I'll eat anything -you- put in front of me

May 27, 2006 06:53

Who: Essdara, Penny, Jensen, Sefton
Where: Living Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
When: Breakfast, day 4, month 11, turn 1 of the 7th Pass
Comment: Hillarious. Poor Penny cops it from her Circle of Terror.

It's breakfast time! Morning means busy in the living cavern right about now, and there's quite a crowd to show for it. The serving tables are especially crawling with folk, and luckily for him Jensen managed to get in and get food before the swarming masses. He even has a table by himself - for now - and is nursing a mug of something steamy as he pokes at his mostly empty plate.

Penny's wide awake when she enters, having long since arisen; her hair is drawn back into an almost severe tail at the back of her head, only the barest tendrils escaping to frame her face, and her cheeks are somewhat flushed, both from cold and exertion -- it seems Penny's been for a bit of a walk. From the way she bypasses the crowds of people waiting for breakfast, she's either already eaten or is uninterested by food at the moment. Instead, she reaches for a pitcher of hot water to make herself some tea.

Breakfast, the hardest time of day on the kitchen staff. Everyone is at their crankiest before their morning meals, be they cook, rider, or Caucus, and it shows. Essdara, however, seems to be in an unusually good mood, as she comes into the room with a heavily laden tray. Meatrolls, sliced roasts, and spiced potatoes are carried to the table and laid out for the masses, though, the smaller, covered plate on it is withheld. After dolling out her load, and setting the then-empty tray out of the way, she turns to look around the room appraisingly, looking suspiciously like she is hunting prey.

Jensen doesn't notice any predatory Essdaras or bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Pennys. He, as has been stated, is not a morning person. He does look quite bleary too, staring at the table like he is, his fork practically dangling from his fingers. If one word could be used to describe him, right away, it would be 'buh'.

Penny's eyes find Essdara as she deposits her burdens on the table, and she watches the younger girl briefly before selecting a mug and pouring the water into it. She removes a packet from her own bag to use in it, apparently having long since given up on the tea available. "Morning," she says quietly and pleasantly to Dara's back, only a easy conversational distance away from the cook scanning the rest of the caverns.

Essdara has just spotted what she needs - someone just awake enough to be hungry, just tired enough to not think before they eat, then someone greets her from behind. Looking back over her shoulder, she sees the smith, and offers a smile, albeit slightly uncertainlt. "Morning, Penny." She turns to the smith. "Hungry? I was just about to see if the guard captain would be interested in some waffles I made..."

Sefton has more in common with Penny than just his heritage -- he, too, takes his own particular type of tea. Rank brings some privileges, though, and the Headmaster isn't obliged to carry his around in his pockets. Rather, he pauses upon emerging from the corridor that leads to his quarters, murmuring a polite request to one of the girls on duty. She disappears obediently into the kitchens, and the man from Boll begins to weave his way through the mostly comatose breakfasters.

Jensen moves. A little. He at least sets his fork down on his plate and pushes both away, draws his mug in closer and sips from it in a hesitant sort of way. A wince follows. It's such a pity when a man can't even enjoy his own beverage simply because of its temperature. He does look up at one point, but it isn't really to look at anything. More just a casual scan of the cavern, followed by a shifting of himself in his seat.

"Waffles?" Penny seems vaguely interested, one hand bobbing the tea bag up and down idly. "I'll eat anything -you- put in front of me," she assures the cook with a smile. Oh, but, guard captain...? That sinks in, Penny's head turning and eyes finding Jensen at his table almost immediately, one man at an empty table easily spotted through the crowds. "However, I did already have some toast earlier this morning, so I probably shouldn't." Lucky for her, she doesn't see Sefton coming; might be just too much to deal with at so early an hour.

Essdara tilts her head, "You can have some to. C'mon." She reahces out and tugs at the smith's arm, with a bright grin, and heads for the table. "He's nice, I promise, dunno why everyone's avoiding his table." As she rocks up to it, followed or not, she grins down at the man. "Sir. You looked like you could use some breakfast."

Sefton is quietly examining the breakfast offerings, and it doesn't seem that he likes what he's seeing. Lingering by the table, he eventually settles for taking an apple in each hand, munching on one absently as he turns to observe the cavern at large. Dark eyes rest on the Smith journeyman and her companion, and then slide on to Jensen, lips quirking to a private smile for a moment. And then he begins to wind his way through the crowd once more, taking his time as he makes his way towards them.

