Yuletide letter

Oct 27, 2019 15:40

Dear Yuletide writer,

it's that time of the year again! Yuletide is always the highlight of my fannish year, and I hope you're going to have fun with this!

I'm the sort of writer who loves getting prompts in an exchange, so I've tried to list several different prompts/scenarios for all my requested canons - but if those don't appeal to you or you'd rather have more freedom in what to write, I'm also going to list my general likes and fave tropes as well as my DNWs at the end of this letter. (And as I've requested several of these canons before, feel free to also make use of past letters.)

I am signed up for Yuleporn, Crueltide, Wrapping Paper and Interactive Fiction if any of that is your thing.

Also, I ship most the people I requested, so many of the prompts are shippy or porny. In case you don't ship them, please let me reassure you that I'd also be more than happy with non-shippy fic! What I'm mainly into is having my faves interact, so whether they make out or are forced to work together is both guaranteed to make me very very happy. It's really all about the emotional connection for me - as long as they care about each other deeply (or dislike each other passionately for the foeyay pairings) I promise I'm going to love it!

Toilers of the Sea - Victor Hugo
Requested characters: Gilliatt

I just finished reading Toilers (it's available as a free ebook on Gutenberg here) and now I have feelings! Fannish osmosis made me expect a book that's at least 70% lovingly described man vs tentacles; what I got instead was 50% of slow introductions and character exposition and loving descriptions of Guernsey, 49% of man vs nature and 1% of tentacles, but I'm willing to forgive Hugo because by the time the plot finally started at the 50% mark, it really did start with a bang and I was into it! I love that the second half of the book is basically Robinson Crusoe-esque competence porn!

The closer I got to the ending, the more I feared that Hugo would go there - and then he did go there, and my heart broke. ;__;

A great way of fixing that ending would be via OT3 shipping. I'm very much up for Gilliatt/Déruchette/Caudray. He did save Caudray's life, after all, and Caudray seemed very intrigued by him.

Gilliatt's first encounter with Caudray would surely also lend itself very well to shippy fic--if Caudray had gotten injured/ended up with hypothermia because the water had risen too high already, surely Gilliatt would haven taken him back to his home to nurse him back to health/keep him warm?

Or of course, Gilliatt/Mess Lethierry. They are both connected by their love of the ocean and their great skill as mariners, and Mess Lethierry was starting to wonder whether Gilliatt intended to marry him instead of his daughter... :D I can't help but feel that he would have been happiest getting to sail the Durande together with Gilliatt the Amazing Mariner. (Or maybe in his grief Lethierry takes a small boat out to look at the wreck of his Durande and to perhaps die close to his beloved ship, only to be shipwrecked and rescued by Gilliatt - and then they can have survival adventures or just Douvres domesticity on top of the rocks?)

And then, of course, I'm definitely also up for Gilliatt/tentacles! (Just look at all these loving tentacle illustrations this book has produced! <3) Whether you want to go for consentacles or tentacle rape, all is good.

To give the poor pieuvre a happy ending, what if he survives his encounter with Gilliatt, sulks a bit while he licks his wounds, and then comes to find Gilliatt to rescue and/or tentacle him when Gilliatt's about to commit suicide? Or perhaps the pieuvre ends up entangled in a fishing net or some other trouble and Gilliatt frees him, which starts a beautiful (sexy?) friendship?

Or perhaps Gilliatt doesn't die in the end but turns into a tentacle monster himself?

Or maybe they can come to an understanding on the Douvres - I'm definitely here for man/tentacle enemies to lovers fic! Wht if their fight turns unexpectedly sexy and no one has to die? Or for something fluffier, the pieuvre trying to woo Gilliatt by catching fish or crabs for him and using his long arms to help with his repairs/the barricades against the storm?

For non-shippy prompts, I really really loved that entire Robinson Crusoe part of the book where Gilliatt builds himself a home on the Douvres, a workshop, a storage room, goes off exploring caves and climbing rocks and taking apart the Durande. Any sort of fic that goes into the survival/exploration/competence porn direction would be lovely!

Or perhaps further adventures of Gilliatt at sea? More fights with the evil creatures of the sea? An AU where he really is the sorcerer people think he is who communes with spirits? Or fic featuring his friends, the birds? <3

I also really love Guernsey with its flowers and rugged cliffs although I never explored further than St Peter Port and the south coast cliffs, so if that's the aspect of the book you loved the most, fic that's more interested the specific setting would also be delightful (as would a crossover with one of the other canons I've requested)!

