A sick girl and a panicked girl walk into a weyr...

May 27, 2006 13:36

Who: Usha, Daiis, Adria, I'neph, V'ter, Quinley
Where: Fort Weyr Living Caverns, a road to the weyr, and the Infirmary
When: Evening, Day 23, Month 8, Turn 442
Comment: Whew! Well, it took a while to make happen, but when it came together, it was a blast. I think everyone involved had a good time! Good RP all around, and now the weyr has two new members! What will their futures hold for them, though?

Living Cavern(#25RHIJ4)

Huge, still mostly the natural shape of the bubble cavern that formed it though embellished with intricate columns, the living cavern is large enough to seat over two thousand people at any given time. But it has fallen into a state of disuse, for the most part. There are long gaps in the room where tables must have been at one time: Now, there are only twenty tables - each with space for twenty-five people - left in the room, where once there must have been closer to eighty tables. They are all gathered near the northeastern wall where the largest of the room's four hearths are. The rest of the space seems bare. There are a few smaller tables to seat five or six people scattered randomly throughout. Though there is easily room for twice as many, and still many bare swathes of wall that should boast tapestries, there are only three hangings in the living cavern, and all of them are small given the grand scale of the cavern: Two are Fortian brown with the black "Fort" symbol on them, and the third is a light brown field with a brownish-bronzish wing breaking out of the shell of a single white egg. Up a set of handsomely carved stone steps is the Weyr's large kitchen, wrapping around balcony-style with a view into the cavern.

Dinner is being served and the cavern is at its busiest. It's evening in the summer. The hearth is cold but the room still tends to be warm as heat from the kitchen slinks down the tunnel.

The caverns are about as busy as they ever get, it being right around dinner time. And that seems to be Adria's intent, as she waits in line with an astounding patience given the length of it; the greenrider is in high spirits.

It's uncommon for I'neph to be found alone for any period of time, but today is one of those evenings when company just isn't forthcoming. Fort's depopulated state leaves the cavern with large empty spots and none of his usual cronies around, so the bronze weyrling has retreated to an unoccupied table. He has a plate in front of him, half-eaten; at this point, he's mostly just picking through the remains with a frown.

Into the bustle of the room comes a figure that certainly draws attention. A young woman, not more than 16 turns old, and wearing something that isn't far from being called rags. Looking tired, and rather paniced, she's led into the room by one of the weyr residents. The resident, a young man of no great import, says softly to her "You'll be able to find someone to help you out in here, lass, but I've got to get back to my duties." And he slips away quickly, leaving the girl to look after him with mouth slightly agape. She turns back to the caverns then, and palely starts trying to find a sympathetic face in the onlooking crowd.

V'ter is at the food table, finishing filling up his plate. The young weyrling is, to start with, quite intent on said operation, or perhaps simply concerned with getting out of the way of the hungry lineup behind him, for only once he has his food and a mug of something does V'ter move to study the cavern, eyes scanning it.

Adria is likely one of the few in the line who isn't intent on their proximity to the table - she's instead watching the people with some interest. Her amber gaze picks out each of the weyrlings before she turns to eye the entrance expectantly. Usha's likely not who she's looking for, but the younger girl is still spotted. Her brows furrow, but she shuffles along down the line for the moment.

Finally, with a disgusted snort, I'neph pushes away that half a meal remaining on his plate and leans back in his seat. Fingertips drum absently on the table's surface as he turns a gaze around the room, apparently reluctant to leave the living cavern's sanctity just yet. His dark eyes linger on the lines, the other patrons, and finally the interesting figure pausing in the door. He cocks his head as he gives Usha the once-over, more curious than sympathetic.

Usha quickly finds that, really, people are more interested in dinner than helpfulness and sympathy in these times is lean. Still, one figure does stand out. Tall, curious, and done eating - he'll have to do. The waif makes her way towards I'neph's table with a worried expression, and stops near him. "Umm. Excuse me, sir?" She says, timidly.