Penny's expression is somewhat bemused, following in Essdara's wake almost helplessly. "We've met," she murmurs, not offering any further information. Arms crossed loosely in front of her, she comes to a rest beside Essdara, regarding Jensen quite coolly. "Good morning, Captain," she offers, smiling pleasantly.

Poor Jensen. Is it too much to ask for to just have some peace? It's quite possible the reason for his alone-ness at the moment is because people /know/ him. But, what can you do? He doesn't realize he's a target of that trio's attention - or at least two out of the three seem bent on getting to him, or at least to where he /is/, and that's just as bad - and so has no time to run. Instead, when Essdara addresses him, he looks up at her and blinks. Lets his eyes flick to Penny and then back to Dara again. "I ate." He gestures with a simple point of his chin to his plate. "Morning," he drawls in response to the Smith. He doesn't smile and his voice is a little on the rough side.

Essdara smiles, ever-so-sweetly at him, and claims one of the chairs near him for herself, and motioning Penny down, "Then we'll just have to eat them without you." She says, teasingly. She faces Penny, pleased to see her having followed. "So. I was thinking. I like waffles. And I like sausage, and I like wherry... But sometimes, I don't feel like enough of the sausage or wherry to make it worth it. So! Why not take the meat from the sauage casing, and some chopped-up wherry roast, and add them to some waffles? So you actually have the meat as part of the taste? A bit of sweet syrup should make them quite tasty." Which is, indeed, what seems to be on the covered dish, a half dozen of the experiment and a small jar of dark syrup.

Sefton pauses where he is, munching still on one of the apples -- the Headmaster seems oblivious of the crowd around him, and it parts obligingly to pass on either side. He works his way through two mouthfuls before he moves on again, selecting one of the spare seats at the Captain's table and settling himself down with a polite nod to his new companions. "Captain, good morning. Penny." A lazily drawled greeting for both, and a grin for Essdara. "Experimenting, Essdara?"

Penny remains standing, eyeing the meat-filled waffles rather dubiously. "Ah, I don't think--" But then there's Sefton. Her expression as he seats himself is momentarily priceless, dark eyes blankly surprised and mouth open. It lasts only a split second, though, before she recollects herself and manages a not in his direction. "Good morning, Sefton." Oh, dear. Can't look at Jensen, can't look at Sefton, and looking at Essdara means being guilted into eating meaty waffles; she settles for staring at the table, somewhat miserably.

Jensen looks over at Sefton when the other man sits in a way that says simply... /why/? He heaves a sigh, sets his mug down on the table and straightens. If he's going to be forced to be social this early he may as well rise to the occasion. "Sefton," is his return greeting, perhaps not as formal but certainly as... respectful? Whatever it was, there it is, and it leaves him with Penny and Essdara to deal with. Penny... Dara! "So essentially what you have here are... meat waffles," he says blandly, lifting his gaze to focus a dubious look on her. A small quirk begins at the corner of his mouth. "And you thought you'd try 'em out on me? Am I s'posed to like meat in everything on account o'my bein' a man sort of person?"

"Oh, no. You just looked like too good a friend to say no if I asked, and too groggy to run before I got her." The cook teases, with a smile that she turns on Sefton. "Just... Applying my understanding of cooking, that's all, Headmaster." She says, with an irreverent tone. Penny's ignoring of the offered meal is ignored, perhaps a bit pointedly.

Sefton laughs, apparently disproportionately amused by something in Essdara's reply. "Good girl," he approves, raising a hand to signal to the girl who has emerged from the kitchens with his tea. "Remind me to speak to you about the other half of that equation at some point, will you? I have something in mind." If he's watching Penny with faint amusement, his words are directed to Jensen with an easy familiarity. "Forgive me for failing to send my apologies this morning, Captain. I found myself obliged to attend an early meeting -- the tyranny of visitors from other timezones."

"She's making -me- eat them," Penny interjects, lifting her eyes from the table to eye Jensen askance. "Does that me a man sort of person, too?" Then she stops, casting a quickly apologetic glance in Essdara's direction. "Not-- not that I mind being fed your food." But it lacks emphasis, her eyes flickering back towards the waffles in question with chagrin. Finally, the only one left standing and no polite exit in sight, she sinks into a chair on the other side of Essdara, staring into her mug of tea as if to judge how much has steeped.

"Well we missed you, but I'm sure the boys'll be forgivin'." Jen gives Sefton a quick grin, taps his fingers on his knee. "Besides, isn't some formal arrangement we have." And as far as those meaty waffles are concerned, "I'd eat 'em if I could, Dara. Unfortunately I'm a gluttonous creature and am far too stuffed full o'whatever it was I had for breakfast." Yes, it's quite possible he doesn't remember. And, to Penny, in a completely neutral tone of voice, "Wasn't aware you were a test subject too. My apologies, Miss Penny."

