I promised Disser I'd update my Livejournal tonight, so that's what I'm doing, even though I just got home.
Sleep schedule for the past few days:
Fell asleep around 7 pm Friday night
Awoken at 3:15 am Saturday
Crashed at 3 or 4 pm Saturday
Woke up again at about 9 pm Saturday
Went to bed after 4 am Sunday
Got up at 11:30 am Sunday
Sleep schedule? What's that?
The reason it was initially so whacked-out was because Disser was over Thursday night through Friday evening. Yes, I had school Friday, and also a doctor's appointment. D: (It was a checkup. I'm fine. I weigh a pound and a half less than Disser, though.)
I spent pretty much all of Saturday, and the first part of today, on the internet, mostly reading
the TV Tropes wiki and webcomics. (Warning: TV Tropes is much like Wikipedia, only every page can suck you in and every page is riddled with links to new and shiny places.) I also watched The Pagemaster on Youtube Saturday afternoon.
Andleeb finally dragged me out of the house with the promise of ice cream and ballroom dancing. The ice cream was delicious; the ballroom dancing was confusing as hell (cos we missed the first lesson) and not really very fun. :/
Tara said I could have dinner with her, but she was out running for longer than she expected, and was therefore not near her phone. I biked around campus for over half an hour, going from almost the west edge of the diag to Washtenaw, and from well south of East Quad to north of Couzens. Most ground, I covered more than once. The end result was me, exhausted, sitting in front of Tara's house. Eventually I recovered strength and went home, when she called me to say that she was finally home and there was food and would be a movie. So I grabbed something warm from home and biked back.
Tara and Kevin and I had pizza and strawberries, and watched Big Fish. It was a pretty good, slightly trippy movie. Then we talked about totally random stuff for over an hour, when I noticed it was after 1 and therefore time to come home. >.<
Apparently there are two sneaky mysterious changes happening to my body: my breasts are getting slightly bigger, and my waist is getting noticeably smaller. The first is apparently explainable by "hormones released by sex" or something like that. The second is easily explained by me forgetting to eat when I'm at the computer, and not eating enough when I'm at school. So I'm basically under orders from Disser to eat moar.
Speaking of Disser, on Thursday we went to dinner at Noodles & Co. The guy who took our orders looked vaguely familiar, and apparently he thought I was cute (or so Disser claims). Later we were both flirting with a waitress, except Disser's flirting was more aimed towards this guy she'd been interacting with, and my flirting was more aimed towards her. We're such a weird couple. :P
Disser really likes my bike, which makes me happy. ^^
Kevin has a tattoo of a stag... with a crescent moon behind it... that apparently represents a pagan god of the hunt. Okay then.
Aaand I've run out of stuff to say. Maybe.