V'ter is heading over towards I'neph's table, as if drawn by some kind of odd solidarity between weyrlings. When the girl approaches, he arches an eyebrow. "Hey, I'neph, somebody seems to be..." He studies her. "Lost?" he finally tries, as if not sure that's the word that would fit.

With a last, almost longing glance to the plates stacked -just- nearby, Adria sighs heavily and steps out of line. Equal parts concern and curiousity play over her features until she moves in the direction of the weyrlings, her sharp eyes playing over Usha's clothing. For the moment, she's just listening.

All along her way to his table, I'neph watches Usha, a slow smirk spreading across his face. "Yeah?" is his distant answer to her unobtrusive words, a brow arching to display the curiousity his tone of voice plays down. "And in a tizzy. Hey, kid," is his usual relaxed greeting to V'ter. Adria's not noticed.

Usha blinks, looking between the two men bantering about her, and a brief frown flickers over her expression. But not one to ruin an in, she smoothes it out, and focuses hard on I'neph. Pale, unbathed, dirty, and paniced - tizzy isn't an unfair description. "I'm just... I need some help. A friend of mine, well, she's sick, and I can't move her. We were trying to get here, but it got to be too much for her, and I had to leave her, and I can only hope that maybe you would be so kinda as to help us?" All in one breath, and uncomfortably fast. Like the weyrling, she doesn't seem to notice the greenrider's approach.

V'ter frowns. "Where did you leave her?" he asks, suddenly all business. "Is she within the weyr area, or outside it?" He glances around, and his eyes fall on Adria, and he tries to signal the greenrider over. "Anyone know where Quinley is?"

Adria is unobtrusive when she tries to be; it's trained into her. She glances at I'neph for a moment, expression unreadable - then blinks at V'ter. "It's not your concern right now," she says evenly, "Though all those are valid questions. You should eat while you've the time." She turns to Usha to add, "Their dragons are too small at the moment - but if your friend can be moved, I can help bring her back. If not, we ought to find our Healer."

Usha's explanation only makes I'neph blink, the weyrling's brows arching in unison now. "Uh... Wait. What?" he wonders, studying the girl dubiously, as though this is some kind of trick. "You want someone to go pick up this sick friend you abandoned Faranth-knows-where? Sorry, can't help--I'm just a weyrling." That's his excuse, and he's sticking to it. Reluctantly, though, and not particularly helpfully, he remarks, "The infirmary, duh." As though that were self-evident: where else would a healer be?

Usha turns to Adria, then; she knows authority when he hears it. "I think she can be moved. I left her, umm, about this time last night, a ways off the road. She just didn't have the strength to walk anymore, and I couldn't carry her.." The self-anger at that fact is evident, and bolsters her a bit. "I know it's far, but a runner could probably get there in a few hours, if someone can be spared?" She shoots I'neph another frown; that's who she picked for sympathetic? Suddenly, something Adria says clicks, and she looks back, amending, "I'd think your dragon could do it much faster." She agrees.

"That's a place to start looking," Adria says to I'neph, as polite as if he'd actually been more helpful. "Since you're done eating, I imagine you have a moment to look?" She offers an innocent smile before looking back to Usha, brow furrowing. "All right. Chiyath's just outside. She's small, I'll warn you." For a -dragon-. "But she can certainly carry us."

V'ter closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them. "Good luck," he says, a little lamely. And then he starts to pick at his stew, although he now seems a bit out of sorts and worried. "And hey, I'm not that young," he finally adds to I'neph. "Save the 'kids' for Jelcrin."

Adria's words knit I'neph's brows, but, easily enough, he nods. "Yes'm," he replies, getting to his feet. "I'll just nip on down there and check." And with an unhurried saunter he heads to the inner caverns.

Usha relaxes some as it's clear she really is going to be helped, with a slight sway, but she nods at Adria. "I can tell you where it was, about if you want? She shouldn't be too hard to see, really, weren't trying to hide her just keep her warm and dry and safe." She looks after I'neph, then back to her. "Her name is Daiis, she shouldn't be too hard to move."