DNW: modern AU, soulmate AU, AUs that change the setting (like pirate AU or fantasy AU - I want them to remain their canon selves), genderswap, kidfic

Les Misérables RPF
Requested characters: David Oyelowo, Dominic West

OMG this pairing hit me like a ton of bricks. I blame it all on the fact that David talks a lot about how he's a method actor and was apparently spending the 6 months of shooting in character as Javert. He's been saying stuff like "the nature of the relationship we play out is so acrimonious that I had to time the moments when I could be around him," talking about how much fun it was to "make Dominic West's life living hell" and apparently told Dominic that he was "crass" for suggesting that Javert pursues Valjean because he fancies him, which is indeed how Javert would react to the suggestion lol.

I'm just endlessly intrigued and amused by what we hear about them on set:

Why does Javert hate him so much? "I always like to trace motivations to sex,” West says. “I said to David, 'Javert obviously fancies him!’ But he thought that was crass.”

Did the rivalry extend off-set? “You’re never quite sure where the character ends and the actor starts,” he laughs.
Meanwhile Dominic is such a complete unfiltered weirdo I don't even know where to start. Just - watch this vid where he gives us a tour of his wife's castle and marvel at the way he is always on and at 1000% pure unfiltered energy trying his hardest to be incredibly charming and lovable and entertaining. Also relevant for the completely unfiltered shit he says: this interview that probably needs a scat warning and THIS interview where he openly admits that he doesn't give a rat's arse about his job (and probably his poor PR people). For pretty much an all-encompassing archive of all their pictures, interviews, promo appearances etc, check my tags: Dominic West and David Oyelowo.

If you're one of the two people even contemplating this pairing you've probably already had to suffer through all my headcanons, but - I am so so SO fascinated by David saying he had to time when he could be around Dominic. Was he so in character that if David surprised him at the wrong time in his trailer, he found himself shoved against a wall? Over a desk? Not that that would get David hard because he is ABSOLUTELY NOT attracted in any way to him and anyway, it's all just the adrenaline, completely unconnected to how physically splendid Dominic is.

It just really really sounds like they had some sort of weird BDSM thing going on - they just called it method acting. Which leaves so many openings for fic. Apparently Dominic was doing boxing to get in shape for the show (and his butt scene), sooo... is he being his emotionally needy self and surprising David in his trailer, grinning and pulling up his shirt to show off how ripped he got, daring David to punch him so that they'll have real 'method acting' bruises to work with? Do they secretly sneak onto the prison hulk set at midnight to work on the chained-Valjean lecture scene in a 'method acting' way? Are those bruises and welts maybe no makeup? <.<

And then we also got flirty charming DRUNK Dominic at David's New Year's party KISSING him (well, his cheek, but still <3). And making false promises about his MAYORAL ASS! (Maybe Dominic forgot that all the scenes showing his mayoral ass in Montreuil were not actually filmed but only happened in his secret 'method acting' sessions with David...? Or what about exploring the aftermath of that party? Was Dominic drunk enough that David offered him to spend the night? Did a drunk, clingy Dominic ask David to get back into character for the night for old time's sake? Did needy Dominic just really really want reassurance that it was Javert who hated him and that David really loves him?)

Dominic clearly LOVES hearing David talk about his buns of steel, so anything you want to do with this hilarious interview about his ass--perhaps it's a praise kink thing? Or perhaps he'd simply do anything at all to hear David talk about his amazing ass!

Also apparently Dominic did lots of yoga to get into shape, so you want him to show off how bendy he is for David, I'm here for that, too...

And then we got this interview a few days ago that proves that any headcanon about Dominic's clingy neediness is actually canon, ahaha:

“Andrew Scott is in everything. He has forgotten me already. I was his husband in Pride.
“He never mentions me, he never writes, or never calls. I mean… good for him. I hope he does well.”

Just how many needy texts exactly has Dominic been sending David? :D (After all, here we have Dominic West sulking that he didn't get to kiss any male winners at an event because obviously everyone needs to love him and want to kiss him! Or maybe he indulges his needs by secretly writing fic where obviously everyone loves him?)

