A greenrider and a cook walk into a bath...

Jul 18, 2006 19:12

Who: Tavaly, Essdara
Where: Hot Springs/Dragon Baths
When: Before Issa's Flight
Comment: Dara and Tavaly catch up when both are sober, and Things are Discussed

Steam and snow. The drapes to the bathes have been swept aside, and the contrast, for the bath's inhabitants, have found the contrast pleasant. For the green and her rider, this is especially true. Tav's head rests against the side of the wide pool and Immath plays in the deep end.

Essdara arrives in the baths unceremoniously, with a shiver and a not-very-quiet swear. "It's getting colder, I swear!" She mutters, as she makes for the pool. Looking around, her face falls with dissapointment; whoever she was looking for isn't here. But look! Tavaly! She'll do, and with a bright smile Dara moves over towards her. "Tava! Wasn't expecting to see yuo here!"

She'll do? Bah! "I wasn't either, but then Immath felt like a bath." She explains, turning around to face the girl. "She's all scrubbed clean, so now she's just enjoying the swim. How you doin'?"

Essdara grins, and disrobes while she answers the greenrider. "Doing great, and happy to see you as always." Into the water to thaw, with a happy sigh. "I was hoping to see Da here, cause it's been a few weeks, but I guess he must have changed when he brings Korth down."

Tavaly tilts her head for a moment. "What wing does your da fly in? He might be with the group doing drills over the hold today." She offers as a possible explanation. She beckons the girl over. Currently, she's dressed in her usual bath gear: tank and breeks. "Want something to drink? Got a pitcher of klah with me."

Essdara grins and shakes her head, "He was in 3c, but I think he transferred into another one when he was all healed up. Truth be told, I am sad to say, I don't keep that close of attention of late. We've never been /that/ close, but I do like to see him every few weeks." She moves to sit by the greenrider. "You feeling any better? You were a bit off the other night..."

Tavaly nods her head several times at the question. "Aye, I am. If I see your da, I'll tell him to be a good boy and pay attention to the best daughter in the world." She says, pouring a mug of klah for Dara and handing it over to her. Immath rumbles to the girl, nose casting up bubbles. "Ye. Had a couple rough days, but I'm good as new, now. Stayed in T'zen's weyr last night. Thinkin' I might just filter in without him noticin'."

Essdara grins and takes the cup, sipping gingerly. "I told you to do that months ago. I figure you could remodel the whole thing and he'd probably not notice. Not the most observant bloke, our T'zen." She leans over against Tava, with a grin, "Guess this means that was my only chance to spend a night with you, oh mistress of wine?"

Tavaly snorts. "Hardly. I intend to have more slumber parties. Maybe we can convince Aida to come up, too." The greenrider slings an arm around the girl and relaxes further. There is comfort. "So. Interesting. K'sar tried to make a pass at me." She glances sideways at Dara, waiting for a reaction.

Essdara smiles a bit, "Aida is good to slumber with, I admit. Keeps nightmares and insomnia away better than any tea. As for K'sar... Who doesn't he make a pass at?" A soft snort. "But, then, I'm irritated with him. He's all determined to have a 'chat' with the brownrider Aida's been eyeing up, and won't listen to a word of reason that when she finds out she'll want to skin him alive. Just dismissed everything I said, like he knows her better than me. Not that he ever listens to me, anyway. I think he still sees me as some silly little girl, entranced by the noble bronzerider."

"I thwacked him over the head." Tav says with a smirk. "You tell Aida that she can tell K'sar where to stuff it. If she wants to chase after a brownrider, I say go for it. It's her heart and she's a big girl. Take care of herself. As can you. Where he comes from, the men know women to be weaker, mousey. I don't think he knows how to rightly handle us gals that kick ass and take care of ourselves. We're a tough breed, Dara. Men just don't deserve us." She sips at her klah, leaning to the side and popping a smooch onto the girl's cheek. "Next time he don' listen, you tell 'im I'll knock 'is lights out."

