(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 00:03

Who: Roa, Rysia, Tavaly, Essdara
Where: Infirmary

Roa sits upright in bed, propped up by pillows. Her hair is down and she wears an infiramry gown. She's currently speaking with Tavaly and running her fingers through a large rabbit-fur blanket draped across her lap. It's a collection of rabbit pelts, the central design that of a gold dragon, wings spread, with a little dark-haired rider atop her. Tialith is mostly in the dragon infirmary, though her head and neck are on the human side and she's peering down at the blanket. Under one slightly outstretched Tia wing there is a little green dragon that honks every so often.

"It's just amazing Tavaly. I, well, no one's ever...thank you." Roa sighs softly, leaning back against the pillows. "How are things? With you, I mean?"

Rysia enters from the living cavern.

Essdara slips into the infirmary from the living caverns, a small covered basket carried in one hand. It's not hard to find where she wants to go; Tialith is like a sign over Roa. She heads towards where the goldrider rests, expression unreadable.

"If no one's ever, then they shoulda. Stupid gits." Tav says firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Strikes me as funny, no fella's asked for ya while you've been here. Obviously one of th'prettiest gals here." Tav grumps solidly. "Tain't right, them all ignorin' sheer beauty. Idjits." The greenrider leans back on the stool. Too far. It topples and Tav's booted feet poke up slightly. Oh well. "Been okay. Sleeping better than I have for many many Turns." For good reasons. "Doing drills solidly.. Always feels like we're preparing for something huge. I guess that's what graduating weyrlinghood is supposed to feel like, though, isn't it?" Though Roa can't quite see it, Tav is beaming.

Immath lifts her nose and chucks it up in the air a few times. Yea, that's right. We gon' gradjiate! Woot.

Roa leans forward a little, peering down as Tavaly topples. "I think you're overestimating me a bit there," is murmured as boys are ranted on. She would, perhaps, shout for help except that the greenrider goes on as if nothing at all happened and, well, they *are* in an infirmary. Borser, the guard posted at the door, lifts his eyebrows but doesn't say a thing. Sure as spit doesn't offer to help. He only observes, noting Essdara as she arrives. So does Tialith, to rumbles out a wlecome and then so does Roa. "Hello, Dara." A long quiet moment as she studies the other girl. "How're you doing?"

Rysia, having caught sight of a favorite cook, slips into the infirmary a moment or three after said Dara, and peers about. The odd gets a glance before the familiar, and Tava is blinked at. Then Roa. Silent for a long moment, she then makes her way over, and peers down at the greenrider, her own head upside down to the rider, braid hanging over one shoulder towards the girl. "Good view, Tava?" she asks, before straightening up. "'lo, Roa."

Essdara nods to Roa with a polite smile. "Weyrwoman. I am well, thank you for asking. Heard you were hurt, and thought I would drop by to see if it was true. Which it clearly is." She offers the basket. "Some sweets and pastries, I thought you might enjoy them." She looks over to Tava, and chuckles softly. "Tava? You ok?"

"Dara! Light of the weyr." Tav perks, throwing a hand up in the air and waving. To Rysia, the girl merely cackles. "It will be if you bring that skirt of yours just a little bit closer." Oh god. She hit her head. Oh, wait.. she was like this before. Nevermind. Her head lifts, however. "Pastries? Ja try that recipe Issa got from her mother?" FOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

And then Rysia arrives as well and Roa manages a smile for this new appearance. "Hullo, Rysia," is spoken softly. She looks over at Dara as she fully arrives and speaks, and at the title of 'weyrwoman', Roa's gaze slides away and a faint bit of hurt makes itself known on her face before it's quickly tucked away. "That's very kind of you, Essdara. Thank you for thinking of me." Hands are held out for the basket and then she adds, "My appetite's been a bit off. I hope you don't mind if I invite Rysia and Tavaly to share some as well?"

Rysia blinks once down at the greenrider, then asks a bit of bemused smile evident, "Did ya hit your head, darling?" Roa gets a tilt of the head, then asks, slightly teasing, "I think I should ask Koyln to make you a headboard with your name here - on the other hand, it's bein' a wonderful way to get all sorts o'goodies."

Essdara shakes her head, "No, there's plenty there for anyone you want to share it with. I assumed you would have visitors, and I know you would want to share." She glances at Rysia and Taval, shaking her head a bit and smiling. "She's always entertaining."

