
Aug 07, 2006 16:43

Who: Asynnida, Essdara
Where: Bowl, Infirmary, Baths

Asynnida is coming back from the Hold, it seems. The runner doesn't look tired, though, she's matted up. Her hair is a mess and has bits of rocks, leaves, and various other things in there. Her clothes, torn and dirty, ripped as well. Her pants are missing both legs, and look to be serving as make-shift bandages. Her shirt is in the same way, missng a sleeve that serves as a bandage on her arm. Though, she seems blissfully unaware of it.

Essdara is, for her part, walking down the road from the weyr. She wears a troubled expression, one of sadness and loss as she listlessly walks, occaisonally kicking at a stone in front of her. Kick, scuttle. Kick, scuttle. Hands are thrust in pockets, and her shoulders are hunched against nonexistant wind.

Asynnida glances at Dara as she walks, peeking at the older girl. She puts a bright smile onto her face and trots over to the other, despite her full bag. "Dara! I'm glad to see you out here, it's late and I didn't think I'd be back tonight. I didn't want to lie to you, though..." She trails, shifting her look to one of concern. "What's wrong?"

Essdara looks up, a smile starting to form at an unexpected and welcome voice, but it fades as fast as it comes. "Synnie?" Her voice carries concern, "I think I'm the one who should ask that! Why do you look like you got in a fight with a hillside and lost?"

Asynnida smiles brightly, "Yup, it's me." She says, laughing a bit and then looking downwards at herself. "Well, something like that..." She says, "I couldn't help it... There was this really big peak... And, I was about... Well, I tripped. Fell all the way down. Got my arm torn up, and my legs. But, they're not that bad." She says, shrugging a bit. I cleaned it up and got it wrapped."

Essdara looks her over concernedly for a long moment, and sighs deeply, shaking her head. "You... Really know how to break a girlfriend in, don't you, Synnie?" She offers a thin smile. "You know I am going to drag you into the infirmary to be looked over, right?"

Asynnida blinks a bit, tilting her head. "Break in a girlfriend?" She asks, giving Dara a look of concern on her face. "You don't seem well, Dara." The girl notes firmly, crossing her arms, not even noting that she's gripping onto her injured area. "Why? We should be worrying about you, not my little scrapes. You don't seem happy, Dara."

Essdara rolls her eyes, reasching for Synnie's good hand and heading off towards the weyr. "Let's do both. It's still a good long walk back there, unless you have a dragon in that bag I don't know about. I'll tell you why I'm unhappy, if you promise to let me take you to the healers, and then give you a bath."

Asynnida wrinkles her nose a bit, "Okay..." She says, glancing at her bag and then shaking her head. "No dragon. It'd be strange to fit one in there." She says, giggling a bit and then giving Dara a look. "Fine... I don't like the healers, I'm fine. But, if you'll tell me why..." She blushes then, trailing. "Fine, a bath too..."

Essdara keeps a firm grip on her hand, and sighs as they walk along the road to the weyr. "I just had a very unpleasant encounter with Aida. My best friend. Supposedly." She shakes her head. "She's... Well, she'd decided to leave her duties in the infirmary in order to become Sefton's assistant. He's headmaster of the caucus, you know that right? He's... I don't like him, and I very much don't trust him. We... Got into a fight about it." She makes a face. "We are very good at fighting, Aida and I."

Asynnida blinks a bit, "Why are you fighting with her... If she's your best friend?" She asks softly, "Because she's going and making her own decisions, to do what she feels is right for her..." The girl trails softly, moving beside Dara. "You may not like him, but, she may... You should accept that, Dara.." She whispers, giving the older girl a smile. "You should apologize if you started the fight, I think it's silly..."

Essdara sighs and shakes her head, "You don't understand, Synnie. He's going to hurt her. He'll use her to fill his need, and then when something better comes along, he'll cast her aside. I do hope I am wrong, but I sharding well am not about to blindly trust him." She is quiet a moment. "I trusted him for a while. He got my hopes up about things, to the point where I actually thought I might stand a chance at being a student. The look he gave me when I brought it up! It was like I wasn't even worth laughing at. All I ever was was a toy, something to amuse himself with when bored."

