Running on empty

Apr 23, 2010 22:17

Kind of a weird title for today's post, but it's kind of how I felt about live TV and life this week.

Bones, 518, "The Predator in the Pool"
Filler episode, though I sense an Angela/Hodgins reunion looming in the future. Though I know that both Booth and Bones made no secret that they are moving on with their romantic prospects, it still really hurts to see Booth with someone else. I attribute some of that to residual Angel/Buffy angst, though. I don't think that will ever go away, and that's a good thing.

Doctor Who, up to 206, "The Age of Steel"
Speaking of the Whedonverse, AHHHHHH IT'S GILES!!!!! I loved seeing Anthony Steward Head again, even as the villain. But the episode that stood out for me the most was probably "The Girl in the Fireplace." As Buffy knows, dating a much (MUCH) older man means that they rack up quite a number of exes over the years. Ordinarily I would be pretty miffed at love triangle episodes, mostly because I believe in OTP, but unfortunately, in this case, I wouldn't side with current GF. Madame de Pompadour, IRL and the actress who played her in this episode, is incredibly awesome. Strong and attractive without descending to bitchy. (Nothing against bitchy, but bitchiness does not perfectly equal strength, IMO.) She was one classy lady. It was the best kind of love triangle though, the kind that makes everybody hurt all around. It hurts but that's what makes it relateable.  If anything, it deepened my fondness for Rose--she's the one who'll be there, even when the others aren't. Of course, I know this is setting it up for Rose's eventual split from the Doctor, but I'll deal with that emotional stabbing when I get to it. *shudder*

Spent some time trying to catch up on Doctor Who storyline before the reboot, and decided to read some TwoP recaps of episodes I particularly liked, namely, "Bad Wolf," "The Parting of Ways," and "The Girl in the Fireplace." Jacob, the TwoP recapper, just had some beautiful, beautiful lines in there. I should write more, but I just can't seem to exert myself to do it. One day, I will surprise myself. I will jump, and not regret. This is the hope that will not die in the darkness.

"Even if it all looks different than you thought or hoped, and it always will, grace likes it when you jump. Jump more often." - Jacob/TwoP

quotation, meme2010, tv: doctor who

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