Ernesto said I should bring my (metal) flute next week and we can jam. ^^ Woohoo! Of course this means that I need to find some RenFest-suitable way of transporting the damn thing.
On the way back from RenFest, we ran into unexpected traffic and Maestro started swearing in Croatian. o.O He said it's one of the best languages to swear in, aside from Greek and Russian, and that those two aren't as good as Arabic. :P
I've known Ernesto's name (he's the main person in a band I really like called Djilia Phralengo) for a long time, but I never told him mine (and considering that he started recognising me one or two weekends ago, that's not terribly unreasonable). So I was looking for him after cannon today because I'd told him he could come get food at our booth, and I realised that he didn't know my name. Actually, while I was looking, I ran across Tom and said that I was looking for a musician, he was part of the band Djilia Phralengo (which rang no bells), and that he didn't know my name. At that last Tom insinuated innuendo and I had to say "No, not like what you're thinking! I just never told him." Damn dirty-minded Faire people. :P Well, eventually I found him and we conversed for a while (I gave chocolate to both him and Elizabeth). As we were saying goodbye he said, "Forgive my terrible memory, but I don't remember your name," and I said, "That's because I never told it to you." "Oh. Right. So what is it?" Apparently it should be eas(ier than normal) for him to remember "Esty". (oh good)
I learned a dirty joke today...
I was talking to Ernesto and he was saying that the only way to get better at playing the flute was patience and dedication. Then he said "That's how the elephant fucked the mouse. With patience and dedication." Of course my reaction was utter confusion, and hysterical laughter once the other people in the area started puzzling over how that would/could work. "It's the phrase of the day, or something. How the elephant fucked the mouse." Yeesh. *rolls eyes*
I... can't think of anything else. Eh.