anime, school and kittehs!

Jul 23, 2008 21:16

Vampire Knight has got to be one of my favorite anime/manga of all time! I just finished watching the first season of the series, and can't wait for the 2nd season, which starts in the fall *squeal*

I'm also up to date on the manga--chapter 42 came out awhile ago, and I just finished it...apparently, the artist is taking a break, so no more chapters until September *cry*  Sometimes I wish that artists/authors would update on command. Then I would never run out of reading material.

Soooo much work due for my summer class this and next week >.<   Term paper is due tomorrow. I wrote mine on computerized simulation games and their use in education. It didn't take me that long to write--my younger brother is an expert when it comes to games like Civilization and Age of Empires--but it took me forever to find credible sources to cite in connection with the paper.

I have a chapter presentation due on Tuesday (which i have yet to prepare) and my two lesson plans for my German unit due next Thursday. In addition, I am sitting Praxis II for History/Citizenship on Saturday. I don't know why I am even bothering. Massachusetts doesn't accept the Praxis, and I will have to take all of the tests over again when I move out to Boston with my honey next year  >.<

Still can't find anyone to take any of the kittens. I had several people promise to take them--either because they felt sorry for me or because they wanted to get a cat--but in the end, no one took any (I won't name any names, but you know who you are). They have completely taken over the house, and they seem to prefer being in my room. Probably because I have the AC going 24/7, and my room has piles of clothes and a big bed to hide under. They really are cute, and it almost makes up for how annoying they are. Tigger especially--she is so cute, she could be in a kitten chow commercial.

Enough procrastination...

kittens, rl, school, anime

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