Or what if David came to visit to see Dominic act at Castle Glin and there were shenanigans involving ghosts? Or perhaps just sexy shenanigans? Horse rides in the Irish countryside? <3

Meanwhile I also absolutely adore the way David is just constantly like "Oh, of course Dominic would think these two want to fuck, I mean have you looked at me?" That confidence is probably the only way you can deal with having someone around who's as needy and in constant need of attention as Dominic.

I just really really ship these two and ANY sort of on-set shenanigans with them would be absolutely awesome! Or, you know... any exploration of unnegotiated BDSM power play 'method acting.' :D

And of course the toilet selfie posts- which reminds me that although I've requested David and Dominic, I'd also be happy with David/Dominic/Lily fic!

(Also I usually give both shippy and non-shippy prompts, but I really don't think that there are more than 3 people interested in BBC RPF, and I know all of them. /o\ In case I'm wrong about that I'm going to be VERY VERY EXCITED because I really really want more people to love the things I love, and let me reassure you that the thing I absolutely want the most out of fic is seeing my faves interact, whether that ends up shippy or not.)

DNW: AUs that change the setting (i.e. college AU, high school AU, coffee shop AU etc); I want them to remain their 'canon' actor selves. Wife-bashing in any form. RPF is mostly just fun fantasy for me, so you could either not mention them at all or handwave them being happy with everything. Also please no rape or non-con - I'd be of course fine with dub-con given the nature of the fraught unnegotiated power play prompts.

Les Mis Dallas
Requested characters: Jean Valjean, Javert

Where do I even start! One of my biggest regrets in life is that I never got to see the Dallas production live on stage. Fortunately, there are bootlegs! (I assume that anyone who offered Dallas for an exchange has seen the boot, but just in case someone stumbles across my letter and is curious let me link you to this full-length video [part 1 | part 2], and also my Dallas tag for lots of reblogged gifs and some meta/interviews etc.)

Also, if you're ok with downloading huge files, let me share these HQ bootlegs with you:

Dallas - 2 August 2014 (this is the same video as on youtube)
5.58 GB VOB
Nehal Joshi, Edward Watts, Allison Blackwell, Justin Keyes, Elizabeth Judd, Dorcas Leung, John Campione, Steven Michael Walters, Christia Mantzke, Jude Mason

Dallas - 5 August 2014 (Highlights)
8.73 GB MP4
Nehal Joshi (Valjean), Edward Watts (Javert), Allison Blackwell (Fantine), Steven Michael Walters (Thenardier), Christia Mantzke (Mme. Thenardier), Justin Keyes (Marius), Dorcas Leung (Cosette), Elizabeth Judd (Eponine), John Campione (Enjolras), Alex Organ (Grantaire), Salma Salinas (Little Cosette), Mark Hancock (Gavroche).
Highlights only (~2 hours running time). Shot blind with no zooms.

I have so many Dallas feels! This is one of my returning requests (which is why this section is so long, sorry, the prompts add up over the years /o\) because there is so much to explore, and one of the most fascinating things for me is to see how different people interpret the Dallas universe - is it present day USA? A near-future dystopian France? - and get to read different character voices.

I love Javert’s canon kinky leather coat and leather gloves. I love his huge gun. I love the way that he seems so much more dispassionate than any other Javert, and that this includes casually watching some police violence in Toulon from his vantage point at the top. I’m very fond of the fanon Wattsvert who has a long list of kinks and a room full of sextoys/a laptop full of porn, but I’d be just as interested in a Wattsvert who is such a workaholic that he never really thinks about sex.

And in return, Nehaljean is so much more emotional than any other Valjean! I love his expressive eyes, the way he smiles and laughs and touches people, the way he changes from the aggression of the prologue to that heart-breaking gentleness later on!

Here are some prompts that will hopefully be helpful, but feel free to ignore them if there's something about my general likes or porn likes that works better for you!