Adria simply nods, telling the girl, "It will be fine." She offers a reassuring half-smile, then starts for the bowl.

V'ter watches them go, and then turns back to his stew...which he promptly begins to wolf down with sudden speed, as if he has places to be. He shakes his head. "Let me *finish*," he murmurs under his breath, and the second he's done he's on his feet.

**Adria and Usha leave for the bowl, and I'neph leaves to the infirmiry**

Usha follows Adria out into the bowl, and towards the little green. "What's the best way to describe how to find her, ma'am?" She asks, trying hard not to stare at the dragons, though she can't keep all the wary awe from showing.

Adria is moving fairly quickly as she walks out into the bowl, towards a dainty green dragon near the entrance. Chiyath, for her part, merely seems curious. "I apologize," the greenrider says, on Usha's exit from the caverns. "I should not have assumed you would know that I am a rider. And tell me how far down the road - I should be able to get relatively close from there." She tugs on her jacket, looking over the younger woman's clothing again. "We won't be flying too high, so you should be all right. It'll be a bit windy, though. Have you done this before?"

Usha stops dead in her tracks, eyes doing the 'pretend to be saucers' thing. "Wait. You want me to go with you? On her? Up there?" Her voice rises in pitch over the course of it, and the look of panic returns.

"It's the quickest way," Adria says calmly. "I won't lie, it's terrifying. But you coming with me means I can get to your friend more quickly."

Usha nods, slowly, and continues her approach, although much slower. She takes a deep breath. "To help her. Yes, ok, I can do this." She looks at the rider, barely older than herself, then back to the green. "What do I do?"

Adria offers another of those reassuring smiles. "I'll get on, and we'll both help you up. I can make sure you're strapped in as well." If the girl is nervous or worried, she doesn't show it. "It'll be fine." And with that, she's up the green's side. Chiyath offers a rumble of encouragement.

**Adria mounts**

Adria is quick to help Usha up, and strap the girl in. With a grin, she says, "Let us know when."

Usha makes her way up onto the dragon with their help, and gets strapped in. Quickly, before borrowed courage wavers, she says, "Go."

** The green and her rider fly Usha to where Daiis waits, a reasonable way off the road to the weyr. **

** Chiyath flies low, but quick - and seems to try to be as steady as possible, bless her. The green angles lower still when she swoops over the road, gliding down to a neat landing.

Under some ferns which are providing shade for the poor girl, her head cushioned by soft moss, Daiis lays, in a delerious state very similar to the one she had been in a few months earlier, when she'd first contracted the fever that was making her burn. She's completely unaware of everything around her, although she vaguely understands that Usha has left to find help.

Chiyath lands neatly and carefully, her wings folding with a pretty little flap. She rumbles as her rider - a girl! - dismounts, offering a hand up to a younger woman as she makes her way down as well. Adria squints around, asking, "Where did you say you left her?"

Usha gets down with Adria's help, looking even paler than before after the ride. Her legs are shakey as she looks around. "This way, I think." She says, as she moves in the direction she thinks the girl is in. Thankfully, she is right, and the pair soon come upon the girl. Usha kneels by her worriedly and smooths the hair on her forehead. "Daiis, love? I'm back, I have someone to help us. Just need to get you back to the weyr, you'll be ok then..."

Daiis looks up at Usha with an odd look on her face, as if trying to recognize a new character that's just entered a dream. Luckily, she understands what's going on after a moment-- well enough, anyway-- "Usha?" she says, as if to make sure she's right. She's not going to worry about figuring out the rest just yet.

Adria trails after Usha, only then allowing her brow to furrow - especially as they spot the rather ill Daiis. "Perhaps we might have brought Quinley. Well, no matter. We can get her to Chiyath between the two of us." The green is already lumbering as close to the trio as she can. The rider bends down to ask, "Can you have her sit up, do you think?"

Usha looks down at the girl, and nods. Putting an arm under her, she works at helping her to sit up. "C'mon, love, need you to sit up so this nice rider and her dragon can get you to help." Quiet, encouraging, her worry suppressed and hidden as she tries to motivate Daiis.

