Still learning to prioritize

May 12, 2010 07:12

I went to Jon Shao's senior exhibit on Monday with Mike and Sara. So proud of him! He's really grown in confidence and graduating with his BFA is a great accomplishment. I really WOULD buy his robot toothbrush too! I think the best thing anyone can achieve is a sense of purpose and delight in one's life. I'm still looking for that, but seeing it in someone else keeps the hope alive that it's out there (or in here) for everybody.

TV: I have so many things backed up on the DVR. Tonight I'll try to watch Glee and two eps of House, but I doubt I'll get around to it. Sigh.

Doctor Who, up to "Turn Left"
An AU where Donna is put in the middle of everything. As someone who has exactly the same dismal career prospects as Donna, I really resonate with this episode. I'd like to believe that someday, all my "wrong" turns will turn out to have been the right ones after all, and there'll be a Doctor at the end of all the wandering...

Bones, 520, "The Witch in the Wardrobe"
One of my favorite on-and-off again tv couples finally gets married! I really adore Angela and Hodgins, and they're one of the rare couples that I'll sacrifice future storyline prospects to get them together. So stay together!

The Art of Adaptation: Turning Fact and Fiction Into Film, Linda Segal
I don't have any original material to work on, but there are some things I've read that I'd like to try my hand at adapting. Here's to more writing and reading in my life!


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