Essdara laughs softly, "You know, that could be part of why I've always prefered to share my bed with women. But I don't have to tell Aida anything, she's more than capable of taking care of herself. Faranth knows she's ripped me to shreds a time or two!" A soft laugh. "Mmm. Speaking of all that, have I mentioned lately how lucky T'zen is?"

"Yes." Tav says with a smile. "But I've learned a great deal, lately, about what a greenrider is supposed to embody." She says with a conspiratorial smirk. "However. I am not just a greenrider. Unfortunately, unlike some.. other.. riders. I have this horrible sense of propriety. Catch me after Immath's first flight. She might just change my mind." She ruffles Dara's hair a moment and smiles. "You like Aida?"

Essdara grins and nods against Tavaly. "It's a standing offer, and not one I plan to make as carelessly as I have in the past. That's part of my newfound sense of self, too, deciding there should be something special about being with me. And Aida is my best friend, and I love her dearly. She's done so very much for me, I can't even begin to say."

Tavaly smiles softly and once more kisses the girl, this time on the forehead. And this time, much more reverently. "You've gotten so Shardin' grown up over the past Turn. I find myself extremely fortunate to know you. You deserve the best, you know. You're so good to everyone else.." Tav sips her klah once more. "And you're right. In a place like this, it's hard to remember that the giving of onesself is sacred and special. People take it for granted. Dragonriders take it for granted. If my ma knew about all that, she'd throw a flying fit."

Essdara blushes softly. "Thank you, Tavaly. I think I've come a long way, specially the last couple months, and I am proud of myself for it. It hasn't been easy, and I don't think many people have noticed. But it matters to me that you did. I grew up here at the Weyr, so it was never... Special and sacred, as you say. And I have other reasons I felt the way I did, like it was all I was good for. But I am learning, however slowly, that that is not true, and I am not defined by my deficiencies."

"Or by what sits under your clothes." She furthers, poking the girl in the nose. "The Reaches breeds a different kind of woman. We're strong, able, and absolutely in control, if we choose to be. Take you and me. We're tough nuts. Compared to us, Roa is a delicate blossom. Sure, she's got her moments, and that's most excellent, but we.. we have harnessed it." Her hand grips thin air for a moment. "We don't have to live by their rules. Anyones rules. We know our boundaries, and by Faranth's nose-hairs, we can expand them whenever we want." She leans back, head tilting to the ceiling. "You need to Impress so we can fight side by side."

Essdara laughs softly, "Don't underestimate her, Tava. Just cause I don't feel for her like I did, doesn't mean I don't respect her. She looks soft, and the world sees her that way... But she's as hard as any of us under there, and don't you doubt it for an instant." The last has her quiet a long moment, though. "I don't think that's ever going to happen, Tavaly. I enjoy my life as it is, and I am happy and content. I feel no desire to go through the ordeal of Standing and not Impressing a few times before ending up back where I am."

"Oh, I don't underestimate her. In fact, I sort of envy her. She has the grace to communicate with the political world, and the gusto to take on our world, too. She's a double edged sword - crafted expertly. She's the perfect Goldrider, I swear." Tav says with a smile. "Consider her a good friend, I do. Maybe she should come to our slumber party, too." Girls night? Oh yes. It's time. At Dara's reply, Tav grows a little sad. "Done it before, huh? Well, blast. I just know there's a dragon in the great wide open somewhere in the future for ya. Gotta be." Hell, one chose her.

Essdara shakes her head, "No, I've never, and I don't really want to. I'm not dragonrider material, and that's not a bad thing. The world needs good cooks to keep you riders fed, after all, and I am a /great/ cook. So I will keep avoiding the people out coercing people into Standing, and get on with my life. And I think Roa would like that, being invited. She's a good friend to have." A grin. "Owe her a lot, too, not the least of which for putting up with me being stupid so long."

Tavaly laughs at that. Not the first part, that she listens to with a respectful quiet, and a nod or two, but the last part. That is what she laughs at. "Darlin', I 'bout knocked her on her arse. If you thought puttin' up with you is tough? Psh. You're an angel, a Shardin' angel and a ruttin' good cook. Oh! That reminds me. You think tomorrow'd be okay t'teach me how t'cook somethin'? I wanna help out with dinner, since I don't hafta do elevator duties tomorrow."