Rider? Dragon? Daiis remembers something about them, had it been a dream? Or maybe it was just a Harper song, although she hadn't thought about those in a long time. If she had been well, she would have shook her head-- it didn't fit together, but she'd do as Usha said anyway, and struggles into a sitting position.

As the two manage to sit up, Adria bends to grasp Daiis' other arm, attempting to help shoulder the girl up. She nods to Usha - nice work - and with a flash of a smile, starts maneouvering over to Chiyath's side. "I'll get up, help her up - and then you, and we can strap you in together. At least she'll be cooled a little." Her nose wrinkles a touch. "Hold her up a moment?"

Usha nods, shakily, as she helps the rider move her to the dragon. By the time they get there, she is none too stable herself, and it's clear it's all she can do to support the girl while she waits to be able to pass her off. She stays silent now, saving her energy for needed tasks.

Daiis is somewhat aware of being moved by the two women, and rewards Usha with something like a smile, grateful to her for helping.

Adria turns to strap in first Daiis, then Usha, quickly and carefully. "It's not as bad the second time," she offers to the more coherent of the two helpfully - then turns to nod to Chiyath. And they're off, the green lifting off smoothly.

** They fly back to the Weyr. **

Chiyath is both swift and gentle, flying as low as they dare, into the bowl and right near the cavern's entrance. Adria makes her way down the dragon's side after unstrapping the passengers, calling up, "I'll help her down first - we're not far now."

Usha nods, pale and shakey. "Yes, ma'am." She manages, sitting quietly to wait for the helping hands to get her mate down.

Daiis rests against Usha, disoriented, and not quite sure why she has such a high vantage point. She looks down towards Adria pleadingly, as if asking her what's going on.

Adria helps Daiis down more easily than her build would suggest, looking at the younger woman with a tiny bit of amusement. "You're at Fort Weyr," she attempts to explain, not looking too hopeful. "We're taking you to the infirmary." She nods up to Usha - she's fine to come down.

Usha half climbs, half stumbles down off the dragon, moving to follow the woman; she doesn't move to support Daiis unless it looks like she needs to, as the group head inside.

** They go into the Living Cavern. **

The group passes through the bustling caverns quickly, Daiis supported by Adria and Usha following along looking tired and worn out.

Here's an interesting group - perhaps some have stuck around to see them arrive. Adria helps Daiis along. She spots V'ter along the way, giving the boy a nod as they disappear into the caverns.

** And on into the Infirmary **

"Okay," agrees I'neph, as simply as that. "I'll mark it on my calendar. Soon as M'vari lets me go." And he smirks, then, nearly leers, until her question about the incoming patient draws a shrug from him. "How should I know? Some other girl just shows up in the living cavern with some big sob story, and I get ordered off to track you down," he remarks. He leans against a wall near Quinley while the healer brews some smelly potion.

At long last, the motley group of young women returns to the weyr, and arrive at the infirmiry. Usha, pale and shakey, follows Adria in, who is in turn supporting the feverish body of Daiis. As they come in, Usha looks around and, spotting Quinley, looks curiously at the familier woman.

Quinley's eyes narrow slightly and the healer moves from her stirring pot to one of the counters, pulling things down off of it. "Well, since you're here and clearly have nothing better to be doing, wash your hands and turn down one of the beds." The tasks are nearly snapped out as items are pulled down and Quinley goes about scrubbing her own hands and then dunking them in redwort.

"I did not order," Adria says simply and quietly as she gets within earshot, "I asked." Asked with an implication that I'neph ought to go - but hey. Noting the Healer at work, she says lightly, "Quinley? I've been going -out- to get patients for you, now. No need to thank me." Offering a smile, she then glances to Usha. "You ought to sit - you look exhausted."

Daiis stirs a bit, still being supprted by Adria, giving a sickly sounding moan. She's completely thrown off by all this moving around, and is waiting for things to come back into focus. Whatever happened to all the plants?