Essdara, seeing that noone is actually brave enough to try them, pouts and puts the cover back on, hard enough to make a bit of a clang. She decided the headmaster is the best avenue of conversation, the so turns he head to him, smile noticibly smaller. "I am, of course, at your disposal. You have many more drains on your time than I do, please, feel free to call on me whenever it is convenient. I found our conversation the other night to be rather, ah, enlightening." And she glances towards Penny, "As did others I had that night. It's good to know my place in the world." No, she'd never use harsh words in response to her food being surpned, that would be childish. Jensen, at least, with the remains of food, gets a nod, as she pointedly turns away from the smith. "Clearly, I should have spotted you earlier, then. I'm sorry to deprive you."

"Penny, where are your manners? Essdara has made an effort." Sefton's reproof is both mild, and laced through with amusement -- Jensen, apparently is not required to have manners, for he is not reproved. Rather, he is addressed courteously, and with a certain degree of familiarity. "Nevertheless, I do keep in mind the inconvenience of uneven numbers. If I am completely honest, I must also concede that the conversation is more enjoyable." Another mouthful of his apple, and he discards the core, offering the girl a nod as she sets his tea down. And then to Essdara: "I am glad you were entertained. Perhaps you will be so good as to see about bringing me a meal one night this week, so we can conclude our conversation."

That 'miss' causes both of Penny's eyebrows to climb as she stares at Jensen for a brief moment. Then she looks away, somewhat stiffly, eyes falling on Dara -- it's certainly a happy, well-adjusted bunch this morning. Her eyes flicker from the cook's turned back to Jensen's coolly neutral expression, and then to Sefton and his mocking eyes. Silently, Penny reaches out to draw the plate of waffles to her. "Hand me the syrup," she says, in a business-like manner. The instructor's questioning of her manners just earns him a rather dark look as she lifts her eyes from the dubious breakfast.

Jensen just stares right back, unfaltering. That's right. He used the 'm' card. And... does he look /pleased/ when she pulls those waffles closer? Perhaps a touch victorious? Or maybe just smug. Whatever it is, he's smirking at her. He reaches for his mug, tests it, decides whatever it contains is cool enough to drink, and takes a sip. "Deprive me?" He lifts an eyebrow at Essdara, flicks his eyes fro Sefton to the cook. "No such thing happened that I was aware of, anyway. No worries. And," ah yes, the conversation, "I guess you could say that." That was for Sefton of course. "You'll be around for tomorrow? I thought I might bring a little somethin' extra to our little meetings."

Essdara says, "It would be my pleasure, headmaster." Polite, but a genuine eagerness does slip through, even with her irritible mood. Which lightens noticibly as Penny gives in to the inevitable, and she slides the syrup over towards her. "It's some of our best, I snuck a little out since it's, ah, a special meal, and all.""

"It looks like a special meal," Sefton observes mildly, notably sticking to his apple when it comes to his own breakfast. That, and the tea, which he pours now, addressing Jensen with the part of his attention that is not focussed on that task. "I will absolutely be in attendance tomorrow, and every morning thereafter. Dawn meetings do not suit me in the slightest." It might almost be a flicker or irritation at the disruption of his routine, but it's gone almost as quickly as it came. Setting the teapot down, he settles back to watch Penny with the air of one attending public entertainment.

Penny doesn't miss that smug little smile on Jensen's face. Eyes narrowed at him, she picks up the jar, tilting it over the waffles. She looks back down, pouring a liberal amount over them before setting the jar aside. It's like adding a lot of ketchup to a pile of oysters. She reaches out to pick up the fork and then pauses, raising an eyebrow in Sefton's direction -- you did this to me, you bastard, and some day you're -going- to pay. Eyes back on her unfortunate meal, she cuts the corner off of one of the waffles with her fork and, spearing it, swirls it around to make sure it's entirely covered with syrup.

"Good. I'm lookin' forward to it." Jensen manages a pleasant enough smile, which is about as much as one can expect from him right now. /Morning/. He continues to watch Penny with that same blank look on his face, his fingertip tapping very deliberately against the rim of his mug. "Interesting I think that she's so willin' t'do somethin' like this for someone in Dara's position. Innit?" That could be to Sefton. Hard to tell, really. "One's gotta wonder what it is she hopes to /gain/ from this." Very pointed look for the smith on that note, and another of those smirks, and he takes another drink.

