
Apr 22, 2010 23:13

New tv episodes, new summer movies, new old series to discover... I'm having a blast watching Doctor Who, so much so that I'm just going to write down notes and I'll be back to blog about them later. Off to watch more of the Doctor! I really miss 9...

Glee, 115,  "The Power of Madonna"
Everyone loved the "Like a Virgin" sequence and hated on the "Like a Prayer" sequence, but I'm exactly the opposite. For a gimmick episode, I certainly enjoyed the music, but it really did nothing to forward any of the plot lines or add any character development. They are really not using any of the secondary characters to any good. Yes, I love Sue Sylvester as much as the next person, but I really, really need to see some other action at this point.

Doctor Who, episodes up to 202, "New Earth"
"Today, EVERYBODY LIVES!" I adore Nine. Tortured on the inside, stiff upper lip on the outside, goofy and pained all at once. Just my type. xD And I get why he cares for Rose, but sometimes I get it and sometimes I don't. I know she's brave, and funny, and has a big heart, but she really dumps on Mickey and her mum, and does a lot of stupid things. I know it's part of her charm to be headstrong, but sometimes that really grates on me. But it's not her fault all the time. It's me, resisting my lifelong conditioning to be a "good little girl." I need those moments. But I adore the Doctor, and if he cares about Rose, then I care about Rose. Bottom line, Chris Eccleston, your run as the Doctor was way too short for my liking, but that's probably why I'll only remember you with fondness, and not irritation. We didn't have enough time together to get past the honeymoon stage. David Tennant, you are a cutie. I anticipate many awkward/awesome relational moments between you and Rose because of that fact.

I totally dug the comic book style, and I get that teenagers are far from being cleaned up, but whoo boy, lots in this movie made me squirm a little bit. It was super violent too. I started out with my eyes covered, but by the end of the movie, I was like, whatever, it is what it is... which is a reaction I don't really like. I know it's rather sterile of me to prefer the violence happen kind of bloodlessly and off-screen, but blechhh. Hit Girl really stole the show, though Kick-Ass and McLovin (poor guy might never get past this) really rounded it out. They're a trio I would love to see again, though the Tarantinoesque-style, I could live without. Nicolas Cage, I forgive you this one time, but part of me is really glad you won't be around for the sequel. All in all, I liked it, but I think my go-to movie for teenage superheroes is still Sky High.


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