Provincial Thoughts

Nov 04, 2007 22:59

Today I wanted to work on some writing, but my dad's computer refuses to acknowledge my USB key and I'm too lazy to download the right driver. So I'm just gonna write down some random thoughts I had the other day.

I'm in Saskatchewan at the moment and yesterday I went to a Roughriders/Argos game (CFL). On the way back from Regina (game was in Regina, we're staying in Melville) we listened to a comedical debate on CBC about whether Manitoba or Alberta was better. All of that got me thinking about provincial pride and I was suddenly struck dumb by the fact that I don't have any province I feel that for.

In a strange way, I kind of love and hate all provinces the same.

So, for whatever it's worth, these are my feelings on each province.

Newfoundland & Labrador

I'm going to start here for two reasons. The first is that It's the farthest east, and this way I can go east to west, the second and more important reason is that I was born there. Most of you guys knew that, but yup, I'm a Newfie.

Of course Newfoundland has a special place in my heart because of that, but I'll be the first person to admit that it's a rather rainy and miserable place.

Do I feel any particular Newfie pride? Not particularly when people start rattling off the Newfie jokes, but when I visit there I feel it a little, mostly because they're a fairly closed community and I'm accepted as one of them when I say I was born in St. John's.


I've only been there two times (maybe more), and it conjures images of Anne of Green Gables, potatoes, red dirt and Cows (you know, the ice cream parlour that has all the funny shirts? Love that place).

Out of all the provinces, that one strikes me as the most trouristy, and I wonder how people from there feel about that. Personally I'd get annoyed, I hate tourists. That being said, I'd love to visit there again and visit all the sites.

More later...


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