
May 22, 2008 14:42

Summer classes at the University started this week. I am registered for one this session (until July) and one second session (until late August).  Integrating Technology in Teaching and Curriculum and Instruction: Lesson Plans.  Tech isn't too bad.  The assignments include things like making a power point, creating a virtual field trip, etc.  Stuff I have already done before. As a bonus, we have to do a term paper of 4 to 6 pages.  Not bad, considering the history research paper I wrote was 25 pages. Still, since I care very little about technology in general, I am not excited about the paper.

Today is my goddaughter's first birthday. I wasn't able to visit, but I got to talk to her on the phone. She made all kinds of happy/adorable noises and I made a fool out of myself talking to her =P  Her party is scheduled for Saturday, and all the relatives and friends are coming.  Even her godfather, who lives almost 6 hours away is going to make an appearance. I am excited. I still need to buy her a gift.  I am torn between getting her pretty kitty-kat pajamas and a really cool toy that is supposed to "stimulate learning."

The kittens that the stray cat gave birth to in my brother's room are growing.  There are 6 of them, all various colors and sizes.  They are really cute, especially the little black one named "Jack."  We recently discovered that Jack is a girl, but I refused to let my mom change the name.  We originally thought there were 5 boys and a girl, so both of the other boys have girls' names as well. And one of the boys had a girl's name.  To keep things simple, we just switched the names of two of the kittens. So we have a girl named "Mai Lee" and a boy named Milo.  And Tiglath Pileser's name has been changed to Tigger, so everyone is happy.

cats, rl, school

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