I'neph glances around at the sound of Adria's voice, smirking. "What right's a weyrling got to refuse?" he wonders idly, half-rhetorically as he straightens. Quinley's sharp orders receive an exaggerated sigh as he accedes, copying her motions absently as his dark eyes stray to the girl in the greenrider's arms.

Quinley turns to look over her shoulder as the others arrive, a mirkless grin curling at her lips as Adria speaks. "You're too generous, greenrider. I-" and then she stops, her attention falling onto first Usha and Daiis, and her jaw drops before closing with a snap. There seems to be a dozen things the weyrhealer would like to say next, and for an instant her jaw works silently. Then, finally, all she says is, "She relapsed, didn't she. How long ago?" She quickly dried her hands and begins pulling various bottles down from the counter and onto a rolling table.

Usha nods a bit at Adria's advice, but remains near her her and to Daiis. As Quinley speaks, she looks closer at her again, still trying to place her in her exhausted memory. Giving up, she simply answers in a detached, clinical manner. "She started showing signs of it maybe a week and a half ago, though at first we just thought it was a cold or something. When she started to get noticibly worse, we decided to get help and came to the weyr. It was." She pauses, and looks confused now. "A day? Two days? Something like that ago when she really started being delirious, and couldn't walk. I left her with our water and food and blankets and came on my own to get help. And here we are."

Adria would answer I'neph with -something- - but she's a little stunned by Quinley's reaction, eyes widening. Huh. Well then. After eyeing the Healer and the girls as she listens, she asks, "Where should I move her to?"

"Relapsed?" I'neph picks up on that word, blinking in surprise as he peers from woman to woman. In particular, he eyes Daiis. "Uh... This wouldn't happen to be something contaigious?" he wonders, taking a nervous step backward.

Quinley gestures to the bed that either I'neph just pulled the sheets down on or that Quinley goes over to do herself. It's in that smaller area. The one for long term patients. "Set her down here, please." The rolling cart is wheeled over. "I'neph, if you could bring fetch some cold water?" The matter of contagiousness is not touched on.

Usha moves towards where Quinley as designated as Daiis' new home, for the time being, and collapses into a chair on the other side from where the healer will be working. She watches in silence for the moment, apparently needing all her concentration just to stay concious and ready to answer questions.

Adria looks over at I'neph, brows arched - as if she thinks that might be a very good question. And don't think Quinley's non-answer goes unnoticed either. After she sits Daiis down, then greenrider takes a few of her own steps back, murmuring something about dinner. Clearing her throat, she asks generally, "Do you need anything else, then?"

I'neph's distractedness has left Quinley to fix the bed herself, helpful assistant that he is. "Er, sure," he tells her distantly, still observing the sick girl dubiously. Fetching the water provides him an easy way to get away for a few minutes, but soon he has to return, water in hand. "So, uh... Seriously. Is it?" he persists as he stops a few feet away from healer and patient.

"No, I don't believe so. Only some cold water and a cloth. Much of Daiis' recover will be up to her. That's the nature of this particular *noncontagious* sickness." The healer settles her hand lightly on the delerious girl's forehead before sparing another look at Usha and her own weary state. She then adds, "On second thought, if someone could bring a plate of food for Usha," small gesture to the girl in the chair, "and some broth for Daiis, please?"

Daiis settles into her new place the way a sick person would, relaxing somewhat but still seeming a bit amiss to exactly what's going on. She manages a small smile at Usha, though, before falling into sleep.

"I'll have someone bring the food," Adria says, offering a nod to Quinley. She glances over at Usha sympathetically, then moves out into the caverns.

Usha looks at Quinley in surprise again - not only are the girls recognised, but she knows names with them. She frowns a little. "Ma'am? Have we... Have we met?" At the mention of food, though, it's impossible to hide her eagerness. "Something to eat would be lovely, it's been a while."

I'neph relaxes visibly, stepping closer to offer the water and picking up a cloth on the way, extending both items to Quinley. "That's not me ag--Oh, good," he says, beaming at Adria when she volunteers someone else for the duty this time. "So. Y'all all know each other?" he wonders, along with Usha, as he hops up on the bed next to Daiis to sit.