- a fandom AU! Did Valjean once fail to post his exchange fic, and exchange mod Javert has been hunting him down ever since? Maybe Javert starts RPing with fandom newbie Madeleine and can’t help but feel suspicious at the way their writing style is so similar? (Does Javert constantly want to RP criminal AUs in the hope that this time, sexily arresting Madeleine’s character will make him confess?) Or maybe Madeleine is the beloved BNF of Javert’s fandom, but Javert is almost certain that he recognizes Valjean from his dark past of writing embarrassing self-inserts? Honestly absolutely anything would make me happy here because I love the thought of Wattsvert as an obsessive, neurotic fandom personality. :D
- Since this is one of the few canons where they have the freedom to travel easily, I’d also be really interested in seeing them explore other parts of France (or the world?). Whether that means that Javert hunts Valjean all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower or the beach in Southern France, or whether they go on a honeymoon trip to a lonely island etc, is all up to you. :D (Or maybe they get shipwrecked on their honeymoon cruise?)
- going undercover in a gay club/bdsm club/general kink exploration because Wattsvert in his leather outfit lends himself so well to it and I can’t help but think that he’d feel in his element the more rules he gets to make up/negotiate.
- In general any sort of kink exploration with these two because I’m fascinated how that would go with their differing personalities and how they’d make it work for themselves
- anonymous sex/glory holes etc. where Javert doesn’t know or perhaps suspects that it’s maybe Valjean he’s having sex with (or the other way around)
- any sort of Virtual Reality setup/AU, whether you use it for gen or porn scenarios! I could see them really well in an MMORPG AU, or some sort of futuristic VR setup where Javert hunts Valjean through virtual space. (Or VR sex of course!)
- I'm always intrigued by the idea of their positions getting reversed: the Amis take Valjean for the spy, and don't realize that Javert is. Or what would happen if Javert just refused to leave when Valjean frees him? Surely Valjean wouldn't shoot him - so what if Javert sticks around for the final battle and the aftermath? And when the SWAT team attacks, surely they wouldn't recognize Javert in his spy outfit. What if he gets injured - or Valjean gets injured? Would they try to save each other?
- A Queer Eye crossover because the thought of Wattsvert getting a makeover is just so utterly hilarious. Obviously he would have a not-so-well-hidden box of kinky leather and sex toys! Does he get gently encouraged to wear some patterned shirts instead of the leather coat? Does he get encouraged to share his kinky fantasies with his boyfriend? Will poor Nehaljean have to suffer through a final party in a house that’s full of Javert’s co-workers and cameras (his greatest nightmare!) PLUS an on-camera confession about the things Wattsvert would like to do to him?
- Javert and Valjean texting (sexting?) Or does Javert send his boss a dickpic by accident when he meant to send it to Valjean? Did pre-Derailment Javert somehow get Valjean's number and keeps texting him while he tries to find out where he's hiding? Do they perhaps get closer to each other despite Javert telling himself that he is texting a criminal?)
- awkward first times/domesticity: actual curtainfic shopping at Ikea together, Javert taking what legal steps are necessary to acquire a pardon for his bf Valjean, a first holiday together, or Javert introducing his bf to his co-workers
- Valjean cannot flee and Javert is present for the scene where Patron-Minette rips Valjean's shirt open
- Valjean keeps working out while wearing really short shorts that drive Javert crazy
- Eurovision AU - perhaps featuring Javert as a judge who is very suspicious because Valjean looks like a contestant who cheated years ago...?
- Steampunk Dallas!
- What if Javert ends up purchasing Valjean for a day/night during a charity auction?
- I'm also absolutely up for any sort of seasonal fic, whether that involves snow and kisses or Valjean getting dragged along Post-Seine to Javert's prefecture holiday party where drunk Gisquet gives boring speeches and Javert's colleagues can't believe that he has such a lovely bf.

DNW: AUs that change the setting, i.e. college AU, high school AU, coffee shop AU etc (unless prompted), soulmate AUs, genderswap, kidfic (the presence of canonical children is fine, of course), a 'dark' or violent Valjean who physically harms or hurts Javert

Requested characters: Corentin, Commander Hulot

So this is the year I have been dragged into Balzac hell after years of resistance, and predictably all it took was to get me intrigued by mentioning a certain tiny evil cop. Obviously it turned out that indeed, Corentin is fascinating, and I want to know more about him - until I'd finished all of his books three months later and still wanted more!

And that is where fandom comes in. (Or at least it should, because there is almost no Corentin fic!)

After finding out that 'the old soldier' Hulot is not actually in his seventies but in his thirties during Chouans, I ended up unironically shipping it. Chouans is possibly my favourite Balzac book, too, so if you ship it too, I'd love absolutely any- and everything about these two set during or after the Chouans events.