Asynnida looks at Dara for a moment, furrowing her brows and then closing her eyes. "Maybe... You'll be wrong, and, you won't have to worry. But... Apologize anyway, so, if it does happen... You'll be there to comfort her..." She whispers softly, slightly falling behind Dara.

Essdara slows down a bit, trying to keep next to her. "I did apologise, but I don't think it helped much, Synnie. I... I admit it's not just that. I'm worried I will lose her. Before I met Aida, my best friend was Roa. And we... Well, she's a goldrider, and I'm a cook. We lost touch, and now she's barely an aquaintence, just someone I know and see now and then. I worry I will lose her, too."

Asynnida furrows her brows and opens her eyes. "Try and show her that you care about her." She says firmly, wrinkling her nose a bit. "Don't do what you did with her then, show her you care. If you do that, I think... She'll come around and understand."

Essdara nods softly. "I'm not going to easily let her go. After you, she's probably the person I want in my life most. We've gotten each other over some hard times since we met. Near killed each other once or twice, but that's us!"

Asynnida nods her head a bit. Okay..." She says softly. "I don't want you to give up on your friend... It'd be bad..." Her brows furrow and she gives Dara a look. She doesn't say anything, just walking with Dara now.

Essdara gives her hand a squeeze. "You, beloved, should know as much as anyone how hard I will work to not lose someone. If I wasn't, you'd be alone now and I'd be miserable." She glances around. "Almost there..."

Asynnida smiles sweetly, giggling softly. "I know. I'm glad that you don't give up easily." She says, starting to move ahead of Dara. "I don't want to go in there, so, let's hurry up." And with that, the runner's off, tugging at Dara to go faster.

Essdara is not above running; far from it, she runs a lot when she can't sleep. She grins to Synnie, "You /are/ going in there. If you won't, I'll cry, and then you will be sad."

Asynnida wrinkles her nose. "I said lets go before I change my mind. Well, it's what I meant." She say, giving a look to Dara before she begins running too.

Asynnida veers left down the tunnel into the lower caverns.

The infirmary has darkened. the sun no longer shines in, and cold seeps over the room. That shouldn't matter, the one occupant is healthy, a new healer journeyman, working part-time in the infirmary while at Caucus. The shift has been long, but mostly peaceful. A stack of pages, open to last one sits on one of the tables, testament to this fact. The journeyman, Medina by name, walks purposefully around the room, setting up a minimum of glows, closing the large bronze shutters against the early spring night.

Essdara trots into the Infirmary,hand in hand with a reluctant Assynida. She is smiling to the other girl fondly. "I am sure it will not take long, Synnie, but I am going to look after you regardless. And you're lucky, if Aida still worked in here, she'd really give you a scolding for me."

Asynnida wrinkles her nose, "Won't take long? It'll take /forever/." The runner practically whines out, "It's not that bad, Dara..." She pops out her bottom lip in a bit of a pout, frowning at Dara now.

Medina turns from latching the last shutter. She has not been in the Weyr for long enough, and her Holder sensibilities have not entirely broken down. Nothing betrays this, though beyond a brief raising of an eyebrow, a pursing of the lips, as she looks at the conjoined hands, overhears the exchange between the pair. "Can I help you?" she asks, and her face has already returned to that healer's mask, the reserved 'nothing can surprise me' look. Nothing to tell if she has recognised the cook she met barely four days previously.

Essdara motions at the battered, scraped, and bedraggled girl she is unwillingly dragging in. "Her, ma'am. I think she fell off a cliff or something, and she's, ah, stubborn about being checked over to make sure she's ok. Would you help us, please, ma'am?"

Asynnida doesn't look at the healer, simply keeping her bottom lip out like it is as she watches Dara. "I fell." Is all she says, crossing her arms and wrinkling her nose. "It doesn't hurt, I don't see why they have to be looked at.. Dara..."

Since she walked in the room, Medina has been assessing the the cook's woman. Essdara, that was her name. She indicates a bed for the girl, waits for her to walk over, watching for the limp. "My name's Medina. What's yours?"

"Essdara, ma'am." Dara answers easily, as she urges Syn towards the bed Medina desired. "Surprised we haven't met, really, clumsy as I am at times. I once managed a visit every day for a week."