Quinley gives a nod to Adria. "Thank you," she says as the rider departs. The bowl of water is placed on the table and a cloth is dunked into it, squeezed out, and then set gently on Daiis' brow. "We have," the healer says without looking directly at Usha. "I was a senior apprentice when Daiis came to the hall, but I spent several rotations in the infirmary none the less. You probably don't remember me. I was quite forgettable. Your and Daiis' dissapearance caused quite a stir, for all the halls tried to keep it quiet." A glance towards the more conscious girl. "I'm Quinley." The blond-haired woman grew up at the hall, became an apprentice when her father (a Master Healer) died when she was seven, and continued on there ever since. Quiet, picked on, skilled. And, yes, pretty forgettable.

Usha has the grace to blush a little, and reaches for the sleeping girl's hand, scootching her chair closer while she waits for that food. "I'm just too tired to remember, that's all, or I am sure I would recognise you. I'm good with names, usually." And then, much softer, "We didn't have much choice." She says. "They were going to send us home. Apart. We couldn't..." She looks up, defiantly, "You can send us back, if you want, once she's better. Just... Help her, please. I can't help feeling like I brought this on her..."

Daiis stirs under the cool cloth on her forehead, and the familiar feel of Usha's hand in hers. She looks content, at least, for the moment, even if her fever hasn't passed or her sickness abated, yet.

I'neph arches his brows in return to Quinley's explanation, peering curiously at her and then the two girls. "One big happy family," he observes. "So, disappearance? What's going on with that?"

Quinley seems about to speak to Usha when I'neph interrupts and her attention and green gaze swing cooly onto the weyrling. "Do you, perhaps, have somewhere else you ought to be? If not, I have a various number of tasks I'd be glad to assign you. Taking the soiled bedding to the laundry, for example?" It's about then that the kitchenhand arrives with a tray holding a plate heaped with sliced tubers, cuts of meat and a large cup of water. Beside it rests a bowl of plain broth. Quinely accepts the tray with a murmured, "Thank you, Ess," and the girl smiles faintly, gives a wary look to the obviously sick Daiis, and skitters away.

Usha looks to I'neph a long moment, then shrugs a bit, holding Daiis' hand a bit tighter. "Suppose the rumor mill will be going strong anyway, might as well have something close to the truth out there. We, ah, left our respective halls before they could kick us out and send us home. Been living as best we could, since then." She glances to Quinley, "I guess it's common knowledge, then, what we are, at the halls?" Bitterness floods the words.

I'neph slides off the bed quickly, hands raised palm-outward to stop Quinley. "Actually, no, no. Dioscuth, he's just waking up, so I need to go feed him up again, I think," he tells her hastily, backing toward the door. To Usha, he remarks, "I'll pry later, you know? And, uh. Get well soon, and all that." Quickly, before he really gets pressed into service, he's gone.

The plate of hot food is held out to Usha. "You should eat," Quinley offers, perhaps to gentle her next words. "Common knowledge to those who knew to ask. Not public knowledge, however." She watches I'neph go with a shake of her head and an all-knowing smirk before she says, "You wouldn't know this, but I came to the weyr against orders. I lost my knot for the better part of a turn." Bit of a non-sequiter mayhaps?

Usha lets go of Daiis' hand to eagerly dig into the food; real food, for once, and her manners are likely not a shining example of table manners. "But you got it back? That's good. Why didn't they want you to come?" She looks up curiously for a moment. "And why did you want to?"

"There was an embargo on the weyr. To some extent there still is, because women were impressing chromatic dragons and Fort refused to exile them. Adria, the rider that brought you here, was one of the first two women to impress." A jar is opened and some sort of crushed herb sprinkled into the soup. Quinley stirs slowly as she continues. "It seemed wrong to withhold healers for such a reason. So I came. My knot was restored when Harper and Healer lifted their embargo."

