Yummy turkey patties, some walks, and a brief catch up

Mar 31, 2011 22:40

It's becoming increasingly difficult to cook around here.  There is my problem with onions and garlic, but now Jim needs to drastically cut back on salt, which has been my main seasoning!  Add in Katy's peculiar culinary tastes and you may begin to understand the dilemma. Tonight I made turkey patties for dinner and we ALL liked them, so I thought I'd better document the recipe so I can make them again, and share, too, if anyone cares.

1 package of ground turkey (about a pound)
one egg
1/2 to 3/4 cup cornflake crumbs
1/2 carrot pared into shavings and then cut the strips a bit smaller
one handful of spinach rinsed and roughly cut into strips
1/2 sweet red pepper, diced
large pinch of salt
several dashes of oregano, basil, thyme
handful of shredded mozzarella
small handful of shredded parmesan

mash together by hand and form into patties 
pan fry to delicious crispness (tonight I happened to use a couple teaspoons fresh bacon grease instead of olive oil)
Late yesterday afternoon I barged into Katy's room and ordered her to get up 'cuz we were going for a walk.  Amazingly, this approach must have surprised her into compliance as she did as commanded, even 'tho she whined a bit that there were "only 3 minutes left" on the Ozzie and Harriet episode she was watching.  I, of course, went "the wrong way", attempting to catch some vitamin D from the dregs of the day's sun.  We trudged up to the stop sign and back, me figuring that would be about the limits of her participation, wonder hiker child that she is.  We stopped to pick up a few dead branch pieces for my firewood collection, and deposited them on the patio, then I went to go in the house, but she headed out to do "the proper walk"!  So we more than doubled our distance by doing the short circuit that she had approved for those occasions when I would get a bug in my bonnet and expect her to go for a walk with me.  Somehow I decided to throw a stick I picked up and she trotted up to point.  Couldn't get her to fetch, but she's a good pointer.  Then she insisted we continue.  So she pretty much jogged the circuit in short spurts, admitting that it was her fault that now she was getting tired.

This morning I come out of the bedroom to find her standing in the hall, blocking my path, asking if I want to go for a walk.  Um....can I stagger to the bathroom and feed the cat first?  So I did that and she came to where I was booting up the computer as my tea was brewing, asking when we were leaving.  By then I'd started a load of clothes, but I told her in around 15 minutes, if that was what she wanted.  Out we went, deciding at the last minute to take a drive out to a forest preserve instead of doing the stale local walk.  We visited the new nature center in Richmond, and one of the naturalists there was very helpful in finding us brochures and maps about relatively local trails that actually have trees.  So we didn't do a heck of a lot of walking this morning, but it was a fairly successful venture overall.

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but my life is hardly exciting, and somehow it keeps speeding up the more I try and lay back.  I don't understand it at all.  I do feel somewhat better for my efforts, but really, how does it take all day to do a couple loads of laundry, the dishes, the marketing (once a week or less, really) the cooking, and petting the kitty?  I still make up my daily viewing guide, but I watch fewer and fewer of the programs.  I limit my computer games to one in the morning, one or two in the afternoon, and I'm trying to really cut back at night 'cuz otherwise I see the stupid pieces in my mind all night long.  I did rearrange my side of the bedroom so the fabrics and stuff are more orderly and accessible, but have barely managed to cobble together a frankendress this week.  It does promise to be quite wearable, 'tho, I must say!

Erin and Richard came and left.  They're deep in the frenzied, desperate stages that comprise the end of the PhD process.  Erin may have to take an extension and find a job before she's done, but she's been working regularly (on her paper), if occasionally without enthusiasm.

Jim's hip and spine arthritis has had him hobbling really pathetically the past few weeks - enough that his knee problems have really taken a back seat!  He went for x-rays, but there isn't much the docs can do for him.  Advil or the like for 3-5 day periods helps a little, but is damaging to the kidneys in the long haul.  He just started taking honey and cinnamon, which I've read can help some people.  Hopefully we'll know in a week or so if he's one of that group.  If not, we'll probably try a few other home remedies:  apple cider vinegar, cabbage juice, cherries (6 a day), turmeric, etc., etc.  Anyone have stories of such helping anyone they know?

So that's about the size of it.  If anything more exciting happens, I'll try and let you know.

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