Quick meme update-let

Apr 06, 2010 23:05

Movie: Clash of the Titans
Hoping Sam Worthington will go the way of Christian Bale and Robert Downey Jr., but so far, though Avatar and CotT are big action hits, I'm still waiting for him to distinguish himself from the rest of the action herd. Something is not quite clicking with him and his movies yet. I keep leaving the theater, wanting more. Felt that way for Terminator Salvation, Avatar and CotT. NOT looking forward to his upcoming movie where he plays a regular guy, caught between Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes. BLARF.

Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, #1, Blah blah something Lightning Thief
UNIMPRESSIVE and SHALLOW. Did not feel any empathy for any of the characters, not even the lovable loser sidekick, to whom I usually gravitate. For a much better read, I'd recommend the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane. I wonder if those have been optioned. With the right script treatments, those books would be AWESOME in 3-D! The one part I liked was when Percy ends up in Los Angeles after having lived in New York, and there's a cute little comparison of the two cities. I wrote it down somewhere. I'll post it, if I feel generous towards the book any time soon. OH YEAH! I just checked Amazon and Duane released #9 in the series this week!

Dresden series by Jim Butcher, Changes
I really need to reread some of the recent ones, because I feel like I'm going into this newest book in the series a little uninformed. In general, I enjoy all the characters in the series, particularly Harry and Mouse. I started reading it at BN last week at the Anne Lamott reading I went to.

Oprah: Glee
Harry Shum Jr. is freaking awesome. I knew he was going to be big when I saw him in Step Up 2 the Streets. I heart Robert Hoffman and yet Cable kept creeping into my awareness the whole time... So glad he's blowing up. Can't wait for The LXD films to release!

Bones, 516, ""The Parts in the Sum of the Whole" (100th episode)
Lovely, lovely flashback episode. I MISS ZACK! Booth finally confesses and Brennan can't accept. Heartbreaking and perfectly played by both David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel. Keeping it on the DVR to obsess and squee over for the foreseeable future.

Craig Ferguson: Kunal Nayyar
Always surreal to see a beloved character in real life, except Kunal probably is the closest to his TBBT character than the rest. So glad when the guests can keep up with Craig and add their own craziness. Fun fact: Kunal eats beef! Shocking!

HIMYM, 519, "Zoo or False"
Kind of boring eppy, imo. Feels like the zingyness between the cast has been missing for a while. Not looking forward to upcoming plot machine of baby for Marshall and Lily. The old saying is right, in some sense (about happy families and unhappy families). Happiness doesn't make for interesting tv.

House, 616, "Lockdown"
Was rather more impressed with David Boreanaz's directorial treatment of Bones this week. Noticed it wasn't a House-centric episode. Although I liked the treatment of all the characters, I didn't really enjoy the episode. I DID like that Cuddy was the one who made the medical diagnosis and saved the day, though. Kick-Ass Cuddy is always my favorite.

The Big Bang Theory, 319, "The Wheaton Recurrence"
Have rewatched this episode probably 7-8 times. I want my own Wesley Crushers bowling shirt. I am VERY weirded out by this season's tv schedule. Why show a new episode every month or so? The breaks are ill-timed, and are ruining the season's momentum. I'm not just talking about this show in particular (most heinous offender is probably a toss-up between V and FlashForward) but since I look forward to watching this show, each break is slow torture. Absolutely adored Evil Wil Wheaton, Sheldon's mind meld with his bowling ball, and Howard's Short Stack joke. As much as I adore that with the approach of May comes summer movie season, I equally dread the lack of new TBBT episodes! P.S. Still rocking out to the fact that the day after the next new episode comes out, I'll be attending "An Evening with Jim Parsons" at the Paley Center, NY. *hyperventilating* Hope they let us film it...

Community, 101-103
No notes yet, as I haven't really decided if I want to continue in this series.

tbbt, meme2010

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