Post-Seine event, it could happen for - basically exactly the same reasons. :D Maybe Javert's already in a relationship with Rivette and doesn't care what Rivette thinks about adding Valjean to his harem? Or Rivette finds himself strangely intrigued by Javert's pet convict and figures having Valjean live with them is better than losing Javert completely? (Or Javert brings his new Valjean to work with him and forces him to give under desk blowjob to Rivette, who has earned a reward?)

For Rivette/Valjean I'd love to see them both try to deal with Javert's death by clinging to each other and sort of using each other as a substitute for Javert (until perhaps at last they come to know the other better and suddenly there are real feelings?). Or perhaps after Javert's death, Rivette feels the need to get to the bottom of what brought him there by going to arrest Valjean/interrogating him? Or for an earlier timeframe, what if Rivette is so jealous of Javert's obsession with Valjean that he seeks out anonymous sex with strangers who look like Javert's Wanted poster with the Valjean fanart (and since Valjean probably searches out anonymous sex with people who look like they work for the police, they'd definitely meet and have sex/develop feelings)? Or maybe Rivette is the one who gets to infiltrate the barricade, and gets wounded or unmasked and Valjean does his best to keep him safe while Rivette starts to realize that maybe Valjean isn't the criminal mastermind Javert thinks he is?

I love Rivette, his loyalty to Javert and his duty, his constant sadness at always disappointing Javert, and I'm here for any scenario where he either for once gets what he's been pining for for so long, or has to live with the fact that he'll never be the man Javert is most obsessed with. I'm here for any Rivette/Javert, from happy fluff to sad encounters where Javert is just using Rivette as a substitute for Valjean.

Rivette seems to admire and care for Javert so much, and I'd love any sort of loyalty kink fic where they are in danger and have to rely on each other. Or for something angsty, any sort of scenario where Rivette's trust is betrayed... ;_; Or maybe they're living in an AU where having authority over an underling means that their superior gets to have sex with them (and/or discipline them via spanking)? Or Javert regularly has sex with Rivette and eventually ends up completely ignoring his boundaries because his obsession with Valjean is much bigger than his consideration for Rivette? Perhaps Javert needs someone to go undercover as his boyfriend/a prostitute etc and of course Rivette volunteers? Or just unhappy sex/a strange Post-Seine scenario where Rivette feels like he can't say no to anything Javert wants? For something fluffier, I'd love handcuffed-together/wilderness survival/huddling for warmth scenarios for these two. Or what if Javert decides to celebrate Rivette's promotion by finally treating him to the date Rivette has always dreamed of? Or Rivette gets injured in the line of duty and that gets him at last all the comforting and attention from Javert that he's always dreamed of?

This is the first adaptation that made me want OT3 fic/art, and I think it's because the show spends so much time showing us Fantine being happy. I don't need the fic/art to be happy or for Javert to not be the dick he is in canon, but I would prefer if it is pre-Fantine having to sell her hair and teeth. I'd be happy both with a Javert who has an early derailment, some other way to get them together (sex pollen? Canadian shacks?) or a Javert who finds a way around the law (or perhaps twisting the law) to have both people he wants. I'd be interested in seeing how such a scenario could work out in Montreuil, wherever you want to take this, although I'd prefer no dark/overly angry/abusive Valjean. (Westjean can of course absolutely be his canonically shouty self though.)

Art prompts: Characters disheveled, in states of partial undress, or wounded. Characters bathing/washing each other. Javert in sexy shirtsleeves like he is here (1, 2, 3)! Valjean in a wet shirt. Valjean grooming a horse. (Anything featuring their horses, really!) Valjean in sexy martingale bondage (NSFW picture). Rivette in this situation/position, just canon era :D Any illustration of one of my fic is of course also always welcome! If you want to draw porn, I'm fine with any level of explicitness or kink and love BDSM and D/s.

DNW: issuefic, genderswap, unrequested identity headcanons, unrequested setting change AUs, soulmate AU, kidfic
Crossover Fandom

Javert (Les Mis Dallas)/Jean Valjean (Les Mis Dallas)/Rivette
Jean Valjean (Les Misérables Dallas)/Rivette
Javert (Les Misérables Dallas)/Rivette

Someone made me wonder what Rivette would do in the Dallas universe - he'd have a much calmer boss in Wattsvert, although one openly wearing a kinky leather coat! And Wattsvert seems like the kind of person who'd actually appreciate a useful, loyal underling who just wants to please him!

Also I forgot to nominate BBC Javert, but he's welcome to come and play in crossover world too - how would Nehaljean react to such an incredibly intense Javert?

Whether this is a crossover where Rivette has always existed in the Dallas universe or it involves Rivette timetraveling forward or Valjean and/or Javert traveling back in time, I'm here for all of it!

Dynamic-wise, I prefer bottom!Valjean (or sub!Valjean if you want to write BDSM or D/s) and am not interested in dark!Valjean AUs.

Art prompts: I'd love to see the characters of one universe in the costumes of the other - so Rivette and/or David Oyelowo's Javert in the modern (leather) costumes of the Dallas production, or Nehal Joshi and Ed Watts' characters in the period costumes of the BBC production. Apart from that, I love characters disheveled, in states of partial undress, or wounded. Characters bathing/washing each other. I adore Javert's sexy BBC period shirtsleeves like he is here (1, 2, 3) - how would Ed Watts look in that costume, or what would the modern Dallas equivalent be for David Oyelowo? Valjean in a wet shirt is always appreciated. And so is any sort of kissing or intimacy (especially Javert or Rivette touching Valjean's mouth!). If you want to draw porn, I'm fine with any level of explicitness or kink and love BDSM and D/s.

Art references: Rivette, Dallas Valjean & Javert, BBC Javert

DNW: issuefic, genderswap, unrequested identity headcanons, unrequested setting change AUs, soulmate AU, kidfic
General Likes:
Forced intimacy of any kind! This is one of my all-time faves, in any sort of situation or scenario. People thrust into closeness before they are ready for it and forced to overcome their differences is always delightful to me. Any tropey fic of the handcuffed-togther, bed-sharing, undercover gay, arranged marriage etc. kind is always going to make me happy!
Huddling for warmth
One character trying to protect another with their own life (or really any sort of loyalty kink!)
Enemies forced to work together
Hot, sweltering summer days/nights
Bathing/washing - especially if one character is taking care of another
Casefic, or any sort of action/adventure scenario where characters have to work together
Enemies to lovers
Emotional vulnerability
Groundhog Day AUs
Unhealthy/co-dependent relationships
Hostage situations

Smut/Kink likes:
noncon and dubcon, Enemy hatesex, enemies to lovers, BDSM and D/s, messy sex/comeplay, powerplay, size kink, tentacles, slavefic/auctions, chastity kink, virginity kink, marks on skin, clothes porn, breathplay, shame in sexual desires, overstimulation, watersports, piercings, knifeplay, hooker AU, tiny or huge dicks getting attention, CBT, sounding, punishment/penance scenarios, whipping/flogging/spanking, pain play, humiliation, intercrural, fisting (and feel free to use my Smut Swap letter for further ideas)

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comments). Comments are welcome in either place.

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