"Naw, but she did!" Tav points at Roa. "Whacked it good, but she's still smart as a whip, so I guess it's okay. Wish I could say the same for myself, but.. meh. Can't all be lucky." Ow. It's okay. She's had concussions before. Lots. Which explains a few things. "Speaking of skirts. Dara." She pops up, looking dizzy a moment before focusing on the Dara in the middle of the other two. "My ma sent me one that doesn't fit. I got a liddle pudgier than I think she's expectin' me to. Y'want it? It'll go well with your hair, it's all.. rustic and pretty and stuff." Oh look, a bunny..

The basket is gently flipped open and she offers, to the room at large, but the three girls specifically, "Please help yourseles." As far as headboards and anmes, there goes the pink in her cheeks turning to red. "I...seem to have had a clumsy streak, lately." Uh huh. "I think I should be fine and back to rights in a bit, though. Uhm, Tavaly, you sure you're all right?"

Essdara looks at Roa for a long moment, then shakes her head and looks over to Tavaly. "It sounds lovely, Tava. If you are not going to wear it, I would certainly be happy to give it a good home, assuming it fits of course. Thank you very much for the offer, either way."

Rysia chuckles quietly, and shakes her head, patting the greenrider on the shoulder, before finding an empty cot to perch on, after snagging a snack, "Eh, I have three, Roa - Kol did one in wood, m'mum did one in cloth, and da just scrounged up a blank board to attach either to." A nibble is taken, then Dara gets a lopsided grin, "Tasty as always, Dara."

"Yea, totally. I've hugged you before. It'll fit ya." Tav says then rests back down on the floor. To Roa, the girl kinda.. half-laughs. "Uh. Yes?" Oo, pretty stars. A moment goes by where Tav stares blankly at the ceiling and then closes her eyes and falls into sleep. Beyond Immath cocking her head to the side, everything is normal in the land of greenlings.

Roa looks, well, not at all comforted by the fact that Tavaly has just passed out. She says, to Dara, "I think ...I mean...maybe she needs a healer?" Her fingers curl around the sides of her backet and at Rysia's description of the many signs she has, her brows lift in mild amazement.

Essdara nods slightly to Roa. "Would seem she does." A sigh, and she turns and walks towards the healer who noticed her earlier - Borser. A brief chat with him, and a motion towards the still greenrider, and the pair come back together. Dara moves away to the side, agaisnt the side of Roa's bed, to let the man look after her friend.

"C'mon, maw, s'not daylight yit." Mutter mutter. What's that smell? It's Dara food. REVIVAL! Tav's head comes up again and she peers over the edge of Roa's cot. Basket. Cloth. Two plus two equals yummies, and Tav snakes a hand out. "I love Dara's cooking. It's like.." She won't say what it's like because that's just inappropriate, and weyrlings don't do that sort of thing. Right? "What's this about blank board?" Tav quirks a brow to Rysia as a pastry disappears between her fangy jaws.

Rysia blinks at the rider, a frown appearing, then saying to no-one in particular, "I know too many people kowin' the healers too well...." before shaking her head and looking at Roa, then Tav, "... you /have/ seen me in the livin' cavern, right? The fact I bounce off so many benches, tables an' walls, that if I lift up m'skirts, you don't see skin, just bruises? That doesn't just be happenin' there. It's /everywhere/. And the Weyr has stairs."

The healer arrives, takes a long look at the antics of those around Roa's bed, and wordlessly departs as Tavaly ingests a cookie with alarming speed. Roa reaches into the basket herself, drawing out one of the plainer confections and pulling off a piece to chew quietly. "It's wonderful," she murmurs, again watching Dara with a sort of silent scrutiny. Then, to Rysia she says, "Is there any way that you could...I don't know...learn how to fall less?" Are we sure Roa's blow to the head didn't make her dumber?

Essdara can't not laugh. "I don't think she has much choice in it, really. I've seen her, and I swear, chairs move to be in her way. It's amazing. She's the opposite of those people who can flow through a crowd without the slightest disturbance to the people they are pushing past. And thank you all.. I've been working on my baking a lot lately, our new Weyrwoman, and G'thon, have a sweet tooth."

"Bruises are sexy." Tav pulls back a sleeve, talking around a mouthful of Dara-nummies. Clear as day, two half-moon bruises facing eachother. "Mat got testy and bit me the other day. Kinda rugged, doncha think?" In a room full of skirts, Tav wears old boots, pants, and probably boxers. Oh, Discordia. "Fall less? Let's put her in a big puffy suit." Dara gets a big grin. "Well, if you need taste-testers.." Then talk of Yevide. And a cackle. A few crumbs cling to Tav's chin. "I put an egg in her shoe."