Essdara watches Penny, with a mixture of hope, eagerness, and lingering annoyance, but the closer she gets to actually trying it, the happier the cook looks. Jensen's words draw a sharp look from her, though, with a frown.

Sefton meets Penny's gaze with the sort of serenity that can only come from really enjoying watching someone else suffer. He is not outwardly gleeful -- it would be closer to the mark to suggest he is scientifically interested, although his lips still curve to a hint of a smile. Nevertheless, he does not hesitate to undertake an analysis at Jensen's prompting. "I understand they share a friendship of sorts," he offers in a murmur, pausing for a mouthful of tea as he watches Penny's progress. "Evidently she values it, and I suspect she hopes to either strengthen or maintain it by her actions. Or perhaps she simply has faith in the experimental nature of Essdara's ventures."

Penny takes a bite. She chews with every evidence of enjoyment, too, mechanically lowering the fork for another. "It's very good," Penny says, swallowing with only minor difficulties. The next bite is preceeded by a split-second's hesitation, but she continues eating nonetheless. Sure, friendship is the reason -- that or sheer aggravation and humiliation. Another swallow, this time a little more difficult. "I'm right here, you know," she says, eyeing first Sefton, then Jensen.

Jensen is carefully ignoring any hostile looks being sent his way. He knows he'll be paying for this one way or another, but not right /now/. Not when everyone is so, /so/ walking on eggshells. "So you'd agree if I said a friendship, no matter who with, can be beneficial for things other than getting ahead?" And as for Penny 'being right here'? "I know," he tells her, actually smiling genuinely for once.

Essdara beams a smile at Penny. If there is any insincerity in her comment on quality, it is lost on the naive cook. "See? All that over something you actually like. Trust me, I'm usually right." And humble. She sighs, then. "But, alas, I think I shall have to be getting back into the kitchens. Breakfast may be winding down, but that just means lunch is that much closer. If you stop by, Penny, maybe I can make you something tasty as a thank you?" She looks to Sefton, then Jenson. "Headmaster, I will see you soon, I promise. And Jensen... Well, whenever."

"You are indeed," Sefton agrees amiably, finishing off his apple and setting the core aside. Jensen's question is met with thoughtful silence, the man committing himself to a reply only after he's watched Penny struggle through another couple of mouthfuls. "Certainly friendships can offer benefits other than advancement. Some of those benefits will be worthwhile enough to make the friendship worth pursuing, others will be outweighed by disadvantages, or simply not strong enough in their own right to justify the effort." It's a lazy reply, and a politician's reply. He stretches, claiming his mug as he makes ready to rise. "Like Essdara, I am afraid I am summoned by duty. Penny, I will speak to you in class after lunch."

Penny nods, smiling a little as Essdara makes her way out. She even lifts her fork a bit in a half-salute. She returns her attention to the plate, lowering her fork again and slicing off another piece of waffle, as if by sheer force of habit, or as though to prove she wasn't doing it out of friendship. She stops, though, her once exercise-flushed cheeks having frown considerably paler over the course of the ill-fated breakfast conversation; surely, eating such heavy, rich food after having been on a quick jaunt about the bowl, cannot be good for her? And indeed, the fork clatters down after a moment, and she gets up suddenly, her chair scraping on the floor of the cavern, her face pale underneath her natural complexion. "I think I'm gonna be-- I have to go." And she hurries out, leaving her tea untouched on the table.

Jensen can tell an honest answer, or at least one that comes from a person's actual belief, from something out of an etiquette lesson. But he responds to Sefton's reply in a reserved fashion anyway, a slow nod, his eyes still on Penny and her efforts. He makes a face when she looks up, winces when the fork clatters. He even tenses a little like he might go after her, but glances at the headmaster and doesn't. Instead he shrugs a shoulder and stands, gathering the plates and mugs and such. "I have my own things to do. Though this was a pleasant meeting." That's his way of saying 'thanks for the entertainment', really. "Was nice seein' the both o'you. Sefton, in the morning." And with that, and with those dishes in hand, he makes his way for the kitchens.

Essdara watches Penny's abrupt departure with suprise, and looks at the waffles. "OK. Don't make /those/ again." She mutters, and looks decidedly crestfallen as she gathers up the remains and the syrup, pops the cover on, and starts making her way back to the kitchens.

Sefton rises to his feet politely as Penny does, watching her go with that same scientific interest, although he does remove the smile from the equation. "How unfortunate." The observation is a murmur, and then he, too, prepares to leave. "Indeed, Captain. In the morning." And with that, he is gone.

rp, jensen, sefton, penny, lc, essdara

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