All of a sudden, Daiis stirs and slowly becomes awake, still a bit dazed and out of sorts but seemingly through the worst of her delirium. She makes the effort to sit up, but fails, and so looks around the room from her vantage point on her pillow. "Usha?" she says, seeing the girl beside her.

Usha nods while she eats and listens, and looks surprised, looking out towards where the greenrider earlier went. "And I didn't even think about it enough to realise there was anything unusual about it." She blushes. "There's a lot I don't understand in the world, I guess." She looks back to the healer. "It was very brave of you, coming." She starts to say, then Daiis speaks, and her attention is instantly hers. "I'm here, love. We're here, at the weyr. Quinley is healer here, she'll take care of you. You'll be ok." And, for once, she sounds like she fully believe's that.

Daiis gives Usha a grateful smile, one full of love and appreciation. She reaches out one unsteady hand to stroke Usha's cheek, making sure she's real. "You brought me here? How?"

Quinley finishes stirring the soup, the herb swirling about in it, and seems about to say more to Usha when Daiis wakes. Her focus moves instead to the other girl. "Hello, Daiis," is offered, the woman's voice gentled when she speaks again. "Usha, if you can help Daiis sit up, I'll set some extra pillows behind her. Daiis, do you think you could drink a little wherry broth?"

Usha nods, and sets her own tray aside with a wistful sigh, moving to help the girl up. "A rider came and got you. Adria, Quinley says her name was. We brought you back." She sighs and looks over at Quinley, "I don't think she's eaten enough lately, probably part of why she relapsed. I give her what I can of mine, but..." A shrug.

Daiis nods to Quinley, allowing Usha to help her into a sitting position. "Hello," she says softly back to the healer. "I'm quite hungry. Although last time I was sick, I couldn't keep much down."

Quinley goes about fetching pillows and using them to help prop the ailing girl up. "Well, we'll start will something easy to palate and go from there, all right?" Pillows settled, she lifts the spoon from the bowl of soup and holds it out to Daiis. "It will taste a little odd. I mixed in some sweetroot to bring your fever down, but the flavor should be passable at least."

Daiis nods, allowing the healer to feed her the soup and making a slightly odd face as she gets the first taste of the mixture. "It's okay," she says unconvincingly. "Whatever makes me better."

Usha settles back into her chair, and looks at the food wearily. Instead of taking it back up, she just turns to watch the healer feeding Daiis. "Broth should be safe." She says, to noone in particular, before giving a slight yawn.

Quinley spoons a few more sips of soup. "Good girl," she murmurs to Daiis as she eats. At Usha's yawn, the healer turns a critical eye on the other girl. "You," she says bluntly, "are to go take a hot bath. I'll have someone bring fresh clothes to you in the bathing chamber, and when you're clean you're to come back here and get some sleep."

Daiis obligingly continues to swallow the broth, although gives a wrenching look when Quinley instructs Usha to go bathe. "Do you really have to leave?" she asks pleadingly, knowing she's being rather selfish to keep the girl from her first bath in ages.

Usha blinks, the healers words waking her back up a bit. She looks down at herself, and for the first time in a long time, sees herself as others must, and turns a birght crimson. She looks to Daiis with a sad look. "I think I should, love. We're both unfit for human company. But I will be as fast as I can, ok? Can't be long anyway, can barely keep my eyes open. Feels like it's been a week since I slept."

Daiis nods, understanding. "It's okay, love. I'm sure that a bath will feel good, especially after having lived so roughly for so long. Go. I'll wait here," she says with a little grin.

"She'll be back soon," Quinley agrees with Usha's assessment. "And I'll keep watch while she's gone. You're safe here, all right?" The current Quinley is a far cry from the shadow-girl that crept along the halls of Healer and only spoke when addressed in class.

Daiis nods to the healer. "If it's okay, I think I'll sleep a bit now," she says. Not waiting for the okay, she lays herself back down on the bed and quickly falls into a slumber.

Usha stands, and after a pat to Daiis, scuttles off to do as directed and come back when she's not a hygeine threat.

v'ter, adria, rp, i'neph, first-meeting, infirmiry, daiis, lc, usha, fwm, quinley

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