Asynnida moves over towards the bed, slightly limping, though not looking bothered by it. She settles herself there, keeping her arm crossed and she turns her gaze towards Dara and the healer. Keeping very quiet, though.

Medina grimaces at hersellf for not making herself clearer. It was the /other/ girls name she wanted. With the injured girl on the bed, she checks her out thoroughly. Bruises, mostly, the one on the thigh going deep into the muscle. Gently she unwraps the makeshift bandage of dirty clothes. Tsks as she sees the state of the large gash. "Most of your injuries are minor. This" And she indicates the gash "will need to be treated by someone better skilled at stitching. I find one for you." She turns on her heel and strides purposefully out the room.

Medina exits through the short tunnel that leads to the bowl.

The healer who comes over takes a look at the gash and gives a soft tsk. He shakes his head, and quickly washes his hands. He brings a small bowl of water with a sponge over and starts gently washing the would to get it clean. Dara watches with obvious concern in her face, worried for Synnie.

Asynnida simply turns her gaze towards the gash, staring at it for a long moment before she glances back at Dara. Giving her a smile. "You don't have to worry, Dara. I'm not dying." She states, giggling a bit idly.

The gash is clean, and then the sweet relief of numbweed. The healers movements and actions are deft and sure, and while he doesn't speak, it's obvious he knows his trade. Thread comes out, and the sharp needles used for knitting flesh. Dara winces, but doesn;t look away. "I know you're not, Synnie. I just worry about you, you know? You'd do the same if you found me looking like that!"

Asynnida doen't blink as the gash is getting some cleaning. She simply shrugs it off and shows no relief as the numbweed is set. She almost looks... Mad about it. There's nothing to worry about. It doesn't /hurt/. And, of course I would. For you."

Gash is closed and tied off. "Come back in a week and we'll see what has come of it. Don't see any reason it shouldn't heal clean, but if it looks odd or swells up, come in right away." He looks between them a moment with a disapproving frown, and turns his back on them. Dara glares a bit at the retreating figure, then sighs and offers Syn a hand. "C'mon. Think we both could use a bit of cleanup."

Asynnida is quiet oblivious of the look he gives them, simply nodding once he's done. She shifts herself into a standing position, taking Dara's hand and smiling. "Okay... You said something about a bath, anyway..."

Essdara nods, and leads her out and to the baths.

Asynnida follows Dara into the baths, starting to hum softly. The runner smiles at Dara, "What's wrong? You got quiet, again." She says, giving the older girl a look.

Essdara returns the smile easily. "Sometimes, I just don't have anything to say." She moves to one of the pools and sits to take off her boots. "It... Really doesn't hurt? All the little scrapes and stuff?"

Asynnida nods her head, moving to the pool as well and slipping off her boots. "If you say so, just thought you were bugged by something." She says, then glances at her legs, then to Dara. "Nope. Not any of them. I mean, I felt it. But, it doesn't hurt much. Maybe I'm immune." The runner shrugs and slips off her pants, then.

Essdara gives her a curious look. She pauses in her own disrobing to quietly watch the runner as she removes dirty and shredded clothing. "We should have gotten you something clean to put on, before we came in." She comments lightly.

Asynnida shrugs her shoulders, laughing. "Wouldn't help much with other close being bad, too. Ripped and such." She says, shrugging. "I'll get some new ones, eventually. I'll just have to go back naked, huh?" The runner laughs, slipping off her shirt as well, humming.

Essdara laughs softly, and once Syn is undressed, finishes her own undressing. "I'll look in the stores for you, there's always reasonable things. Better than that, anyway..." A soft grin, "I never had new clothes until recently, and even then only a dress for that party." She slips into the water.

Asynnida takes to ruffling the things from her hair before slippingg into the pool. The tunnker takes a very sharp intake of breath with the wateron fresh wounds. The lets out a soft sigh, too, relaxing as she settles into the pookclosing her eyes. "Thanks... Dara..." She murmurs out, smiling. "I can't keep my clothes whole for too long..."

Essdara smiles, and scoots over next to her in the water. "Well, perhaps you could stop falling and hurting yourself so much. I bet it would be a lot easier on your wardrobe." She reaches out to trace one of the smaller bruises with a soft finger. "You look like you've been beaten. It doesn't suit you."

asynnida, baths, rp, bowl, infirmary, essdara

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