Jan 15, 2008 00:01
Guess what I did instead of school today? I saw National Treasure 2 with my Speech class. ^_^ We were gonna see a more, um, educational movie, but we got to Quality 16 too late, so... It was quite good, although I really don't understand why anyone would pick Ben whatsisname over Riley Poole. Geeks are so much better, plus he's cuter. :P
Then I went to see Dennis Kucinich speak. It was pretty cool. If I could vote, I'd vote for him, if only because he's probably bound to line up closer with my views than any of the other candidates except for Mike Gravel.
I also learned that I probably shouldn't talk about politics with Disser. :P If only because I'm a hopeless idealist and he's a pessimistic realist. (Although, note to Disser: when I say I agree with something "on principle" I mean "the underlying idea is one I agree with, whether or not it's implementable." Usually.) Also I have a libertarian streak half a mile wide and he's pretty authoritarian, apparently. ^^;
So yeah. Today was pretty interesting. Work on my civics project was postponed yet again, to tomorrow afternoon... And my shirt cuffs no longer smell like Disser. ... Wanna go to CVS and buy the $2 eensy spray bottle of Axe. :P I may just do that...
political stuff,