I'd be just as happy with non-shippy interaction if you don't ship it - I love what we see of their canon interaction, the tension between them, the class differences, political differences, the ~ten year age difference, the way Hulot seems to be the only character Balzac has ever genuinely liked (or at least wrote as likable) and the way he so clearly dislikes Corentin and yet somehow fails to make me as a reader understand just why he is so terrible (apart from police spies = bad).

I love how much Hulot loves his men, and how physical he is - he is constantly clutching their arms! I love that to go undercover, he actually shaves off his dashing, heroic moustache - and that Corentin smirks at him for it. Even though I don't believe that Montauran deserves any of the respect Hulot showed him, I also love that Hulot threatened Corentin over him (and would definitely love to see him "sheathe his sword in his stomach" in any way you'd like to explore, whether via a duel or porn).

If you want to set fic post-Chouans, I'm really intrigued by all we learn about their later lives in Cousin Bette and The Lesser Bourgeouisie (Cousin Bette is my least favourite Balzac novel ever because everyone is just so unbearably horrible in it - except for Marshal Hulot!) and I'd be delighted to see what would happen if they interacted in those years - Commander Hulot now Marshal Hulot, Corentin now the famous secret police mastermind. I'm sure there could be lots of Balzacian machinations that would force them together (and maybe force them to work together). Maybe Corentin could even make sure that Hulot's brother doesn't ruin everything.

(Or maybe Hulot and Corentin have been a thing ever since Chouans and Corentin takes it on himself to spare Marshal Hulot by dealing with his awful younger brother in whatever way you want?)

I love Chouans era Corentin's Incroyables fashion and the outrage it produces in Hulot and his men, and anything at all dealing with that would be fun! Give me all the clothing or uniform porn if that's something you're into! Maybe Hulot's half-brigade plays tricks on their little muscadin spy (by hiding his clothes?) or maybe they adopt him as the company's unofficial mascot? Maybe he's playing la drogue with Hulot or his men?

In general the Chouans setting could lead to so many fun things: Chouans sex pollen? Getting trapped together inside a cave? Maybe they have to go undercover as Chouans together? Or perhaps a Chouan weregoat bites Hulot and turns him? I also really really love h/c situations where one of them gets kidnapped/wounded/poisoned and the other has to rescue him and begrudgingly care for him/suck the poison from the wound etc.

I also really love Une Ténébreuse Affaire, if you'd rather play with that setting! Most of my prompts are Chouans era since that's the only time we see them interact, but I've read all the Corentin and all the Hulot books and would be happy with any setting.

I'd also love an AU where "citizen of hell" Corentin is an actual demon. Or I'd be up for seasonal fic with lots of snow (always a good excuse to huddle for warmth or share a bed!).

And I'm always into power dynamics, so if you want to write fic where Hulot deals with his annoying spy by spanking him, or the military situation means that Hulot has more power over Corentin than he does in canon, I'm also here for that!

DNW: modern AU, soulmate AU, AUs that change the setting (like pirate AU or fantasy AU - I want them to remain their canon selves), genderswap, kidfic


Forced intimacy of any kind! This is one of my all-time faves, in any sort of situation or scenario. People thrust into closeness before they are ready for it and forced to overcome their differences is always delightful to me. Any tropey fic of the handcuffed-togther, bed-sharing, undercover gay, arranged marriage etc. kind is always going to make me happy!
Huddling for warmth
One character trying to protect another with their own life (or really any sort of loyalty kink!)
Enemies forced to work together
Hot, sweltering summer days/nights
Bathing/washing - especially if one character is taking care of another
Casefic, or any sort of action/adventure scenario where characters have to work together
Enemies to lovers
Emotional vulnerability
Groundhog Day AUs
Unhealthy/co-dependent relationships
Hostage situations

Smut/Kink likes:
noncon and dubcon, Enemy hatesex, enemies to lovers, BDSM and D/s, messy sex/comeplay, powerplay, size kink, tentacles, slavefic/auctions, chastity kink, virginity kink, marks on skin, clothes porn, breath play, shame in sexual desires, overstimulation, watersports, piercings, knifeplay, hooker AU, tiny or huge dicks getting attention, CBT, punishment/penance scenarios, whipping/flogging/spanking, pain play, humiliation, intercrural, fisting

Entry originally posted to DW: https://esteliel.dreamwidth.org/476614.html (
comments). Comments are welcome in either place.

exchanges, yuletide

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