Essdara grins, "I'd be happy to teach you, Tavaly. I'm working on getting a new recipe more widely accepted that is so easy that even you can do it. And you may have knocked her on her ass, but I bet you didn't follow her around like a lovesick puppy! Shards, I'm embarressed just thinking about it."

Tavaly grows a little quiet at that. "That's.. the same thing Penny called Jen, once. Lovesick pup. You know.. I hadn't been able to place it before." Tav closes her eyes, sniffing at the air. "Jen's shirt smelled like perfume, when I saw him last. Strikes me that I smelled it before. In the infirmary after Turn's End went bad. Roa's." Her eyes pop open. "Holy shells. Do you think Roa.. and.. my brother..?"

Essdara is quiet a moment at that, and then shrugs. "I suppose anything is possible, Tavaly. I've never seen them together, though, so if they did they did a good job keeping it quiet." She grins a bit, "General advice recommends goldriders and greenriders not be virgin when it comes time for their first flight. Jensen and Roa... I can't think of many I would trust more, can you? Someone like K'sar? T'zen?"

An eye shifts towards Dara. "What, you mean for Roa? I'd smack T'zen in the head. K'sar.. no. For her, if it had to be someone.. I'd like it to be Jen. At least he's not arrogant. Or a dragonrider. If anyone'd take good care of her, it'd be him. That I know." This explains soooo much. "I dunno if I should ask him or not. I mean.. it's none of my business, but.. he's been so down lately.. Shoot. Men are tough."

Essdara giggles softly, "So I hear. I'll stick with my nice, simple women. They are never confusing or overwhelming, not at all." More seriously, "But I agree. He is who I would choose for her, and it does have to be someone. As old as Tialith is, I can't imagine it will be all that much longer." She looks across the baths. "Or for Immath..."

Eyes skirt across the room to where the green has her chin lodged atop the flat, body submerged. A nice rest. "I.. dunno. R'vain stays those days are still pretty far off. For weyrlings, I mean. I dunno. I'm no expert on this sort of thing. Hope she never rises.." This last is spoken quietly, shoulders slumping.

Essdara nuzzles her shoulder softly. "It scares you, Tava? I didn't think anything could. I've always found it beautiful, the way they flight during Flights... Some days, when I really need to cheer up, I'll try to see one if I can."

"K'sar told me about them. From his perspective. If what he says is true, then I'll kill the rider who comes at me.." She hisses between her teeth, eyes staring at the water. "He's said he's heard women riders scream in horror before. When you're caught in a flight, you are your dragon, there's no start or stop, no gentle, no easy.. no kisses. Just taking, and taking. I've.. never.." She sighs. "I dunno. I guess - it'd probably be better if it happened before Immath rises. That way it won't be.. I dunno. Wrecking?"

Essdara nods softly. "It will be better, Tavaly. Flights should not be your first. I've never been in one, but I have talked to a lot of riders who have. It's intense, and powerful, and overwhelming. It isn't romantic, it isn't gentle... But it can be enjoyed, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. But if your first time is a memory of pain, of fear... It will taint them all. You have T'zen, there is no reason for it to come to that."

Her eyes scan the ground for a moment. The ground moves. It's water. Oh. The baths. She got lost for a moment. "He's kind of dense. I think.. I tried once, but he just.. I dunno. He flew off. I'm not sure if he knew, or just got scared away or something, but.. Yea. Didn't go so well." She sighs softly. "Gonna try again. Have to. I don't want it all to be horrid."

Essdara kisses her shoulder softly. "I'd say wait until your weyrling restrictions are lifted. They will leave you enough time. If she starts getting weird before then... You always have the option. But don't risk getting in trouble to rush this." A grin, "Unless you just want to bed T'zen anyway, then I'd say just be naked in his bed when he gets home."

Tavaly chokes on a drink of her mug. And then laughs so much that it echoes throughout the cavern. Immath's head raises and cuts Tav's mirth short. "Hey, something's goin' on out there. Grab a blanket and let's go!"

rp, hot springs, tavaly, essdara

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