(no subject)

Oct 23, 2004 21:04

eek. first princess diaries and now indiana jones (temple of doom). the forces conspire against me getting any work done tonight =\

most of my morning/afternoon was spent going postal over terry pratchett's "going postal." how can one guy be so full of funnies?! as usual, another amazing one. this one features Lord Vetinari and a bit of the wizards from UU, but sadly, not enough of Sam Vimes or Death. =( even so, two thumbs WAYYY up.

only three days to go till my first of a slew of presentations. ugh. i'm so nervous i feel like i might faint every time i even think about it. so much so that i haven't even started working on it =(( today's the magic day though, i SWEAR.

on a more serious note, i feel really frustrated on the work front. i keep getting overlooked and cool opportunities keep getting handed on a silver platter to a certain weasel from france who has succeeded in gaining the favours of the powers-that-be (mostly by making the rest of us look like shit, and also, by conveniently becoming bad at English when he can't address a question). i'm fed up to the point of tears. i know i'm being sort of greedy for wanting cool projects all the time, but i really feel like a lot of favoritism is going on. i HATE confrontations. but i must talk to a higher power before my stomach explodes.

wot else. how do u guys deal with friends who are really high on themselves? i have this one girlfriend who's lately been really getting on my nerves. some examples:

1. i'll be talking to her about something, when she suddenly spots a friend in the hallway, forgets i was talking to her and starts up a convo with the other person. how rude is that? at first i was pretty saddy poo b/c i thought i was boring her to death, but i've bitched about this to other people, who have told me similar stories of their own. this is not the first or only friend i have who spends HOURS venting to me about everything under the sun, and I have to practically strong arm them into listening to anything I have to say. i'm a bit wary.

2. i really don't know how to respond to her sometimes. ex: "i went to the gym every DAY this week AND i played tennis for HOURS! isn't that great?" (ppl usu. express fake enthusiasm at these statements of hers but i usually gape a few times). another particularly annoying ex: "and my results are gonna be published in NATURE, and then i'm probably gonna get a lab of my own. how cool is THAT!" (um, very?)

am i being weird in my discomfort? this sounds strange but i AM still friends with her, its just that lately, my tolerance levels have plummeted due to the increased frequency of events above.

yuk this is long. toodles.
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