To Roa, "Given last time I sprained m'ankle, I was standing /utterly still/ in the cavern.... Doubt it.." There's a bit of a chuckle at Essdara, and a nod, before saying around her sample, "Perfect." Tava gets a blink, then Rys comments dryly, "... right now, no one thinks bruises be sexy on me - an' no, that's not an offer, anyone.." she adds on, the slight shadow that appears immediately hidden. Then she adds, "No puffy suits. I'm not vain, but there still be limits."

Roa bites her lower lip, fighting back a smile as Dara laughs, and then she shakes her head, grin breaking free at Tavaly's commentary on bruises and puffy clothing. It's Rysia though, with her small shadows and her words of being sexy or no that chases the smile away again. Roa swallows softly. She gets it. Or thinks she does.

Essdara seems to, too, the unconcious reply to her weaver friend bitten back before it escapes. She gives a soft laugh at Tavaly's recommendation instead, shaking her head, "It's an idea, but I don't think she'd let us get away with it. Some people are just destined to be hurt, no matter what their friends think of it."

You gotsa purdy mouth, girl. Tav beams at Rysia and just cackles around the remains of pastry still clinging to her lips. Oh, yea. Crumbs. Tongue action, go! (shut up, Dara. XD) "Used to be major accident prone. Heck, still catch half the danger in daily doings. Walking, for instance, is a very dangerous sport." Tav stares blankly for a moment. Starity stare. Grrrrrin. "Excuse me ladies, I have a weyr to destroy with strewn clothing." She rises, pats Roa's hand, smooches Dara's forehead and.. Leans in to lick Rysia's cheek before skittering away like a lascivious beetle.

Rysia starts to say something to Roa, then is distracted by Tava. The weaver leans back in mock-surprise - luckly, the folded blanket and pillow fall off the other side helped by her hands, cushioning her landing, as now it's her feet in the air - and a bit of legs, "... you did that on purpose, didn't you?" she accuses the skittering away rider.

"Never tried weaver, before!" Tav says with a high whoop as she vaults over Immath's nose, the dragon chucking upwards to send Tav sailing up and over. The girl lands with an audible 'OOF' and turns to strap in. Within a few moments, the green trundles gently out from under Tialith's wing and departs. Honk honk.

Hands cover face at Tavaly's antics, her head shaking slowly. The half-eaten cookie sits in her lap for the moment, little bits of sugar sprinkling the new blanket bestowed on her by said rider. "My friends are wierd," comes the muffled comment from beneath her hands.

Essdara looks over at Roa, and giggles softly. "So are mine, by and large. But it makes for a life that isn't boring. Besides, who hasn't had the urge to give Rysia a good licking?" She glances at the toppled weaver. "At least she landed softly."

From the otherside of the cot, one booted foot wiggles, "With friends like these...." Rys trails off, before struggling back to her feet, a bit of calf flashed at those in the infirmary - and yes, while there are bruises, no where near as many as she said. "Hopefully mosta the weyr? Cause if they start drinkin' whatever Tava has been at, I'm gonna hide!"

Roa drops her hands from her face, leaning back into the pillows as Tialith lowers her own head to the floor with a soft sigh. "At least there's already healers around," she murmurs with a yawn. "I'm sorry Rysia...Dara...you can stay if you like but I don't..." a slow swallow and a heavy blink, "I don't think I'm going to make very good company for much longer." Those eyelids droop down again, much as Roa tries to urge them back up again.

Essdara stands, and offers Roa an uncomfortable smile. "I hope you feel better, Roa. You really need to watch these 'accidents', a lot of people would be upset if something really harmful happened. Sleep well, ma'am." She backs away slowly, towards Rysia.

Rysia glances over, then nods, "Sleep safe, Roa. We'll come an' visit later..." With that, and a return of blanket - refolded - and pillow on the bed, she moves to meet Dara towards the entrance.

"G'night," the Telgari murmurs, watching the two girls depart. As they dissapear out the doorway, however, Roa is already asleep, mouth slightly open, breathing deep.

Rysia follows Dara out, with only one collision with the entrance. She didn't need that hip.

rp, rysia, infirmary, tavaly, roa, essdara

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