POI: S2E5 Picspam, or: The Truth is Obscured

Nov 03, 2012 19:39

PICSPAM from S2E5: Bury the Lede (cute, guys.) Did I mention last time how much I love the new opening credits?

First of all, I didn't notice before that for Finch's credits it says: "Threat Detected: Contacting Admin." Very cool.

Okay, we open with our new number, Maxine.

I don't know where it falls in the scale of journalistic ethics to blackmail your source into giving you information, but apparently it's cool by Maxine. I have to wonder what her editors think about it, though.

Reese interrupts to ask Finch if they have feedback on the line.

Nope. Apparently Finch has made the mistake of giving Bear a squeaky toy.

I once gave a squeaky monkey to an Australian Cattle dog. She decimated that thing, innards all over the living room, within one hour. Nothing short of a heavy rubber kong with biscuit inside would be safe from those jaws. But points for amusement value.

Cut to: BIG NEWS. The HR Bust goes down at last!

It's Fusco's big moment, only no one can know or his ass is grass. He and Carter have a lovely scene

where he tells her to keep her kudos down. Aww, <3
Then Carter talks to Donnelly, who reveals they don't have the head of HR yet.

Wow, Carter's eyelashes. ::sigh::

Simmons waylays poor Fusco in the parking structure and serves notice. He needs to know what Carter and the Fibbies are onto, and for Fusco to get rid of it.

Poor Fusco. Everytime he thinks he's getting out, they keep pulling him back in.

Meanwhile, Reese is tailing Maxine, who gets a tip from an anonymous source and is tracking down the HR case on her own. Only Reese can't get too close because, Finch reveals, Maxine also knows about the Man in the Suit.

Zambrano is the one she suspects is the real head of HR. Question: that was Simmons voice tipping her off, right? Finch heard it. Reese should have too, since they both tend to listen in on cloned phones. Why didn't he recognize Simmons' voice? Maybe Reese wasn't on that call.

Back at the library they discuss the case over relaxing activities, squeaky toys and the like.

"I do wish you wouldn't do that here."

"When I do it in the park, people look at me funny."

<3 (Reese looks like he's afraid Finch will take his bone away.)

Reese complains about not being able to protect Maxine from a distance, so um. Dear baby Jesus: Finch sets Reese up with an online dating profile:

Don't ask me where he got that picture of Reese smiling. Photomanip?

Reese's expression when Finch tells him the news.

Finch's expression when Reese asks him what "he" just texted her. The big flirt. The only question is: with whom?

The "Cyrano" date doesn't start off well, Reese being unprepared (what kind of shoddy operation are they running when he learns his name and occupation on the way in the door?) but Maxine warms up when Zoe appears to give her four-star drive-by Yelp review:

And incidentally get in a quick ass-pat. Oh, the expression on John's face.

Also, how I laughed when Finch was smugly lecturing on his social engineering skills and Reese flicked off his earpiece. However, Finch is apparently still on the date with them, since he brought his own wine and cheese:

Also, he scored with those glasses he bought for Reese. Holy Hannah:

They seemed to be working:

However, their date is interrupted when Carter calls Reese and Maxine's editor calls her, both to tell them that Zambrano was not, in fact the head of HR, but now a target thanks to Maxine's article.


They rush to the docks, where Maxine tells Reese to...but serious, wait in the car. oh ha hah ha hah:

He beats up some assassins instead, but it's all too little too late:

I liked Zambrano. I was bummed.

The cops show up and Maxine and Reese end up down at Reese's least Happy Place.

Why? Might you ask?

Fortunately, Donnelly is too distracted by his ire at Maxine to notice the Man in the Suit is RIGHT BEHIND HER. Oh, the ironies.

Anyway, it's back to the library, and at this point can I mention that this show has the very best crime board ever? All the other shows have computer tables and WHOOSHY tablets and screens that EXPANDO mugshots and such, and here we have our guys using cello-tape and paper print outs. But the reason I love it best is because the camera will often shoot our fine heroes through the fractured lens of this shattered, taped over lucite or glass or whatever it is, just as we often see fuzzed-out pictures or grainy camera feeds or images obscured by text or shots obstructed by objects-because everything is fragmented, the data isn't reliable, no one can be seen except through a fractured lens.

This is how they see the Numbers. This is how we see them and everyone else in the show.


Onward: John calls Fusco and asks him for help in getting the head of HR from Simmons, but similar to his earlier request, Fusco isn't playing, in spite of John's offer to protect him. Fusco says "Yes, Boss," then turns around and uses a computer to investigate instead. He's not going to ask Simmons for anything. Fusco is back to playing both sides again.

Meanwhile, Maxine is a sad, sad puppy. It's lemon chicken in the mess for her, but she's determined to solve this case and also, get revenge for Zambrano's death. She calls the burner cell and tells them so, hoping to light a fire.

John calls her up and tries to head her off, but she just asks him for help in her investigation. Seeing as he could have taken the folder and asked Finch for number crunching, I'm not sure why he didn't make that play, but whatevs. They get shot at a moment later.

But first, John tells her he knows what it's like to do things you can never take back.

Oh, John.

And here's where I start to sympathize for her, whereas before I thought she was just a really crappy journalist who published things before she had proof, and put a man's life at risk without thinking about the implications. Because everyone fucks up, but usually the implications aren't life-threatening.

(Remember what I said about them taking shots through obscuring surfaces?)

Then there are shots fired at them, and Reese shooting from the hip so she can't see, and her driving his stolen car (eee!). Reese tells Finch he's taking her back to his place, and Finch oh NOES! He has Reese's dog!

And here my little slasher heart was filled with GLEE, because Finch literally leaps from his chair without a sign of discomfort, and then he later bends and unclips Bear's collar and scuttles into the closet, only to pop out and lunge to throw Bear his squeaky.

So, though Finch obviously has mobility issues, he doesn't seem to have terrible pain issues to go with those mobility issues, which means \o/ I can write sex scenes without pain for Finch, which has really been holding me back.

*cough* Onward! In the closet, hee, Finch gets a good look at Reese's armory:

And then pops out of the closet the moment Maxine leaves the room. Really, I knew he couldn't leave them alone on this date.

Reese hustles him out the door, but not before Finch complains yet again about the sheer number of guns. Me, I thought it was kinda hot. Also, I noticed there was an empty bracket.

The next morning Reese makes pancakes. Pancakes. Wearing a suit.

Then they hook up with Zoe again to discuss the case.

Which leads to them finding Zambrano's ledger and solving the case, and getting pummeled:

I thought Maxine was kind of cool in this scene, but I thought she might've felt more guilty about getting her date pummeled.

Of course, Carter and Fusco show up in the nick of time and save them, so Maxine gets a look at the ledger, but only enough to make yet another boneheaded and ill-informed journalistic decision:

She didn't read the whole thing! WTF!

The next day she gives Reese the kiss-off

But I think he was fine with that. After all, he already has more boy/girlfriends than he can handle.

And can I just say: I knew all along this guy was behind the whole thing. He was way too smartypants. The power behind the power.

I'm kinda glad Simmons is still around. It gives Fusco some cool scenes to chew on. Way too little Carter in this one though.

As always, you can find higher-resolution images here: my POI gallery, and are free to use them for wallpapers, icons, etc. Credit is appreciated but not required.

poi, picspam

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